peers post data information and knowledge

Demonstrate more depth and thought than simply stating that “I agree” or “You are wrong.” Guidance is provided for you in each discussion prompt.

Peers post:

I currently work on combat control computer systems with the Navy at a Warfare center in New England. There are many different KM systems throughout all of the Warfare centers, the individual compounds themselves and within each project or code at each center. There is tons and tons of data coming in and out and without active and up kept systems it would be tough to take all of that data and make useful information out of it.

A big thing for integration and scheduling of projects is being able to track where all of the projects are at in the process, what time and or man hours are required for certain projects and being able to de-conflict and forecast the future based on where the current projects are at on their time-line. The way this happens is the engineers and scientists that are the lead for their respective project or task will upload their status information to the database that is used on the compound. From there higher end supervisors take all of the information and de-conflict for their department. After that, the departments get together and share all of the information they have pulled off the database from the individual projects in their department to put together the big schedule and planning for future projects. The budget is all tied to this as well it is just another large example of another database and how data goes in and info comes out.


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