Strategy Formation And Implementation For MYER Holding Limited Australian Department Store

BUSM3200 Strategic Management Assignment marking criteria Semester 1 2017 SIM (45%)

Report Element High Distinction 80-100

Distinction 70-80

Credit 60-69

Pass 50-59

Fail 0-49

Identification of current

business strategy (5%)


Demonstrates an excellent understanding of concept of business strategy and insightfully discusses the general type of business strategy that the company/SBU implements by examining its strategy statement and its value chain activities. a wide range of relevant information sources and theories are critically analysed and synthesised to support the discussion.

Demonstrates a good understanding of the concept of business strategy; by examining its strategy statement and its value chain activities, general type of business strategy that the company/SBU implements is clearly identified and logically discussed; a range of relevant information sources and theories are critical analysed and synthesised to support the discussion.

Demonstrates the understanding of the concept of business strategy; by examining its strategy statement and its value chain activities, general type of business strategy that the company/SBU implements is identified and discussed; some relevant information sources and theories are used to support the discussion.

Demonstrates a basic understanding of the concept of business strategy; is able to identify the general type of the company/SBU’s strategy by using some relevant information sources and theories.

Demonstrates a poor understanding of the concept of business strategy; unable to use relevant information to identify the general type of business strategy for the company/SBU; the discussion is poorly presented.

Proposal of ONE new strategic

initiative for the organisation to

implement (10%)

Proposes a strategic initiative that indicates full comprehension of the company’s strategic context. It is sensitive to contextual factors as well as all of the ethical, logical, and cultural dimensions of the problem. Justification of the proposed strategic initiative is complete (for example, contains thorough and insightful explanation) and exhibits the following: logic/reasoning, examines feasibility, and weighs impacts of initiative proposed.

Proposes a strategic initiative that indicates full comprehension of the company’s strategic context. It is sensitive to contextual factors as well as all of the ethical, logical, and cultural dimensions of the problem. Justification of the proposed strategic initiative is complete (for example, contains thorough and insightful explanation) and exhibits the following: logic/reasoning, examines feasibility, and weighs impacts of the initiative, but may miss some subtle points.

Proposes one generic strategic initiative that is rather than one that is individually designed to address the specific contextual factors of the problem. Justification of the proposed initiative is superficial but includes the following: logic/reasoning, examines feasibility, and weighs impacts of the initiative proposed.

Proposes an initiative that is difficult to evaluate because it is vague or only indirectly addresses the problem statement. Justification of potential solutions is superficial and does not include the following: logic/reasoning, examines feasibility, and weighs impacts of the initiative proposed.

Proposes a partial initiative that is inappropriate for the problem or context. Justification of the initiative is poorly done, may be irrelevant, or is inappropriate.

OR (Serious fail) Doesn’t propose a complete solution or proposes a solution that is unrelated to the problem or context. Justification of solutions is not done and/or fails to address the following: logic/reasoning, examines feasibility, or weighs impacts of the initiative.

Development of a strategy

implementation plan (10%)

Implementation plan uses relevant analytical techniques and addresses thoroughly the relevant contextual factors regarding the contents of change, the process of change, and change management for the strategic initiative proposed.

Implementation plan uses relevant analytical techniques and addresses thoroughly the relevant contextual factors regarding the contents of change, the process of change, and change management, but missed some subtle points.

Implementation plan addresses the strategic problem faced by the organiation but ignores some of the relevant contextual factors, and/or uses only partial analytical techniques of change management.

Implementation plan addresses the problem but only in a basic or straight- forward manner, and partially uses analytical techniques for the strategy implementation.

Fails to describe how to implement the strategic initiative in a manner that directly addresses the problem faced shows little understanding of the analytical techniques for change management OR (Serious fail) Fails to propose an implementation plan, or proposes a plan that is unconnected to the problem /context faced by the organisation.

Design of measurements and

evaluation mechanisms for the

strategic initiative

implementation (10%)

The success measurements developed are practical and address all key success factors/aspects in an appropriate hierarchy using the BSC and connected appropriately in the strategy map developed. Justify comprehensively and logically the suitability of the strategic initiative proposed based on the organisation’s strategic context.

The success measurements developed are practical and address most of key success factors/aspects in an appropriate hierarchy using the BSC and connected appropriately in the strategy map developed but may miss some links. Justify well the suitability of the strategic initiative proposed based on the organisation’s strategic context.

The success measurements developed are practical and only address some key success factors in an appropriate hierarchy using the BSC and connected logically in the strategy map developed. Justify reasonably well the suitability of the strategic initiative proposed based on the organisation’s strategic context, but may miss some key contextual issues.

Most of the success measurements developed are practical but only address some key success factors/aspects in an hierarchy using the BSC and connected in the strategy map developed, but may miss some key logic links. Justify the suitability of the strategic initiative proposed based on the organisation’s strategic context, but miss some important contextual issues.

Only a few of the success measurements developed are practical and fails to address key success factors/aspects; show little understanding of the concepts of BSC and strategy map. Failed to justify the suitability of the strategic initiative proposed.

The overall presentation

(including executive summary)

and quality of the report (5%)

The report is well organised and professionally presented, with a well written executive summary.

It shows an exceptionally clear understanding of subject matter and appreciation of issues; well organised, formulated and sustained arguments;

The report is well organised and professionally formatted, with a well written executive summary. It shows a strong grasp of subject matter and appreciation of key issues, but lacks a little on the finer points; it has clearly developed arguments,

The report is logically structured with an executive summary.

It has a competent understanding of subject matter and appreciation of some of the main issues though possibly with some gaps, clearly developed arguments, relevant diagrams and literature use,

The report is correctly formatted with an executive summary.

It has some appreciation of subject matter and issues; work generally lacks in depth and breadth and with gaps. Often work of this grade comprises a simple factual description (i.e. basic

The report is incorrectly structured with a poorly-written executive summary (or executive summary is missed).

The report only comprises a simple factual description (i.e. basic comprehension) but little application or analysis; it presents little appreciation of



BUSM3200 Strategic Management Assignment marking criteria Semester 1 2017 SIM (45%)


Marker: Signature: Date:

well thought out and structured diagrams; relevant literature referenced. Evidence of creative insight and originality in terms of comprehension, application and analysis with at least some synthesis and evaluation.

relevant and well structured diagrams, appreciation of relevant literature and evidence of creative and solid work in terms of comprehension, application, analysis and perhaps some synthesis.

perhaps with some gaps, well prepared and presented. It also has solid evidence of comprehension and application with perhaps some analysis.

comprehension) but little application or analysis. Work of this grade may be poorly prepared and presented. Investment of greater care and thought in organising and structuring work would be required to improve.

subject matter and issues. Work of this grade may be poorly prepared and presented. Investment of greater care and thought in organising and structuring work would be required to improve.

Access and Use Information

professionally and Referencing


Students use correctly all of the following information use strategies (use of citations and references; choice of paraphrasing, summary, or quoting; using information in ways that are true to original context; distinguishing between common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution) and demonstrate a full understanding of the ethical and legal restrictions on the use of published, confidential, and/or proprietary information.

Students use correctly three of the following information use strategies (use of citations and references; choice of paraphrasing, summary, or quoting; using information in ways that are true to original context; distinguishing between common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution) and demonstrates a full understanding of the ethical and legal restrictions on the use of published, confidential, and/or proprietary information.

Students use correctly two of the following information use strategies (use of citations and references; choice of paraphrasing, summary, or quoting; using information in ways that are true to original context; distinguishing between common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution) and demonstrates a full understanding of the ethical and legal restrictions on the use of published, confidential, and/or proprietary information.

Students use correctly one of the following information use strategies (use of citations and references; choice of paraphrasing, summary, or quoting; using information in ways that are true to original context; distinguishing between common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution) and demonstrates a full understanding of the ethical and legal restrictions on the use of published, confidential, and/or proprietary information.

Students fail to use correctly one of the following information use strategies (use of citations and references; choice of paraphrasing, summary, or quoting; using information in ways that are true to original context; distinguishing between common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution) and demonstrates a full understanding of the ethical and legal restrictions on the use of published, confidential, and/or proprietary information.

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