psychological disorder 9

Pick a movie that portrays a character or characters who is/are experiencing a psychological disorder/mental illness. Alternatively, pick a movie that portrays an example of a certain type of therapy. Watch the movie and then please do the following:

1. Write a very brief summary of the movie. Give me some clear evidence that you watched it.

2. Write a description of how of the psychological disorder and/or the therapy that was portrayed.

3. Write a critical analysis of how accurate or inaccurate you found the portrayal of the disorder/therapy. Show evidence of your knowledge of the psychological disorder/mental illness or the type of therapy

Choose a movie from the following list or choose your own (as long as you get it approved by me before you hand your paper in):

1. Leaving Las Vegas

2. A Clockwork Orange

3. What’s Eating Gilbert Grape

4. Boys Don’t Cry

5. Benny and Joon

6. Girl Interrupted

7. Seven

8. Mad Love

9. Rain Man

10. Shine

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