Psychology Concepts and Reasoning

Psychology Concepts and Reasoning

(Psychology Concepts and Reasoning)

Recently, Marika had to end an 18-month long relationship with Joshua, a man with whom she was deeply in love. She recognized, however, that they did not want the same things out of life; specifically, Joshua wanted to get married someday, and Marika was not interested in marriage. Though they tried to work out a compromise, it was not going to work out. Even though ending the relationship was painful, Marika was able to understand and manage her own feelings, even to the point of helping Joshua through the break-up with as little pain as possible. Marika is clearly very gifted in the area of __________ intelligence.

A. self-aware

B. intrapersonal

C. savantish

D. emotional

Question 2 of 30

3.3334 Points

Which of the following is not a type of reasoning, according to your textbook?

A. Deductive reasoning

B. Discursive reasoning

C. Pantheoretical reasoning

D. Syllogistic Reasoning

Question 3 of 30

3.3334 Points

The __________ fallacy is a phenomenon that causes people to believe that additional information increase the probability that a statement is true, even though that probability actually decreased.

A. hindsight

B. irrationality

C. conjunction

D. discursion

Question 4 of 30

3.3334 Points

In __________, a French scientist by the name of Alfred Binet was asked to develop a test that could help teachers identify school children who had special needs.

A. 1890

B. 1892

C. 1897

D. 1904

Question 5 of 30

3.3334 Points

Which of the following is not one of the errors in reasoning that is discussed in your textbook?

A. The representative heuristic

B. Overconfidence

C. The hindsight bias

D. The conjunction bias

Question 6 of 30

3.3334 Points

(Psychology Concepts and Reasoning)

When a person is trying to decide what to do or how to act, they are engaging in _________ reasoning.

A. theoretical

B. syllogistic

C. practical

D. deductive

uestion 7 of 30

3.3334 Points

Which of the following individuals would be considered a prodigy?

A. Stephen Hawking

B. Albert Einstein

C. Lance Armstrong

D. Barack Obama


Question 8 of 30

3.3334 Points

Last week, Dr. Diop gave her Multicultural Psychology class an exam that tested their mastery of the information she had presented for the first half of the course. This type of test, one that measures knowledge and progress, is called a(n) __________ test.

A. intelligence

B. academic

C. aptitude

D. achievement

(Psychology Concepts and Reasoning)

Question 9 of 30

3.3334 Points

Which of the following is one of the eight multiple intelligences proposed by Howard Gardner?

A. Crystallized

B. General

C. Creative

D. Naturalistic

Question 10 of 30

3.3334 Points

Martha has lost her keys. She looks in her purse, only to find that they are not there. She looks in various places – rooms of her house, cushions of the sofa, even in the refrigerator – but she keeps coming back to her purse to make sure that the keys are not there. Martha’s tendency to solve the problem using a successful past solution is an example of __________.

A. an algorithm

B. functional fixedness

C. the mental set

D. a heuristic

Question 11 of 30

3.3334 Points

Which of the following might demonstrate the result of discursive, or theoretical, reasoning?

A. Opting to delay studying for an exam so that you can go to a party tonight

B. The willingness to turn down a job now so that you can get a better job later

C. A person’s religious beliefs

D. The decision to camp out all night to buy tickets to a rock concert

Question 12 of 30

3.3334 Points

When it comes to testing the intelligence of people from different cultural backgrounds who live in the same community, which of the following statements is the most accurate?

A. It may be impossible to create an intelligence test completely free of cultural bias.

B. As long as the IQ test is given in a uniform manner, the influence of different cultural backgrounds is minimal and it is not necessary to consider those differences.

C. The only time an IQ test has cultural bias is if the test administrator has a particular desire to act in a way that discriminates against the test taker.

D. Cultural bias is not something that needs to be considered, but gender bias is a very salient topic in the world of intelligence testing.

Question 13 of 30

3.3334 Points

(Psychology Concepts and Reasoning)

While Alfred Binet is generally credited with creating the first test used to measure intelligence, this is actually a bit of a mistake! The test that he developed, in fact, measured a child’s __________.

A. processing speed

B. mental age

C. mathematics skills

D. verbal fluency

Question 14 of 30

3.3334 Points

Randi loves to cook, but unfortunately she finds herself almost incapable of creating meals by just “throwing together” different ingredients. She requires a recipe to make her dishes, and she follows those recipes precisely as written. According to Robert Sternberg, which type of intelligence does Randi fail to demonstrate her cooking skills?

A. Analytical

B. Creative

C. Practical

D. Social

Question 15 of 30

3.3334 Points

Scott is very convinced that all Jewish individuals are very cheap, and he is not afraid to share his views with other people. As he is walking down the street, however, he noticed that an orthodox Jewish gentleman is putting money into the cup of a homeless person who has asked for some help. “He’s just trying to make himself look good,” Scott thinks to himself. The fact that Scott maintains his beliefs even when there is evidence that shows him that he is wrong is called belief __________.

A. perseverance

B. maintenance

C. stability

D. exempting

Question 16 of 30

3.3334 Points

“Raindrops keep falling on my head. And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed, nothing seems to fit!” These lyrics to a popular song describe a very uncomfortable sleeping arrangement! There are several ways this problem can be solved. If the singer chooses to go out in the morning and buy a bigger bed, this would be similar to the Piagetian concept of __________.

A. assimilation

B. accommodation

C. schema transformation

D. adaptation

Question 17 of 30

3.3334 Points

(Psychology Concepts and Reasoning)

__________ studies collect data from the same individuals over a period of time to track age changes.

A. Cross-sectional

B. Continual

C. Contiguous

D. Longitudinal


Question 18 of 30

3.3334 Points

What is the age range bound by the four stages of Piaget’s theory?

A. Birth through adolescence

B. Toddlerhood through adolescence

C. Birth through adulthood

D. Birth through toddlerhood

Question 19 of 30

3.3334 Points

__________ psychologists study the physical, cognitive, and social changes that people experience throughout their lives.

A. Evolutionary

B. Cognitive

C. Developmental

D. Social

Question 20 of 30

3.3334 Points

__________ investigations consist of research conducted in order to establish averages or baselines.

A. Normative

B. Control

C. Population

D. Continuity

Question 21 of 30

3.3334 Points

When a parent wants a young child to look at something on the floor, the phenomenon called joint visual attention says that the parent should __________.

A. point to the object

B. look at that object

C. set the baby down in front of the object

D. lift the baby up so that (s)he is looking down at the object.

Question 22 of 30

3.3334 Points

Based on the existing research, how much alcohol have researchers determined is “safe” for a mother to drink during pregnancy without risking harmful effects to the baby?

A. Up to two glasses of red wine per week is safe for a pregnant woman.

B. A pregnant woman can have a maximum of one alcoholic beverage per day without risk to the baby.

C. This is impossible to answer because each pregnancy is different.

D. There is no safe amount of alcohol for a pregnant woman.

Question 23 of 30

3.3334 Points

Teenagers in the formal operational stage of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development may get involved in __________ thinking, which refers to imagining possibilities or impossibilities.

A. schema-based

B. egocentric

C. hypothetical

D. centrical

Question 24 of 30

3.3334 Points

(Psychology Concepts and Reasoning)

The fact that children tend to develop their motor skills from “top to bottom” is a demonstration of the __________ rule.

A. north-to-south

B. proximodistal

C. cephalocaudal

D. head-to-toe

Question 25 of 30

3.3334 Points

The average newborn baby has approximately _______ nerve cells in his or her brain.

A. 103 million

B. 23 billion

C. 23 million

D. 234,000

Question 26 of 30

3.3334 Points

If you wanted to study age changes, which type of research would be the best to conduct?

A. A cross-sectional study

B. A longitudinal study

C. A quasi-experimental study

D. A naturalistic observation

Question 27 of 30

3.3334 Points

__________ development is defined as the emergent ability to execute physical actions.

The engine

B. Muscular

C. Physical

D. Physiological

Question 28 of 30

3.3334 Points

Which of the following is a commonly discussed criticism of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development in children?

A. Piaget felt that development was more fluid and continuous than modern researchers believe.

B. Piaget underestimated the cognitive ability of children.

C. The foundations of formal operational thinking appear later than Piaget theorized.

D. Piaget did allow for the fact that teratogens during pregnancy could impair cognitive development.

Question 29 of 30

3.3334 Points

The period of transition from childhood to adulthood that involves many different domains of development is called __________.

A. puberty

B. adolescence

C. preadulthood

D. the teens.

Question 30 of 30

3.3334 Points

Robin is working as a student teacher while she finishes her degree in education. Each day she has a portion of the class time where she is in charge, and the teacher who serves as her mentor observes her, takes notes, and offers her constructive feedback on how to improve her work. This “mentor/apprentice” model of learning is most similar to __________’s theory of cognitive development.

A. Erik Erikson’s

B. Carl Jung’s

C. Jean Piaget’s

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