Persuasive Speech




Godfrey, E. M. (2015). Helping clinicians prevent pregnancy among sexually active adolescents: US medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use and US selected practice recommendations for contraceptive use. Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology, 28(4), 209-214.

The author of the article argues that the rates of teenage births in the United States are on the increase. The high rates of teen pregnancy put them at a risk of poor health, decreased educational attainment and also increased poverty (Godfrey, 2015). The use of birth control methods is the only alternative that will save the nation out of the consequences that are adversely affecting the young women and the nation as a whole. The author further argues that the responsibility of the healthcare providers to know the contraceptive that is safe for administering (Godfrey, 2015). The methods that are harmful to the adolescents should be withheld to ensure that the medication administered. is safe for those seeking family planning, adolescents included. Emily The author is a specialist in birth control and women’s health. Godfrey is a specialist in family medicine, family planning, pregnancy termination, and women’s health.

The information provided in the article will be used in the discussion of the reasons why parents do not necessarily have to be involved in the purchase of birth control for their minors. The article is essential in the speech as there is critical information on the need to allow teens into using the family methods. I will be using the source to persuade the audience that there is no need to restrict access to birth control by young women. The author is for the idea that provided that the health care providers are educated on what is safe to administer and what to avoid the adolescents are good to go (Godfrey, 2015). The statistics from the U.S. Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use, 2010, shows that the United States has greatly relied on the family planning methods to eliminate the problems that come with early pregnancies among teenagers.

Jones, R. K., & Jerman, J. (2017). Abortion incidence and service availability in the United States, 2014. Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health, 49(1), 17-27.

The authors outline the benefits that come with having little or no restrictions on contraceptive use among teenage girls. The article states that having national and state-level information on the incidents of abortion can greatly help make informed decisions and establish policies meant to eliminate chances of early pregnancies (Jones & Jerman, 2017). The author bases the argument on the need to have birth control methods which can reduce the incidents of abortion among the young women. The authors use statistics from all the health facilities offering abortion services in the United States. The authors surveyed the facilities which offered the services between 2015 and 2016. The available data were analyzed and the results show a relative decline in the rates of abortions. An estimate of 926,200 abortions was performed in 2014 and the number represented a 12% decline from 2011 (Jones & Jerman, 2017). ). The number of clinics also declined. Rachel K. Jones is a specialist in abortion, adolescent, and contraception.

The article will be an adequate source of facts on the rates of abortion and the reasons why teens need the freedom to access birth control. The article argues for the need to allow access by young women to the birth control methods. I will use the statistics provided to push for fewer restrictions in the access to birth control by minors. The authors state that the use of contraceptives among young women was the reason why there were reduced cases of abortion and the clinics that offered the services between 2011 and 2014 (Jones & Jerman, 2017). ). There, therefore, every need to allow the young women to access birth controls methods. Abortion is one act that the governments of many nations across the globe and the church as a whole are struggling to eliminate. Contraceptives will save them and they can only be effective if the users are set free to make their decisions.

Myers, C.K. (2017). The power of Abortion Policy: Reexamining the effects of young women’s access to reproductive control. Journal of political economy, 125(6), 2178-2224

The author critically analyzes the impact of the abortion policy and the access to reproductive control by young women. The abortion policy and the use of contraceptives among young women have led to transformations in the social setting of families (Myers, 2017). According to the author the use of contraceptives among women has given them the authority to delay motherhood and their marriage decisions. Family formation has thus been altered by women having authority to control how they give birth (Myers, 2017). The article has been used to show what the society and the family unit has been exposed to due to by the power to abort. The author, Caitlin Knowles Myers, is a renowned economist and professor in the Middlebury College. The author also has interest in determinants of prosocial behavior, race, and gender. The areas of interest make the author an expert in the field of birth control mechanisms among the young people and whether the behavior is deviant.

The source will be adequate for discussion of the negative consequences that result from granting young women freedom to access birth control methods. The information of the article will be useful in arguing for the need to control the access to contraceptives by young women. I will have adequate information from the source to argue against the use of contraceptives by minors. The author gives some of the aspects which can be used as grounds against the use of contraceptives; women have the powers to delay motherhood even if the ultimate decision is to abort (Myers, 2017). The formation of families has been negatively affected because everyone has access to the birth control techniques and there is unlimited freedom towards the same. There is the need for parents to step in and ensure that their daughters do not have all the freedom to use the birth control methods.



Godfrey, E. M. (2015). Helping clinicians prevent pregnancy among sexually active adolescents: US medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use and US selected practice recommendations for contraceptive use. Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology, 28(4), 209-214.

Jones, R. K., & Jerman, J. (2017). Abortion incidence and service availability in the United States, 2014. Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health, 49(1), 17-27.

Myers, C.K. (2017). The power of Abortion Policy: Reexamining the effects of young women’s access to reproductive control. Journal of political economy, 125(6), 2178-2224

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