residency reflections

Assignment 1: Residency Reflections

As you know, throughout the residency, you were advised to keep a detailed learning log that describes your experiences, summarizes the sessions you attended, and analyzes what you learned from them. Now add your reflections of the entire residency experience and its contributions to your growth as a doctoral learner.

In developing your reflections, address the following questions.

  • What were the most important things you learned during residency?
  • What were the most beneficial components for you?
  • What would you tell a new Argosy doctoral learner who wants to know about residency, what to expect from it, and how to prepare for it?
  • After completing residency, what questions do you now have about your doctoral program?

After editing and proofreading your work, submit it to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Name your file W7000_M7_A1_lastname_firstinitial.doc. Then, through the end of the module, join in a discussion of residency experiences with your classmates, using the Discussion Area provided below.

Note: The reflections document will be assessed on a pass/fail basis.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Please make sure you review the elements of the grading criteria and associated points carefully and make sure your assignment has addressed all the elements and in enough detail to merit full points.

Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Documented reflections on the entire residency experience and its contributions to your growth as a doctoral learner.


Participated in discussion of residency expectations


Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation



Module 7 Overview

Presented a quote by Scott Adams,
Provides the learning outcomes on which the readings and assignments for this module are based.
  • Engage in ethical scholarship and utilize appropriate citation and referencing skills associated with dissertation and scholarly writing to avoid plagiarism/matching text.
  • Apply advanced academic writing skills and the American Psychological Association (APA) style to develop a literature review based on the chosen research question.

Near the beginning of this module, your instructor will provide you with feedback on the draft of the literature review that you submitted as M6: Assignment 1. There may also be areas that you plan to revise. A point to remember is that revisions are not just for writers who do not write perfectly the first time. If you have read about any well-known writers, you know that revisions are an important part of the writing process. Every writer, regardless of the writing level, spends time revising and rewriting. The final copy of your literature review is due at the end of this module.

During this course, you have written critiques and annotations. You created a research topic and wrote a literature review as well. Undoubtedly, throughout this course, you met challenges. Was it worth the effort? Reflect on your starting point when you began this course and consider what you have learned in this course. You endured, and the course is nearly complete!

Note: Students who participated in the MWL Learning Path must complete the Mastery Check in this module. Once you complete the Mastery Check, please inform your instructor, for your grades for the M1 Assignment 2 to be updated.



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