Personas For Project Design

Quiz application


Questionnaire Information:

1. I’m going to select the quiz application, my project for my questionnaire and I’ve selected all age group people for that.

2. I need information from them about the interest of each age group and how much they are interested in that.



1. Your Name:


2. Your age group:

1. 15-25

2. 25-35

3. 35-45

4. 45 above

3. What interests you the most?

1. Games

2. Politics

3. Movies

4. Sports

4. How many hours do you spend in self-study?

1. Below 2

2. 2-3

3. Above 3

5. Do you like playing quizzes or games on computer?

1. Yes

2. No

6. Rate your interest in quiz games out of 5:

1. Worst

2. Bad

3. Average

4. Good

5. Best


7. How often you participate in a discussion:

1. Once a week

2. Twice

3. Thrice

4. Daily

8. What kind of topics you like to discuss in your conversation:


9. How many times you go to the gym for your physical fitness?

1. Once a week

2. Twice a week

3. Thrice a week

4. Daily

10. How important are the political issues in your life?

1. I don’t care about it

2. Slightly important

3. Definitely important

4. Very important

11. What sports do you like the most?


12. What is your favorite game in computer games?


13. What genre do you like the most in games?

1. RPG (role playing games)

2. FPS (First person shooting)

3. Strategy

4. Simulation

5. Fighting

6. Sports

14. Which is the most important thing about video games

1. Graphics

2. Game play

3. Sound

4. Customization

15. What is preferable in quiz game?

1. More options

2. Life lines

3. Difficult questions

16. How much have you spent on a game and what game?

1. 2 hours

2. 4 hours

3. 6 hours

4. above

17. Is education necessary for the intelligence or knowledge is enough?

1. Education

2. knowledge

18. Which color do you think is the best for the interactive screen for quiz game


19. What services do you think should be in a quiz game or application?


20. Would you like to play a new game which tells you about the interest you have and then play quizzes according to your interests?

1. Yes

2. No


Questionnaire Response Type:

1. Demographic = Open ended was the only way

2. Age group = Select options are easy over open ended

3. Already availing any service = yes/no is better suited because this is a conclusion question

4. Importance of education and knowledge = Select options are easy over open ended

5. Appearance of application = options can describe the answer here

6. Work and interest preference = options can describe the answer here

7. Necessity of application = yes/no would be best to conclude

8. Balanced interest = yes/no can conclude

9. Source of information = options are better to describe

10. Feedback for new application = open ended for the description in detail


Summary for Survey

Survey plan

1. Group would use the universities and other quiz applications where young and middle age boys are there and offices and parks for upper age people are there.

2. Sequence is started from

a. Name and general information

b. Type of interest

c. Ask the interest level in politics

d. Ask the interest level in sports

e. Ask the interest level in games

f. Environment and color scheme and other questions about application should be

g. Preference of user

h. He prefers education over knowledge or discourage the education

i. Source of information of marketing

j. Feedback from user in addition

k. About the application and if interested in playing new app.

This survey defines the interest level in each category that is sports, games, movies and politics. By asking each category we can have the idea about the taste and mindset of the person. So we can have the questions majority in our quizzes according to the that category, we can make this more detailed if want to have a detailed look but right now it’s good to have the idea just what type of a person is taking the quiz.

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