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Creating a Report

In Week 3: Assignment 1, you began the Pre-Writing step for a report for your boss on Richard Hackman’s statement that using a team to complete a complex project may not be the best approach.

Your assignment this week is to continue the 3×3 writing process and complete the report.

Continuing your research using Scholarly sources and the Internet, complete the report. Your report must include the following:

· An outline of how you have formulated your response to Richard Hackman’s statement. Your outline should provide a reasonable framework for the report and show where you are going to use each of the pieces of information you found through your research

· An introduction to the report that explains the purpose of the report, the significance of the topic, and a preview of the main points to be discussed

· The body of the report that uses clear headings and topics arranged logically, in an appropriate tone

· Meaningful conclusions and practical recommendations in the report

· Multiple current and credible sources

Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.



Grading Criteria  

Provided an outline of how the response to Richard Hackman’s statement was formulated that provides a reasonable framework for the report.


Provided an introduction to the report that explains the purpose of the report, the significance of the topic, and a preview of the main points to be discussed.


Created the body of the report that used clear headings and topics arranged logically, in an appropriate tone.

Provided meaningful conclusions and practical recommendations in the report.  

Provided multiple current and credible sources in the report.

Written components.  


Report from week 3A1


Using a team to complete a complex project may not be the best approach” J. Richard Hackman

What are the first steps of the 3×3 writing process–the prewriting process?

The pre writing process involves the following steps as illustrated below;

Analyze; ask what the main message in the writing and how the message itself is to be delivered. The mode of deliver could be anything such as email, letter, memo or even a presentation.

Anticipate; in order to determine the tone of the message consider what type of audience you would be dealing with as well as their possible reaction when they receive the message eventually. For instance this writing will be meant for the boss consumption therefore the tone must be formal than if this writing would be directed to a fellow worker.

Adapt; is a combination of the middle analyses and the anticipation stages above. Adaptation according to Guffey (2008) is creating a message in order to make it suit the audience. In adapting the message we importantly consider how the audience will react to the message. As a writer try to narrow down to the specific audience and it’s requirement. By keeping the reader in mind business writer cultivate a proper relation with the reader and are in turn most likely to achieve their purpose.

What is the purpose of your report?

This report is to inform my company’s boss of the truth and the substance in J Hackmans statement concerning using groups to complete complex project. The statement states that using teams may not be the best approach when it comes to completing complex project. This report is to shade more light on the importance of this statement through a well drafted research.

Why are you writing this report?

This report is being report on request by my boss. He has stated that he needs a report on Hackmans statement since the statement is contrary to the business practice therefore it’s important that the information be proven right or wrong.

What do you hope to achieve with this report?

This report is aimed at ensuring that the boss is well informed on the matters that concern the use of teams to complete project. The report aims to satisfy the need of the company boss by presenting him with a well researched and written report that either asserts Hackmans statement or fully contradict it.

What is the best channel to send your report?

A report is a formal communication that is presented after a thorough investigation or research on a certain question or idea. Every report before is prepared must be authorized by the immediate individual in authority who tasks either a group or individual with the responsibility of researching or investigating.

What factors did you consider in making this decision?

In deciding the channel to use in sending the report I considered the level of formality involved in the report and the position of the individual who had authorized the report to be prepared. Formal reports must be delivered in person and in a formal session where proper notes are taken and kept for future reference.

Who is your primary audience?

In this report the primary audience is the boss who has requested for a researched report on the stated matter. A primary audience refers to that individual or group that the message is basically intended for.

 Do you have a secondary audience?

A secondary audience refers to that audience to whom the message was not basically intended but they can be able to get the message and make important use of it. In this report the secondary audience can be the board of directors who are the main policy makers in the company. They may take consideration of the report to change the policy of using teams to complete projects.

What is the appropriate tone for your report?

This report is official therefore the tone that will be used is formal. Formal tone is important when communicating official information especially that which is intended for the superiors. The boss here will understand better the information in the report if it is communicated in the most formal way.

What techniques will you use to help you achieve a positive tone?

A positive tone can be achieved through the use of formal address cues such as Sir. The audience in the report should be addressed as per their position in the organization rather than through their names and initials.

How are you going to ensure your report has a “you” view?

The report can attain the “you” view by ensuring that the ideas are original from what was the outcome of my personal research. The use of article I will also come in handy in ensuring that I take ownership of the information in the report.

Give an example of how you will make your report:

Conversational and professional

Following the request from the office of the Managing Director that a report is prepared as it concerns the use of teams to complete complex projects, I hereby present to your office the outcome of my research.


Please allow me in my submission to highlight certain facts that I found quite interesting to this study.


The research does not only assert the position of the statement but also finds it important that certain aspects of the statement be criticized in the most objective manner.

Precise and vigorous

The report covered the following areas and had the following as the outcomes or the results, suggestions too have been provided for consideration by your office.


Guffey,M.(2008) Business Communication: Process & Product. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning,

Writing in the Disciplines: Business. Retrieved from   

Raymond, G.(2012). Concepts in Business Writing, London, Sage

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