Psychology 1 And 2 Quiz homework help

Psychology homework help

MLA Quiz

Which of the following direct quotations is correctly formatted, punctuated, and documented?

If you need to, check the Purdue OWL website .

A. In 2011, the Star Wars franchise raked in $3 billion in licensing revenue (Block, 88).
B. In 2011, the Star Wars franchise “raked in $3 billion in licensing revenue.” (Block 88)
C. In 2011, the Star Wars franchise “raked in $3 billion in licensing revenue,” (Block 88).
D. In 2011, the Star Wars franchise “raked in $3 billion in licensing revenue” (Block 88).


According to MLA guidelines, how must an outside source used in a research paper be documented?

If you need to, check the Purdue OWL website .

A. With in-text citations only
B. With a Works Cited page only
C. With both in-text citations and a Works Cited page
D. With footnotes


If the source you are using in your paper does not have an author, what should you use for the in-text citation?

If you need to, check the Purdue OWL website .

A. Use the phrase No Author in italics, plus the page number
B. Use the abbreviation N.A. for “no author,” plus the page number
C. An abbreviated title (the first few key words of the title) of the work/source, plus the page number
D. You do not have to include an in-text citation


Which of the following would be the correct entry on a Works Cited page for a book with one author?

If you need to, check the Purdue OWL website .

A. Harris, Dean M. “Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Law and Ethics.” 2008.
B. Harris, Dean M. Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Law and Ethics. Penguin, 2008.
C. Harris, D. Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Law and Ethics. Penguin.


In MLA documentation, an in-text citation will usually consist of what two pieces of information?

If you need to, check the Purdue OWL website .

A. Author’s full name and page number
B. Website name and URL address of online article
C. Author’s last name and page number
D. Author’s last name and URL address of online article


In your research paper, you have used sources by two different authors with the same last name, Bernice Thomas and Christopher Thomas. What would your in-text citations for these sources look like?

If you need to, check the Purdue OWL website .

A. (Thomas #1 388) and (Thomas #2 76)
B. (B. Thomas 388) and (C. Thomas 76)
C. (Bernice 388) and (Christopher 76)
D. (Bernice T. 388) and (Christopher T. 76)


What does “plagiarizing” mean according to the CGTC Catalog?

If you need to, check the CGTC Catalog .

A. To misunderstand the directions of a writing assignments
B. To use information from internet sources in a research paper
C. To use someone else’s ideas or words as one’s own, without giving appropriate credit using quotation marks, if necessary, and citing the source(s)


Which of the following is a correct in-text citation?

If you need to, check the Purdue OWL website .

A. (Smith, 47)
B. (Smith 47)
C. (Smith p. 47)
D. (Smith, Jane 47)


The following is a source on your Works Cited page:

“Reality TV Is Messing With Your Head.” Scholastic Choices, vol. 28, no 6, 2012.

Academic Search Complete,

head. Accessed 1 October 2016.

What would the in-text citation for this source look like?

If you need to, check the Purdue OWL website .


A. (Reality TV)
B. (“Reality TV”)
C. (No Author)
D. (Scholastic Choices)



Which of the following would be the correct entry on a Works Cited page for an article from an online database?

If you need to, check the Purdue OWL website .

A. Block, Alex Ben. “The Real Force Behind Star Wars.” Hollywood Reporter, vol.418,

no.6, 2012, pp 88-91. Business Source Complete,

news/george-lucas-star-wars-288513. Accessed 23 July 2016.

B. Block, A. The Real Force Behind Star Wars. Hollywood Reporter 418.6

(2012): 88-91. Business Source Complete. 23 Jul. 2016.

C. Alex Ben Block. “The Real Force Behind Star Wars.” Hollywood Reporter 418.6

(2012): 88-91.


If a source has three authors, what would the in-text citation look like?

If you need to, check the Purdue OWL website .

A. (Prater et al. 83)
B. (Prater 83)
C. (Prater and others 83)
D. (Prater+ 83)


On a Works Cited page, an author’s name should…

(If you need to, check the Purdue OWL website .

A. be listed as “First name Last name” (Stephen King).
B. be listed as “Last name, First name” (King, Stephen).
C. include titles such as Dr., Sir, or Saint.
D. include degrees such as PhD, MA, or DDS.
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