phase 3 evaluate plan assignment

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCP/DRP) Plan – Phase 3 – Evaluation

This is the third assignment of the phased group activity. The objective is to simulate a test of the group BCP/DRP plans, evaluate the results, and improve the plan. The following activities will occur during this phase:

  • The instructor will rotate plans among the groups for evaluation.
  • The instructor will provide a man-made or natural disaster scenario for students to “test” another group’s plan. The group will determine how well the plan can be executed to handle the disaster scenario.
  • The group will make recommendations for improvements to the original group. In this way, the original group can modify in preparation for submitting it as its final product, when due.
  • The groups will provide a short but concise written evaluation of their evaluation to the instructor.

Your evaluation by the testing group must address the test scenario and effectively analyze the protection of business operations to the extent possible.Your evaluation should provide the rationale for noted findings and any recommendations for improvement. Your level of evaluation and analysis will be evaluated by the instructor.

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