report test the expert part 2

Instructions for Part 2

  • Download Template file for report and Save As with filename beginning with your last name.
    • For credit, you must work within this file.
  • Keeping all text colors and format, update the red text:
    • Cover page.
    • With information from Part 1, update Introduction, Randomization, and left column of Table 1.
    • Control of Experimental Conditions, Independence of Trials, and Conduct of the Experiment.
      • Provide sufficient detail so that an independent researcher can replicate your experiment and build on your results.
  • Perform the experiment.
    • Serve the samples one at a time to the test subject in the order in Table 1.
    • As each sample is served, complete the middle and right columns of Table 1.
  • At α = 0.05, test the H0: Ï€ ≤ 0.50.
    • Update Inputs of Statistics 250 tab Proportion Input Stats
      • tested value of proportion in H0 = 0.50
      • sample proportion p = the number of Y’s in Table 1 divided by 20.
      • sample size n = 20
      • confidence level = 95%
    • Read the applicable results in the row 6 for H0: Ï€ ≤ 0.50 HA: Ï€ > 0.50
  • Update Data Analysis, Table 2, Discussion, and Conclusion
  • To avoid loss of points, reset (File, Options, Proofing, Recheck Document, Yes, OK) and run Spelling & Grammar
    • Correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors
    • Maintain format and text colors
    • Section header must be on same page as its body of text.
    • If you have excess blank space at the bottom of a page, move the next section header and part of its text to the preceding page.
  • Save and upload your finished report to Assignments folder Report – Test the Expert Part 2.
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