need by tommorow


Question 1




Research shows that the most effective supervisors and managers spend __________ more time listening than speaking.


formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”1″,name:”mc-ans-_101772793_1″})); [removed] 40%
[removed] 60%
[removed] 50%
[removed] 55%


5 points


Question 2




Which of the following is NOT one of the common critical mistakes to avoid when you try to influence change?


formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”2″,name:”mc-ans-_101772794_1″})); [removed] Acting without seeking input
[removed] Discussing the situation with your co-workers
[removed] Becoming impatient
[removed] Trying to change too much too fast


5 points


Question 3




Which of the following is NOT one of the nine elements of a safety management system?


formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”3″,name:”mc-ans-_101772795_1″})); [removed] Management leadership and commitment
[removed] Analyzing the work and the workplace periodically
[removed] Hazard recognition, evaluation, and control
[removed] Training and orientation


5 points


Question 4




Communications can be classified via four methods. Which of the following is NOT one of these methods?


formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”4″,name:”mc-ans-_101772796_1″})); [removed] Listening
[removed] Verbal
[removed] Nonverbal
[removed] Written


5 points


Question 5




What form of communication is best to use in the majority of situations that will arise on the job?


formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”5″,name:”mc-ans-_101772797_1″})); [removed] Filter free interaction
[removed] One-on-one, positive reinforcement
[removed] Oral, then written, followed by feedback
[removed] One-on-one and face-to-face


5 points


Question 6




Incidence rate is calculated by multiplying the number of injuries and illnesses by __________.


formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”6″,name:”mc-ans-_101772798_1″})); [removed] 50,000
[removed] 100,000
[removed] 150,000
[removed] 200,000


5 points


Question 7




The typical manager spends about __________ of the workday communicating.


formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”7″,name:”mc-ans-_101772799_1″})); [removed] 40%
[removed] 50%
[removed] 60%
[removed] 70%


5 points


Question 8




In the discussion on “Communication Filters,” the author of your textbook lists three of the most common filters. Which of the following is NOT one of these filters?


formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”8″,name:”mc-ans-_101772800_1″})); [removed] Knowledge
[removed] Bias
[removed] Mood
[removed] Feedback


5 points


Question 9




Most safety experts agree that most mishaps in the workplace involve human errors of __________ or commission.


formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”9″,name:”mc-ans-_101772801_1″})); [removed] planning
[removed] omission
[removed] involvement
[removed] attitude


5 points


Question 10




Which of the following is NOT a possible format to communicate information?


formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”10″,name:”mc-ans-_101772802_1″})); [removed] Formal report
[removed] Meeting minutes
[removed] Television
[removed] Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)




Question 11




Discuss the Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. Did it accomplish what it was meant to do? What documentation is there to either prove/disprove your answer? Be specific and provide examples.

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