Research PESTLE Political In Japan , Food Base.

Murdoch University – BUS343 International Marketing 15

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Assessment details

Discussion Paper: Influence of Culture on International Marketing (25%)

 With increasing globalization, does culture in international marketing matter?

 The impact of culture on successfully conducting business internationally has

grown in recognition over time, but equally the world in which we live is converging

in the era of globalisation.

 Write a 1,000 word discussion paper highlighting the importance of culture in

international marketing.

 Use current academic literature (at least 5 articles) and theory to support your


 You may choose to focus on one particular aspect of culture in relation to

international marketing, or approach the subject in a broad fashion.

 Submission on the day of Session 3 online.

 A penalty of 10% per day (to a maximum of 25% which is the total allocated for the assessment) will be applied for late submissions.


Environmental Analysis Report (25%)

 Students will work in groups of 4 or 5 on the allocated project.

 The Group Project is a combination of theory and practical application.

 Students can choose a product and a country to review for potential launch.

 The group’s task is to complete a thorough Environmental Analysis, identifying

the key factors that would be considered prior to committing to an international

marketing strategy. Students need to demonstrate their research and analytical

skills. This involves collecting and synthesising data that would allow a company

to assess a proposed entry into a new international country.


The task is as follows:

The Brief: Your group is working as the Marketing Department for a company. Your task is to produce an Environmental Analysis Report which researches a potential overseas market, identifying and analysing all the external factors which will impact an organisation considering international expansion.

Timing and budget: The product is to be launched within 12 months. A budget and costings are not required.

The Product and Country: Your group will be given a product, however the group can then choose which country to investigate. The group should formulate a rationale to defend their choice of country.



Murdoch University – BUS343 International Marketing 16

Written presentation: Your report needs to be; clearly written, well structured, up to date and well researched. It should be a professional business document that is open to scrutiny and discussion.

Format: The report should include the sections as detailed in the marking guide and marking will follow the sections as detailed. It is to be presented as a formal business document.

Length: Minimum 10 typed pages (excluding the submission cover sheets and the plan cover page) plus appendices and other references. 12 point type, single line spacing, 2.5cm border all round. Exceeding 10 typed pages will not be penalized.

 Important Note: The report should not include any material developed or written for any previous units or projects studied at Murdoch University or elsewhere. The project must be original work and backed with appropriate theory and concepts. Any assumptions made throughout the proposal must be clearly justified with proper references.

 Refer to the following for referencing:

 Group Activity Records (Unit website / Help) should be completed for each group meeting and signed copies attached to the final submission of the group project.

 Prior to the submission date, the report is to be submitted to Urkund as a means to check the acceptable level of acknowledgement of other author’s work.

 The report should then be corrected as necessary and printed for submission. The submission should include the report with appendices, Group Activity Records and a Group Assignment Submission cover sheet. A soft copy of the report is also to be emailed to the Lecturer.

 Submission on the day of Session 4 (online).

 A penalty of 10% per day (to a maximum of 25% which is the total allocated for the assessment) will be applied for late submissions.

Group Project Presentation – Recommendations for the Marketing Mix (10%)


 Based on the Environmental Analysis Report, each group is required to make a

presentation detailing their recommendations on the marketing mix for launch into

the nominated country. These will be based on the findings of the analysis

contained within the Environmental Analysis Report.

 The presentation should include:

o Key findings from the Environmental Analysis Report (be brief, this is

simply to set the scene).

o Clear implications of the key findings identified.

o A recommended marketing mix strategy including the product, price,

place/distribution and promotion strategies that may be utilised by the


 The time allowed for each presentation will be 15 minutes per group followed by a

brief question session.

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