physics lab report help 1

Unit 7 Lab Harmonic Motion

Lab Report

Copy and paste your data tables and graphs in the space below (expand the space as needed). These can be hand-drawn and scanned or you can use a program such as MS Excel.Answer the questions based on your data and the concepts covers in the lessons slides. Use complete sentences and show your work for calculations.(25pts total possible)

(3 points)

Data Table Part 1 Pendulum motion

(3 points)

Graphs Part 1 Pendulum Motion (period vs mass, period vs displacement, period vs length of pendulum)

(3 points)

  • Part 1: What variables affected the period of the pendulum by a significant amount (more than can be accounted for by simple experimental error?).Explain using your graphs.Is this relationship confirmed by the pendulum equation? Why or why not?
  • Part 1: Calculate the slope of the line in your graph of the square of the period of the pendulum vs. length of the string [slope = (period squared/length) Galileo figured out the equation that describes the behavior of a pendulum T = 2π√(L/g). If you square both sides of the equation, you will find that the slope of the line is related to the acceleration due to gravity (g). Specifically,
  • Did the period of the spring swing depend on the length of the displacement? On the mass? Explain your answer using your graphs. Are your findings supported by the equation for the period of an oscillating spring? Why or why not? What are some possible sources of error?
  • Calculate the slope of the line in your graph of the square of the period of the spring vs. mass
    [slope = period squared/mass] Robert Hooke figured out the equation that describes the periodic motion of the spring. If you square both sides of the equation T= 2π√(m/k), you will find that the slope of the line is related to the spring constant (k).


(1 points)

Graph square of period vs length of string

(3 points)

g = 4p2(slope)-1. Use your data to calculate g. How does it compare with the accepted value of 9.807 m/s2?
Calculate the percent error and show your work.


(3 points)

Data Table Harmonic motion of spring

(2 points)

Graphs (period vs displacement, period vs mass)

(3 points)


(1 points)

Graph Period Squared vs mass

(3 points)

Specifically, k = 4p2 (slope)-1. Use your data to calculate the k of your spring. Show your work.


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