sociology essay 2 3

SNAP Challenge, word count: 350

Social safety net programs are one way to combat economic inequality. These programs are frequently controversial. This exercise allows students to examine one of these programs – the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). In doing so students can think through sociological analyses of the causes of and solutions to economic inequality.

1 in 5 Oregonians receive SNAP benefits. In this assignment you will assume that you have a weekly SNAP allotment of $120 per month/per person (the Oregon average) for you and your 10-year old child. Based on your $60 per week food budget, take a trip to your local grocery store to plan a week of meals for yourself and your child. Make certain you allot yourself the amount of food you typically eat. As a reminder the recommended daily calories for a 10 y/o are 1,400-1,800 and a 30 y/o are 1,800-2,600. Your analysis should include a grocery list, the cost of each item and one week’s menu as in the following example:

Grocery List:
Purchase Cost
Gallon of milk 5.00
7 Bananas 3.00
5 apples 3.00

One week’s menu:
Day One
Breakfast: 1 c cereal, 1 c milk, banana
Lunch: 2 slices bread, 1 slice lunchmeat, 1 apple
Dinner: 1 c pasta, .25 c pasta sauce, 1 c broccoli, 1 tbl butter
Snacks: 1 granola bar, 1 c carrot sticks

Write at least a one paragraph reflection on your experience. Was it easy to meet the guidelines? Difficult? What did you have to give up, if anything? Are your meals nutritionally balanced?

Write a at least a one paragraph analysis of this exercise, using concepts from this week’s reading. ( readings are post in file, read chapter 26/24/25). (Use at least on citation from the reading) What sort of equality is exemplified by the SNAP Program? Might this be a successful solution to income inequality? Why or why not? What sociological concepts might be helpful in explaining your analysis?

You can learn more about the SNAP program here:…

*Note: You do not need to read additional materials to complete this assignment. This assignment is based on “The Food Stamp Challenge” in Sociology Through Active Learningedited by Kathleen McKinney and Brabara S. Heyl. Los Angeles: Pine Forge Press. 2009.

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