personality traits and culture 200 300 words

Short essay (200-300 words)

1. Write a brief description of two universal personality traits.
2. Then describe two culture-specific personality traits for American and Chinese.
3. Explain how culture influences personality development.
4. Finally, discern two ways these culture-specific personality traits might impact a scholar-practitioner.

  • Course Text: The Handbook of Culture and Psychology
    • Chapter 13, “Culture and Human Inference: Perspectives From Three Traditions”
    • Chapter 17, “Culture and Social Cognition: Toward a Social Psychology of Cultural Dynamics”
  • Article: Allik, J., Realo, A., Mõttus, R., Borkenau, P., Kuppens, P., & HÅ™ebíčková, M. (2010). How people see others is different from how people see themselves: A replicable pattern across cultures. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 99(5), 870–882.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the PsycARTICLES database.
  • Article: McCrae, R. R., Terracciano, A., De Fruyt, F., De Bolle, M., Gelfand, M. J., & Costa Jr., P. T. (2010). The validity and structure of culture-level personality scores: Data from ratings of young adolescents. Journal of Personality, 78(3), 815–838.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Medline With Full Text database.
  • Article: Schmitt, D. P., Realo, A., Voracek, M., & Allik, J. (2008). Why can’t a man be more like a woman? Sex differences in Big Five personality traits across 55 cultures. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 94(1), 168–182.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the PsycARTICLES database.

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