Sources and Annotated Bibliography

Sources and Annotated Bibliography: Anxiety Disorder

(Sources and Annotated Bibliography)

For the course project task this week, thoroughly review the sources you selected. You are to submit an annotated bibliography, referencing all of your sources.

For each of the chosen sources, write a two- to three-paragraph annotation and description

Anxiety Disorder

Andrews, G. Basu, A. Cuijpers, P. Craske, M,G. McEvoy, P. English, C,L. & Newby, J.M. (2018). Computer therapy for the anxiety and depression disorders is effective, acceptable and practical health care: An updated meta-analysis. Elsevier, Journal of Anxiety Disorders. Volume 55. From:

This is a will be a key source I my research to help provide information about the nature of the disorder and computer therapy solutions of this new age.

Asmundson, G. (2018). Journal of Anxiety Disorders. Elsevier. From:

This journal is another primary source which will be significant in providing deep insight into the disorder the causes, symptoms, risk factors and also how it can be handled effectively for all ages.

Barlow, D. (2002). Anxiety and its disorders: the nature and treatment of anxiety and panic. New York: Guilford Press.

This book provide deep information about the disorder and will specifically be significant s it will help give information on the different types of this disorder.

Behar, E, DiMarco, D, I, Hekler, E, B, Mohlman, J & Staples, A. (2009). Current theoretical models of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): Conceptual review and treatment implications. Elsevier, Journal of Anxiety Disorders. Volume 23. From:

This journal specifically talks about one of the most common anxiety disorder and it will help provide insight on generalized anxiety disorder using a model to help understand its nature and solutions.

Bluett, E,J. Homan, K, J. Morrison, K,L. Levin, M,E. &Twohig, M,P. (2014). Acceptance and commitment therapy for anxiety and OCD spectrum disorders: An empirical review. Elsevier, Journal of Anxiety Disorders. Volume 28. From:

This is a key source that will not only help provide details about the nature of the disorder but more significantly give the value of two major treatments to the disorder that is anxiety and commitment therapy.(Sources and Annotated Bibliography)

Carleton, N.R. (2016). Fear of the unknown: One fear to rule them all? Elsevier, Journal of Anxiety Disorders. Volume 41. From:

This source is significant as it will help provide more clarification on the types of unhealthy fears that can be classified as anxiety to help an individual better identify the disorder.

Clark, D. & Beck, A. (2011). Cognitive therapy of anxiety disorders: science and practice. New York: Guilford Press.

This source is significant as it provides a comprehensive background of the disorder and how cognitive therapy can be used in its treatment.

Daitch, C. (2011). Anxiety disorders: the go-to guide for clients and therapists. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.

This is one primary source for this research and it is significant since it serves as an atlas for the anxiety disorder. Anything one needs to know is answered in this book.

Kodal, A, Fjermestad, K, Bjelland, I, Gjestad, R, Öst, L, Bjaastad, J, F, Haugland, B, Havik, O,E, Heiervang, E &  JanneWergeland, G. (2018). Long-term effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy for youth with anxiety disorders. Elsevier, Journal of Anxiety Disorders. Volume 53. From:

This is a source that helps to explain the nature of the disorder and this makes it very insightful for the research and further tries to assess how well cognitive therapy helps the disorder.

Pine, D., Rothbaum, B. & Ressler, K. (2015). Anxiety disorders: translational perspectives on diagnosis and treatment. Oxford New York: Oxford University Press.

This is a book that is very instrumental in this research as it helps to provide a guide to diagnosis of the disorder and treatment and this is information that is much needed for this paper.

Starcevic, V. (2010). Anxiety disorders in adults: a clinical guide. Oxford New York: Oxford University Press.

This source is significant since it provides information about the disorder specifically tailored to adults and helps to differentiate how the disorder uniquely affects adults and this is information which is significant for effective management of the disorder.

Velotis, C. (2005). Anxiety disorder research. New York: Nova Science.

This source is one primary source for this assignment since it helps to provide a lot of evidence on the disorder from research.

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