Research Question: Development And Peer Feedback

Research Question: How does having primary care services a benefit for drug and alcohol abusers to their recovery treatment:


Research Design: Institutional Cycle Design


  • Review the Campbell and Stanley text, Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research, as well as the Discussion questions and responses from Week 1.
  • Consider the focus of the research you would like to propose as part of your final research proposal. Also consider the designs listed in the Campbell and Stanley text and the feedback you received in Week 1 from your instructor and classmates. Based on this information, craft a research question for your Final Project.
  • Think about which research design from the Campbell and Stanley text you would choose to answer your research question.
  • Review survey information from the Nachmias & Frankfort-Nachmias text and from the Ahern article.
  • Determine the appropriateness of Internet and survey research in gathering the data for your topic.


With these thoughts in mind:


Post by Day 3 a 2- to 3-paragraph description of your research question. Explain which research design you will use to answer your question. Also address the appropriateness of Internet and survey research to your design

Required Resources

  • Course Text: Frankfort-Nachmias, C., & Nachmias, D. (2015). Research methods in the social sciences (8th ed.). New York: Worth.
    • Chapter 10, “Survey Research”

      In this chapter, you will learn the advantages and disadvantages of several types of survey research, including mail questionnaires and personal interviews.

  • Course Text: Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research

    As you review the textbook this week, pay particular notice to research designs that involve survey or Internet research.

  • Website: Trochim, W. M. K. (2006). Survey research. Retrieved from

    This resource provides a brief description and overview of survey research.

  • Article: Ahern, N. R. (2005). Using the internet to conduct research. In Nurse Researcher, 13(2), pp. 55–70.
    Use the Academic Search Premier database, and search using the article’s Accession Number: 19291960.

    The author of this article explores how the Internet is used by researchers, specifically nurse researchers, and the benefits and challenges of Internet research.

Research Toolkit


Research Design

Optional Resources

  • Course Text: Frankfort-Nachmias, C., & Nachmias, D. (2015). Research methods in the social sciences (8th ed.). New York: Worth.
    • Chapter 8, “Sampling and Sample Design”
  • Text: Schonlau, M., Fricker, R.D., & Elliott, M.N. (2002). Conducting research surveys via e-mail and the web. Washington, DC: RAND.

    This text provides a toolkit for those who will be using email and the web to collect data.



  • Data Cleaning and Dealing with Assumptions (Adobe Captivate)

    Dr. Jennifer Morrow explains the assumptions surrounding many of the tests you will study and explains ways that you can manage data that violates these assumptions. This Flash-based demonstration will open in a new window.

    Click here to download a transcript of this demonstration

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