Rhetorical Analysis Essay On Trump Impeachment Investigation


13 October 2019 An Argument for Trump’s Impeachment

Wu, Nicholas. “Joe Biden, for the First Time, Calls for Trump’s Impeachment.” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 9 Oct. 2019, https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/ politics/elections/2019/10/09/joe-biden-calls-trumps-impeachment-first-time/3920985002/. For the first time Joe Biden calls for Trump’s impeachment, stating “The United States cannot afford to have a president who will abuse whatever power available to them to get reelected.” Biden is referring to Trump’s call with the Ukrainian government to investigate Biden and to explore the allegations about Ukraines role in the 2016 election. The article is provided by USA Today reporter Nicholas Wu, who went to Princeton University where he majored in Public and International Affairs. This article is relevant to my argument because Joe Biden has seen most things that go on in the White House especially after being Vice President for 8 years and now running for office himself.

Smith, David. “Pelosi Hits Back over Letter and Warns Trump: ‘You Will Be Held Accountable’.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 9 Oct. 2019, https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ 2019/oct/09/nancy-pelosi-trump-impeachment-inquiry. Nancy Pelosi sent a missive to the White House saying that the Democratic Party is starting an investigation into Trump’s possible impeachment. Furthermore, the article talks about the White House’s response “Given that your inquiry any legitimate constitutional foundations, any pretense of fairness, or even the most elementary due process protections, the executive branch cannot be expected to participate in it.” It is relevant because an entire political party is trying to impeach the president meaning that there is a movement of people trying to make sure he is not reelected.

Blanton, Dana. “Fox News Poll: Record Support for Trump Impeachment.” Fox News, FOX News Network, 9 Oct. 2019, https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fox-news-poll-record-support- for-trump-impeachment. FOX News sent out a poll in July to see if voters supported Trump’s impeachment, 42% said they wanted him impeached and removed, however in recent months it has gone up to 51%. Since the first poll in July the amount of Democrats went up 11 points in wanting Trump impeached, Republicans went up 5 points and Independents went up 3. This poll created by FOX News shows that not only do Democratic voters want Trump impeached but also, Republicans wish to see Trump out of office which provides incite into the average Americans mindset.



Gerhardt, Michael J. “The Special Constitutional Structure of the Federal Impeachment Process.” Law and Contemporary Problems, vol. 63, no. 1/2, 2000, pp. 245–256. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/ stable/1192451. FIU Library According to scholarly article “The Special Constitutional Structure of the Federal Impeachment Process”, Congress are pragmatists more than formalists because they are expected to resolve issues by practical means. From the political accountability of the representatives from Congress, makes certain that the representative formulate pragmatic judgement defers to the understanding to the extent of their political circumstances and calculations. This journal article is from the FIU Library, its written by Michael J. Gerhardt who is a Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of North Carolina School of Law in Chapel Hill. This journal article helps with my arguments because it talks about how Congress goes about the impeachment process; they also mentions what happened with Clinton’s impeachment.

Cornelison, Pam, and Ted Yanak. The Great American History Fact-Finder: the Who, What, Where, When, and Why of American History. Houghton Mifflin Co., 2004. FIU Library In 1999, Bill Clinton was charged with obstruction of justice because there was evidence of Clinton having sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky and went on TV saying “ I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” While the allegations of Stormy Daniels are not confirmed both of these situations are similar and could therefore lead Trump into a corner much like Bill Clinton. If he continues down this path, it seems more than likely he will face a trial and be impeached.

Wallbank, Derek. “Justin Amash, House Republican Trump Critic, Quitting the GOP .” Bloomberg.com, Bloomberg, 4 July 2019, www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-07-04/justin- amash-house-republican-trump-critic-quitting-the-gop. FIU Library Justin Amash, who was the co-founder of House Freedom Caucus, is the only House Republican to openly support Trump’s impeachment investigation. Amash has announced that he will quit the Republican party after it has become “disenchanted with party politics and frightened by what I see from it.” Amash sees that the republican party especially Donald Trump is behaving and performing impeachable acts and no longer wishes to be associated with the Republican Party. A lot of democratic politicians are in support of Trumps impeachment but it is virtually impossible to find someone credible within the Republican party who also supports the impeachment. With his support for the impeachment announced, there is officially a Republican side to the impeachment as well.


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