science and research 4

RESPONSE 1 (science and research, BERNIS)

For me this class has been an eye opener on how much my writing needed to be improved, every week had its challenges, from coming up with a good discussion post to engage my peers or coming up with ideas for my written assignments. Although I learned alot each week, week 6 stood out for me as we talked about the vulnerable populations and strategies to protect, them such as ensuring they have sign consent forms which indicates their willingness to participate in any study. I hope I take everything I have learned her to improve my practice as I nurse.


I would have to say that I have learned a lot about nursing research and how important it is to patient care. I also feel that I’ve learned about how to research nursing research topics and used them for writing a research paper. Before this course, I lacked confidence in my research and writing ability and this course has given me great practice and increased my confidence in my own ability. The topics discussed have been very valuable and have really enlightened my knowledge as a nurse. I’m a better nurse because of this experience.


Freedom of speech is one of the fundamental rights that a person have living in the United States. I believe that right to free speech should be extended to everyone regardless of whether you are in the public eyes or not. I believe that an athlete, should not suffer the consequences from their respective athletic organizations if it is done in a respected manner. I say this because, as public figures, a citizen of this country and decent humans, they have an ethical duty to speak out. These athletes have a very big platform and the potential to sway the masses in either direction, whether the public agrees with their views or not. I firmly believe that if sports organizations and politics had no intersection at all then, by all means, leave the sports arenas as politically neutral as possible. However, since these organizations are being swayed by political figures it is only fair that the people who are working in these organizations have a voice in regards to political matters. In the case of Colin Kaepernick, his speaking out is something that I stand behind wholeheartedly. Let’s break it down to him just being an ordinary citizen just like everyone else; he possessed the right to speak out about the police brutality that is still happening in this country. The fact that he is an athlete is the sole reason why he is receiving as many backlashes. I do not stand behind that logic, because at his core he is a human being living in the United States. Just like any other human being living in the United States he secures the right to Freedom of Speech and therefore should not be punished for that right.


The first amendment was made so that every single person in America has the right to freely express and be able to say what they want with no consequences or limits. Athletes shouldn’t be treated any differently , because they got their own beliefs too and especially when it comes to politics like everyone else in this country. Tommie Smith and John Carlos used their platform during the 1968 Olympics to make a stand for African Americans during the civil rights struggle during that time. I believe that was a brave thing to do, because they knew the backlash they were going to receive, but they still stood up for what they believed in. Social media is now used as a new way to protest and express what you believe in. Many Athletes have been going on social media and speaking up on how they would not be visiting the white house, because of the racial things Donald Trump has done and said. An example are the Warriors and the Cavaliers when they won their championships and refused to visit the white house, causing people to wonder about Trumps beliefs and methods as a president.

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