research paper essay 3

Please read ALL of the following, and then you will see your first assignment, which is also QUIZ 1. The specific information for what you will submit, QUIZ 1, appears specifically at the bottom of this page. Yes, the assignment is a quiz, but first you must read everything below. OK? Get started!

1) In this course you will be writing a research paper. Your paper must be based on research. It cannot be based on your own speculation, on “I think” or “I believe.” In other words, you must choose an animal that has an abundance of research that you will use. You cannot meet requirements of the paper, basically, by claiming “There is no research” for any of the parts of the paper. Therefore, choose a more popular animal. The animal must live outside of the USA.

2) General requirements: 3 1/2 pages (minimum) – this is just the body of your paper. With cover page, outline, works cited page, and, perhaps, a note page, your paper will run to seven pages total or so. Longer papers are acceptable but a longer paper doesn’t necessarily get a higher grade. Your grade depends on quality. However, a short paper will result in a lower grade.

Also required:

The paper will be typed, double-spaced, as a standard size Word document in 12 pt, Times New Roman.

At least five sources and all five must be used. You must use quotes and paraphrases.

Parenthetical citations in the body of the paper.

MLA style

4) Your paper must meet the above requirements, to begin with, or it will not pass.

5) For this research essay, you will select an animal that is still alive but that is endangered and faces extinction. Choose an animal whose status is endangered (not threatened, which, officially, is not as serious as endangered). The animal must live in another country, outside of the USA (i.e., no US bald eagles), and the concentration of your work will be the animal in the wild and in wildlife preserves – not in zoos. You may discuss the animal in a zoo or zoos, but your concentration, and the point of the paper, is whether or not the animal will survive in the wild. That is, do you think the animal will survive? Survival is the point of your paper – if the animal will or will not survive.

Remember an animal cannot be “going extinct,” which is like saying something is going dead. An animal can be on the verge of extinction, and presently it is endangered.

6) The animal you choose must have TWO main threats to its survival and TWO groups fighting for its survival. The groups are often called conservation groups, but they may be societies, organizations, or the like. Basically, groups are people who are working for the survival of the animal. If you cannot find TWO conservation groups that are helping your animal (just search the Internet), you cannot write on that animal. It is best, therefore, to write about a more popular animal, and be specific about which animal it is. Elephant, yes, but which elephant? Asian or African? If you choose a cheetah, which will it be, the Asian or African cheetah?

8) Go online for your research. Use CVC’s library databases for the best information! You may also go to actual libraries (in a building, for example…) for books and magazines.

9) You must have a title page, an outline, body of paper, parenthetical citations, and a works cited page in order for the paper to receive a passing grade. These parts will be discussed in another assignment. Please make a copy of your final paper and keep it.

Ready? Once you submit your animal name you may not change it unless you contact me. No changes in subject (that is, the animal you want to study) may be made without instructor approval. And so, WHAT YOU WILL DO NOW, FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, IS SUBMIT YOUR ANIMAL NAME.

QUIZ 1: Please SUBMIT the name of the endangered animal you will be researching, an animal that does not live in the USA, AND, if I say ok, you will receive a 100 on quiz number one. I will confirm that I received your submission with an OK. So what animal will you study? I will also use that submission from you to certify you in the course.


In this assignment you will have to submit Quiz 2 and 3, which is a Works Cited page that you will write.

The Works Cited page contains sources. Sources just means the place from which you get your animal information, such as the Internet, and eventually you will put sentences from your sources into the body of your paper (those sentences will be quotes and paraphrases). You must find five sources, usually from the Internet, to complete this assignment.

Quiz 2 is a Works Cited page with three sources. You will write a Works Cited page with three sources.

In Quiz 3, you will add two more sources to the above three sources, for a total of five sources.

When you are ready to SUBMIT Quiz 2, click Assignment 4: Quiz 2. Then choose, in the lower part of that page, BROWSE MY COMPUTER and attach Quiz 2.

When you are ready to SUBMIT Quiz 3, click Assignment 4a: Quiz 3. Then choose, in the lower part of that page, BROWSE MY COMPUTER and attach Quiz 3.

I do this in two parts because sometimes students like to submit three sources first — to see how they did on it — and then add two more sources for a total of five. But if you are confident, you may submit all five sources at once, just once, in one of the Submits above.

But first please watch video below, on how to format a Works Cited page, and at the very end of this entire page is an example of how your paper should appear. Please also look at that example. It is an example of student’s Works Cited page.

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