Senior Project Summary

Senior Project Summary

(Senior Project Summary)


“Our senior project, ‘Exploring Sustainable Urban Agriculture,’ aimed to address food insecurity and environmental sustainability in urban areas. Through collaborative research and hands-on experimentation, we developed innovative methods for growing organic produce in limited urban spaces. Utilizing vertical gardening techniques, hydroponic systems, and recycled materials, we created scalable models for urban farming that minimize water usage and carbon footprint.

Our project integrated community outreach programs to educate residents about sustainable practices and empower them to cultivate their own food. By partnering with local schools and organizations, we conducted workshops and provided resources to promote food sovereignty and healthy eating habits.

Through rigorous data collection and analysis, we demonstrated the feasibility and economic viability of urban agriculture as a solution to food deserts and climate change. Our project not only provided tangible solutions but also fostered a sense of community resilience and environmental stewardship.”

Senior Project Summary

Write a Senior Project Summary paper on the selected topic from Week One. In your paper include the following:(2-3 PAGES ONLY)

  1. Title Page
    1. Anticipated title (this may change for the completed project)
    2. Your name
    3. Course name and number
    4. Instructor’s name
    5. Date submitted
  2. Introduction: Provide a description of your selected topic (i.e., health care trend) and a thesis statement. Identify the organization that you have chosen to address, including why the issue of your selected topic is important to the health care administrators in your organization, and to the health care industry in general. This should be about one-third of a page.
  3. Scope of the Senior Project: This section should summarize the content topics and sub-topics related to the health care trend that will be addressed in the Senior Project.
  4. Discussion: This section should be a constructive and analytical overview of what was found in the scholarly and professional literature. Make sure to discuss the pros/cons or strengths/weaknesses of the stakeholder group impacted (e.g., patient, provider, third-party payer, administrator, legislator, etc.) as applicable. In developing this section, it is important to demonstrate your understanding of the topic and the interventions and influences. This should be about one page.
  5. Conclusion:  Provide a summary of the main effects of the contemporary health care trend on costs, quality, and access to services as it impacts various stakeholder groups.
  6. Reference Page
  7. The Senior Project Summary should be two- to- three pages (excluding title and reference pages) in APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center
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