Research Paper P.T.S.D.

COUN 611 Week 8 Research Paper P.T.S.D. Research Paper

(Research Paper P.T.S.D.)

Research Paper Instructions

 You will choose a counseling topic related to Hederson & Thompson chs. 19–20, and you will write a Research Paper about a topic very specific to counseling children. Please note, this is a class on counseling the child; do not research and report on issues related to counseling the adolescent for that is a different class and developmental stage. Choose 1 topic area from the text, such as Counseling Children Who Have Been Abused or Counseling Grieving Children. You must research empirically-based* approaches to counseling children with that specific need and discuss the evidences practices associated with such a need. Discuss the relevant issues associated with the identified issue and the best approaches identified.

Include at least 10 relevant journal articles in your paper. At least 8 articles must be empirical and published within the last 5 years. The body of the paper is to be 10–12 pages in length (excluding the required Title Page, Abstract, and Reference Page) double-spaced, and in Times New Roman 12 font.

*Background on Empirical Studies: Reports of empirical studies summarize original research. Mean journal articles are reports of empirical studies. In order to learn how to review the literature, it is important to be able to read and understand reports of empirical studies. Empirical articles have the following sections: abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion, and references.

Research Paper Grading Rubric
Criterion Points Possible Points Earned Instructor Comments
Organization ·         Clear, logical organizational flow to the paper

·         Major points are stated clearly and special needs topic clearly identified.

·         Appropriate use of subheadings

Content ·         Focus on the special needs chosen and specific treatment needs and approaches for those needs clearly and succinctly identified.

·         Good, scholarly research incorporated throughout the paper along with provoking thoughts.

·         Major points are supported by scholarly sources, Internet/media sources, and thoughtful analyses of themes (considering implications, identifying assumptions, etc.). Identification of key things learned that you did not know prior to this paper.

·         10 resources used, majority published in the past 5 years.

·         Biblical integration included.

·         Topic investigated in depth, rather than briefly

Readability and Format
  • Spelling, punctuation, and grammar are correct.
  • Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.
  • Paragraphs contain varied sentence structures.
  • APA format correctly used to cite references.
Logistics of Handout
  • Acceptable page length (10-12 pages of content)
  • Turned in on time
Total 150  



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