please respond to the following discussion bus 499 week 1 bus admin capstone

Discussion BUS 499 Week 1 BUS Admin Capstone

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Before starting this activity, review the Week 1 LEARN (e-Activity) videos (there are several) and read Chapter 1 in the course text book. Doing this will give you the ” why” to include in your response to the following:

1) From the LEARN, determine which of the two primary drivers of the competitive landscape is more influential.

a. Explain your rationale.

2) From the PRACTICE activity, identify an organization that could benefit from the application of the I/O Model of Above-Average Returns (Figure 1.2 page 15 in the textbook).

a. Follow the five steps to justify your answer.

b. Do not use Apple or Walmart in this exercise, nor should the organization you select be the same as another post.

Be sure to respond to at least one (1) other student and/or myself.

Look for all possible ways to earn 100%. I will monitor the discussions and use my ” gaming powers” to Award Badges and/or Revoke points as applicable. Even though this activity is auto-graded, it may take up to 3 hours to update your Blackboard grade book.

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