PICOT question

Inpatient age 65+ on Post-surgical unit, four eyes skin assessment prevent skin pressure compare to no four eyes skin assessment in one week stay?You will now appraise the three articles which address your clinical topic, summarizing the evidence in evidence tables. The purpose of this assignment is to complete the appropriate appraisal tool for each of your articles and summarize the evidence in the evidence table.1 Carefully read the evidence-based articles2 Download the appropriate tools (from the list below, based on the type of evidence you are appraising) and complete the tool.3 Systematic Review Meta-Analysis of Quantitative Studies download4 Randomized Controlled Trial download5 Case Control Study download6 Cohort Study download7 Descriptive Study download8 Qualitative Study download9 Literature Review download10 Expert Opinion download11 Mixed Method Study download12 Quality Improvement Project13 Once you?ve completed the appraisal tool for each article, summarize your evidence using the Evaluation Table Template14 Save the three appraisal tools as PDF documents15 Save the evidence table as a Microsoft Word document16 Then submit

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