Steel Takeoff Quantity From The Project Plan


Estimating Work Sheet
STEEL Takeoff
project: Class Assignment Estimate NO. 1
Location none Sheet NO. 1 of 1
Architect: None Date. 3 \ 25 \ 2014
Item: None BY —– checked —–
Description Designation Count L(ft.) SF. Pounds/ft Sq. Quantity
Beams uint
B1 W14X22 20 28 22 12320.00 Pounds
B2 W14X20 4 18 20 1440.00 Pounds
B3 W14X26 4 28 26 2912.00 Pounds
B4 W14X26 2 24 26 1248.00 Pounds
C1 W20X32 2 12 32 768.00 Pounds
C2 W20X30 2 12 30 720.00 Pounds
C3 W20X28 2 12 28 672.00 Pounds
C4 W20X26 1 12 26 312.00 Pounds
C5 W20X24 2 12 24 576.00 Pounds
C6 W20X22 2 21 22 924.00 Pounds
C7 W20X20 4 21 20 1680.00 Pounds
Spandrel Beam
SB1 W16X28 8 28 28 6272.00 Pounds
SB2 W16X22 8 28 22 4928.00 Pounds
G2 W16X26 4 32 26 3328.00 Pounds
G4 W16X30 2 32 30 1920.00 Pounds
G6 W16X28 6 32 28 5376.00 Pounds
Spandrel Girder
SG1 W18X30 2 32 30 1920.00 Pounds
SG3 W18X36 2 32 36 2304.00 Pounds
SG5 W18X22 4 32 22 2816.00 Pounds
1 18K10 24 28 11.7 7862.40 Pounds
2 18K11 4 18 11.7 842.40 Pounds
Decking Corragatated Steel Roof Area 7168 = 71.68
Total Quantity of Steel 61140.80 Pounds



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