Risk Analysis, Skills, Tools And Process 1

Risk Analysis: Skills, Tools and Process

Jurisdictional Selection White Paper Briefing

Select a jurisdiction, meaning a unit of local government such as a county, town, or city, and search for that jurisdiction’s Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) online.

Review and evaluate the plan based on how well it addresses risk and mitigation issues facing that jurisdiction.


Write a two-page jurisdictional selection short essay white paper briefing on the selected jurisdiction and the jurisdictional Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) retrieved online. Review the CEMP and evaluate the plan based on how well it addresses risk and mitigation issues facing that jurisdiction.

In the short essay, provide several paragraphs of analysis and elaboration on the jurisdiction selected and the various components found within that jurisdiction’s CEMP.

Include at least one direct quote from the CEMP retrieved in the Jurisdictional Selection Short Essay and enter as an electronic (website) quote used with an appropriate electronic source in text-direct quotation and a proper electronic source reference list citation located at the very end of the analysis briefing.

Your essay must meet the following requirements:

· Your essay should be 2 pages in length not counting the title and reference pages, which you must include.

· Use terms, evidence, and concepts from class readings.

· Cite at least three scholarly sources for this assignment. Scholarly resources include: peer-reviewed journal articles, books, the class textbook, or reports/documents from the government (.gov sites). A scholarly source does not include general sources from the internet (.com, .org, .edu, and .net sites are not scholarly). Scholarly resources should be current (no older than five years). If the class textbook is used as a source, then two other scholarly sources must be used.

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