Reword Assignment Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Discussion

Question-How has your geographic background or your ethnic heritage influenced your food preferences? Are there food norms from your home that you no longer share? What food norms or preferences would you find difficult to change or give up?

Answer-My ethic heritage is deeply rooted in southern culture. Growing up I typically eat most of the foods the were provided to me by my mother. The foods being prepared the way they were wouldn’t be considered as “healthy” by standard means. Now that I am older I can say that I’m more conscience of how my food is prepared and try find healthier food options to consume. Currently there are no food norms or preferences I would find difficult to give up.

Question-Are there specific foods that you believe should or should not be eaten when a person is sick? What foods are critical for maintaining health? What are the sources of your beliefs?

Answer-I believe that a plant-based diet is the best to aid those the sick. Fruit and vegetables particularly provide the body with the essential nutrients to combat disease, illness, and sickness. People whether they are sick or feeling well should be more aware of the nutritional content of the foods they consume. I’ve had relatives that have died from stroke, and cardiovascular disease, and I feel that if they proper lifestyle changes were made longevity in terms of their lives would have been increased.

Question-Who was in charge of food in your household when you were young? Why? Did other adults or children in the household affect food decisions? How?

Answer-My siblings and I grow up in a single parent home. My mother was in charge of the food in the household, because she supported the family. There were no other adults or children in the household that affected food decisions.

Question-What types of interventions could be developed to help households avoid processed convenience foods when faced with fatigue and time constraints? What variables might influence the success of such interventions?

Answer-There are many programs, research, and documentaries that explain the benefits of eating natural and wholistic foods. Majority of working adults deal with fatigue and time constraints, however one’s physical health should be a priority. I made a decision to reduce my intake of processed convenience foods because of the effects these types of food were having on those I cared about. Being able to link the issue of the over consumption of processed foods to a personal level I believe will help influence the success of inventions.

Question-Consider movies, TV shows, or advertisements that you have recently seen. How is the act of eating depicted, particularly among ethnic, regional, or socioeconomic groups? Similarly, how is being thin depicted? How is being overweight depicted? How could these depictions influence young persons’ views of food?

Answer-I feel that there a many people the have ethnic and cultural food items in which they like to indulge in from time to time. With that being said, there has be a huge shift in how people now view health, and the foods they consume. Size in relation to someone being thin or overweight has been subjective. There has been a shift in that people are focused on being healthy rather than solely being focused on their size.

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