Research And Critical Analysis Oct 3


1. Protecting Online Privacy for Individuals or Cyber bullying on Social Media

2. The Impact of Social Media on Brand Reputation

3. Succession Planning and Development of Leadership or Diversity and Inclusion at the work place

4. Artificial intelligence fairness and bias in automated decisions making system


COMPLETED THE PREVIOUS ASSIGNMENT and gained approval of a research question

2.Found 3 or 4 RESEARCH ARTICLES using the method taught in the video in this week’s folder

For this assignment, follow the directions CAREFULLY: 

Step 1: Download the EXCEL document below 

HOW, WHAT, who, when, where, why

Step 2: Fill in ONLY the BLUE portions

(If you have answers for how and what, your article IS a research article; if not, please go back to find one)

Submit the complete form here.


Research Articles
WHO conducted the research (authors of article) WHEN year research was conducted (within last 10 years) WHERE the research was conducted WHY was the research conducted HOW the research was conducted (NAME the METHODOLO-GY) HOW the research was conducted (DESCRIBE the PROCESS) WHAT the reseachers learned – results Link to article
News articles and websites
Who wrote it? rationale for inclusion When was the article written (within the last 5 years) Link to article/site
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