Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

Pharmacokinetics describes what the body does to the drug through absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion, whereas pharmacodynamics describes what the drug does to the body.Photo Credit: Getty Images/Ingram PublishingWhen selecting drugs and determining dosages for patients, it is essential to consider individual patient factors that might impact the patient?s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes. These patient factors include genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, behavior (i.e., diet, nutrition, smoking, alcohol, illicit drug abuse), and/or pathophysiological changes due to disease.For this Discussion, you reflect on a case from your past clinical experiences and consider how a patient?s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes may alter his or her response to a drug.To PrepareReview the Resources for this module and consider the principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.Reflect on your experiences, observations, and/or clinical practices from the last 5 years and think about how pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic factors altered his or her anticipated response to a drug.Consider factors that might have influenced the patient?s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes, such as genetics (including pharmacogenetics), gender, ethnicity, age, behavior, and/or possible pathophysiological changes due to disease.Think about a personalized plan of care based on these influencing factors and patient history in your case study.By Day 3 of Week 1Post a description of the patient case from your experiences, observations, and/or clinical practice from the last 5 years. Then, describe factors that might have influenced pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes of the patient you identified. Finally, explain details of the personalized plan of care that you would develop based on influencing factors and patient history in your case. Be specific and provide examples.Four ÿreferences not more than 5yearsRosenthal, L. D., & Burchum, J. R. (2018). Lehne?s pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice providers. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.Chapter 1, ?Prescriptive Authority? (pp. 1?3)Chapter 2, ?Rational Drug Selection and Prescription Writing? (pp. 5?9)Chapter 3, ?Promoting Positive Outcomes of Drug Therapy? (pp. 11?16)Chapter 4, ?Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, and Drug Interactions? (pp. 17?40)Chapter 5, ?Adverse Drug Reactions and Medical Errors? (pp. 41?49)Chapter 6, ?Individual Variation in Drug Response? (pp. 51?56)

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