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In the case of nonprofit marketing, there are many organizations that support nonprofit work and those who work in the field of nonprofit’s. One such organization is the Bridgespan group, a nonprofit dedicated to serving this sector. Take a look at the type of work they do, the services they provide and the target audiences they serve. If working in the nonprofit sector, especially in a marketing capacity is now more appealing to you I suggest you continue to stay informed about the academic work being accomplished to support this field. Probably the most pre-eminent nonprofit learning in the country is going on at Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy and at New York University Heyman-Center. From marketing principles, you learned the concept of businesses benchmarking against world-class organizations. Think along the same lines with academic organizations and refer to these institutions often for the latest research and thinking on nonprofit marketing.

As part of your academic/professional transitions, you will need to continually stay informed about what is impacting nonprofit marketing, and this is where your thinking about competition and a SWOT analysis of either the organization your work for or want to work for will come in handy. Yes, a great way to prepare for an interview is to conduct a SWOT on your perception and research of the organization. You will be better informed and have better ideas to offer if you have completed this straightforward task. There are several excellent publications to follow going forward in your career, TheNonProfitTimes being an excellent resource for nonprofit managers to keep current with trends, technology, global initiatives, finance – pretty much all the topics we touched on in this course!

There are also professional organizations to join such as The Association of Fundraising Professionals where networking, sharing of ideas and raising the visibility of the profession overall take place. Nonprofits exist to serve target audiences, associations exist to serve the interests of those nonprofits with government, legislation and ongoing professional development. Whether you choose to have a career in nonprofit marketing, or whether you now have more interest in the work of nonprofits or you simply have a new appreciation for how nonprofit marketers interact with target markets all are good takeaways from this course, and I simply hope you enjoyed it

Relevant vocabulary:

In other words, other terms that mean “nonprofit” –

  • Third Sector – “third” after business and government. Some add a fourth: the household sector.
  • Civil Society – Everything that happens outside government and the market. Includes both organizations that operate without a profit motive, informal groupings, and other civic activities like voting and supporting neighborhood associations.
  • CSOs – Civil Society Organizations, i.e., the formally organized part of civil society.
  • NGOs – Non-Governmental Organizations (often referring to international aid and development groups that are supported in one country and operate — non-governmentally — in another).
  • NPOs – An abbreviation for nonprofit organizations.
  • NPCs or NFPCs – Nonprofit or Not-for-profit Corporations.
  • Charities — This is a tricky one. Some people use this term to refer to all nonprofits, though legally and importantly there are lots of nonprofits that are not in any sense charitable (business leagues, social clubs, cooperatives, etc….).


I found this article interesting as a way employers are trying to bridge the academic to professional leap and using new tools to accomplish it – take that traditional resumes! For your final response here, please share your thoughts with the class on this article.

Resumes to Online Portfolios

Independent research on Topic 8:

The Chronicle of Philanthropy – Jobs – another great source

Volunteer work gives you real-life experience and helps a great cause – our U.S. Military families

Video perspective of nonprofits

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