Prepare Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

MSPM 6125: Project Scheduling

Stakeholder Register Template

Community Garden Park

Jay Howard

Nov. 12, 2017


Description of Product/Service Offered

The project is about creating a community garden that does not benefit members in terms of increasing food security and provision of fresh and high-quality farm product but also lead to reduction in the distance covered and time taken before farm products are presented to the consumers. This will improve the quality of life of members in overall. Apart from primary product /services named above, the project will improve community cohesiveness as it will stimulate social interaction. The project will also play an imperative role in boosting green campaigns in Oklahoma, Tulsa County in addition to improving income and creating more employment opportunities.

Specification of the Acceptance Criteria

The members are other beneficiaries must be assured the farm products targeted to be produced will be fresh and free from chemical. The project states that the primary objective is provide healthy foods, meaning methods of production must be strictly organic. Secondly, the head of the project must assure members vegetables and fruits must be provided without any intermittency once the project commences. Thirdly, the members must agree with the Tulsa County that project will not be a nuisance both in environmental degradation or noise pollution and in any other form.

The Project Deliverables

Provision of organic foods; the community garden project will aim at ensuring member access fruits and vegetables that are chemical free.

Food security; the project will ensure community members are provided with various food products ones the project kicks off without any interruption.

The Project Exclusions, Constraints and Assumptions

The project will not delve on admitting members from outside Oklahoma State as it is purely a local affair. It will also not be limited to members of any race or ethnic group.

One of the major constraints will be the limitation of funds. Community garden project can demand more but it will limit its budget estimate because of the hard-economic times. Time limitation may also be presented especially where some members will not be available during the meeting times.

The project team will assume that the project will produce vegetables and fruits enough to cater for the needs of all members.


State the Purpose and Justification for the Project

The project will aim at improving the food supply and availability of healthy farm produce. It also aims at creating more wealth for the community by increasing employment and reducing rate of crime. Community garden project will ensure there will production of fruits and vegetables enough to feed community members. The members will be able to provide labor needed during farming. Social integration will reduce the rate of crime as people will become more responsible neighbors.

Objectives of the Project

The community garden project will aim at increasing availability of health food produces. It will also aim at ensuring there is increased social cohesion among the community members.

The High-Level Requirements for the Project

The project must be able to have sufficient funds to run for the entire period it will remain operational. Secondly, it will also require real members who must not be less than five. It will also need to be allocated sufficient piece of land and be permitted to carry out farming and other activities by Tulsa County management board.

The Tangible Measures of Project Success

Project success will be measured in terms of improvement in health of the members. Improved neighborhood will also act as another milestone for measuring success of the project. Other measures of success will entail increase in wealth due to improved saving from foods and increase in employment opportunities either directly or indirectly.


The project team will assume that the project will produce vegetables and fruits enough to cater for the needs of all members. This will be based on the fact that provision of fresh and healthy food will be the primary goal. Therefore, everything must be done to make sure it will be sufficient for all members. Moreover, it will also be assumed that the land acquired will be able to cater for all the intended uses, which ranges from hosting all members at ago to having enough space for farming.

One of the major constraints will be the limitation of funds. Community garden project can demand more but it will limit its budget estimate because of the hard- economic times. Therefore, the project management team will have to come up with proper work-breakdown structure and other cost estimate measures to ensure financial discipline is applied to ensure success of the project. Time limitation may also be presented especially where some members will not be available during the meeting times. Members will be required to show their commitment that they will be available whenever they are required.

Stakeholder Name




Project Role

Stakeholder Expectations and Communication Preferences

Tulsa County Zoning Chief Office

Tulsa County Zoning

Chief Officer



Want to see better use of land/ Emailing

Community development and social work Office

Community development and social work

Chief Officer




Public Health Office

Public Health and social Work

Public Health Officer




©2017 Walden University 2

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