romanticism worksheet


A movement characterized not by “romance” as we understand the word today, but by an emphasis on the emotional over the rational, romanticism emerged in part as a reaction to the coldly scientific progress of the eighteenth century. Read the brief description of the Romantic period here. Some questions on the worksheet come from information on this site.


The Gothic genre actually began before the romantic movement really came together. In a site prepared for a class on “The Gothic Experience” at Brooklyn College, Dr. Lilia Melanie offers an accessible definition of “Gothic” as it pertains to literature. Read through her explanations at the following links: Gothic Defined, History, and Terror vs. Horror. Questions from this material will also appear on the worksheet.


While satire as a literary genre dates back to Greek and Roman orators, during the romantic period it experienced a sort of revival. Several authors–of prose, poetry, and non-fiction–turned to satire to express their concern over the state of society. Download and review the PowerPoint notes on satire. This information will be needed to complete future assignments. Finally, visit this Glossary of Gothic terms by Douglas Thomson and refer to the terms on romanticism, Gothic conventions, and satire found there.

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