
CITA 110 Homework Help

CITA 110 Homework Help

We go on location to photograph both teams and individual player portraits on playing fields or at schools. We capture athletes enjoying their sport in natural light—doing what they love—and provide a lasting memory to treasure with a team photo, individual portrait, or Photo CD.

Some of the sports we photograph include football, baseball, soccer, volleyball, swimming, water polo, cheerleading, spirit teams, ice skating, and karate. We offer a unique selection of popular add-ons to our sports packages, including: (CITA 110 Homework Help)

Photo CD with action shots

Photo mugs, water bottles, travel mugs

Photo t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies

Team up with Light Magic Studios for your next fundraiser:

The video presentation below provides an overview of our catalog of products and fundraising opportunities for your sports team. For additional information about how we can team up with your organization, feel free to contact us at or call us at (212) 555-0433 during the following days and times:

Monday-Wednesday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Thursday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Friday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

cita homework/ch 12/AIO16WDCH12GRADER12FAS_-_Fundraiser_11_Instructions.docx

Grader – Instructions Word 2016 Project ((CITA 110 Homework Help))

AIO16_WD_CH12_GRADER_12F_AS – Fundraiser 1.1


Project Description:

In the following project, you will edit a handout that describes fundraising opportunities available with Light Magic Studios. (CITA 110 Homework Help)


Steps to Perform:

Step Instructions Points Possible
1 Start Word. Download and open the file named aio16_wd_ch12_grader_12f_as.docx. 0
2 Insert the File Name in the footer. 6
3 Change the Line Spacing for the entire document to 1.5. 10
4 Center the document title, Light Magic Studios, and then change the title Font Size to 24. 11
5 Change the top and bottom margins to 0.5. 6
6 Select the three paragraphs below the title and then apply a First line indent. 10
7 Select the entire document and then change the Spacing Before to 6 pt and the Spacing After to 6 pt. 6
8 Select the three paragraphs containing the photo options beginning with Small Size Add-ons. Apply filled square bullets. With the bulleted list selected, set a right tab with dot leaders at 6”. 11
9 Locate the paragraph that begins with Light Magic Studios can provide. Click at the end of the paragraph (after the colon) and press ENTER. Remove the first line indent from the new paragraph. Starting in the blank line that you inserted, create a numbered list with the following three numbered items: Earn 5% off of every order Free preview photos Photo packages and add-ons 11
10 Position the insertion point after the period at the end of the document. Insert a SmartArt from the Process category—in the second to last row, the first layout—Equation. Select the outside border of the SmartArt, and then change the Height of the SmartArt to 1 and the Width to 6.5. 11
11 With the SmartArt selected, change the layout to Square, the Horizontal Alignment to Centered relative to the page, and the Vertical Alignment to Bottom relative to the Margin. 6
12 In the first circle, type Quality and in the second circle, type Service In the third circle type Light Magic 6
13 Change the SmartArt color to Colorful Range – Accent Colors 4 to 5. Apply the 3-D Polished style—under 3D, in the first row, the first style. 6
14 Click at the end of the paragraph below the title. Press ENTER, remove the first line indent, and then center the blank line. Insert an Online Video. In the YouTube search box, including the quotations marks, type “GO Word Chapter 1 A2 Grader project” and then insert the video of the street band (its title is Light Magic A2 Video – Go Word Ch01 A2). Change the height of the video to 1.5. Note, Mac users will need to insert the downloaded video file Light Magic A2 Video – Go Word Ch01 A2.mp4. 0
15 Save and close the document. Exit Word. Submit the file as directed. 0
Total Points 100

Created On: 07/05/2019 1 AIO16_WD_CH12_GRADER_12F_AS – Fundraiser 1.1

cita homework/ch 12/AIO16WDCH12GRADER12GAS_-_Sports_Photography_17_Instructions.docx

Grader – Instructions Word 2016 Project

AIO16_WD_CH12_GRADER_12G_AS – Sports Photography 1.7 (CITA 110 Homework Help)


Project Description:

In the following project, you will edit a handout that describes sports photography services offered by Light Magic Studios. (CITA 110 Homework Help)


Steps to Perform:

Step Instructions Points Possible
1 Start Word. Download and open the file named aio16_wd_ch12_grader_12g_as.docx. Ensure that the Office theme is applied to the document. 0
2 Type Sports and Team Photography and then press ENTER. Type Light Magic Studios is a full service photography studio. Press SPACEBAR after the period. Insert the text from the grader data file aio12G_Teams.docx. 4
3 Change the Line Spacing for the entire document to 1.5 and the spacing After to 6 pt. Apply a First line indent of 0.5” to each of the four paragraphs that begin Light Magic StudiosSome of the sportsTeam up with, and The video presentation. 6
4 Change the title font size to 50 and the title Line Spacing to 1.0. Center the title. From the Text Effects and Typography gallery, apply the second effect to the title—Fill: Blue, Accent color 1; Shadow. Note, depending on the version of Office you are using, the effect may be called Fill – Blue, Accent 1, Shadow. 10
5 At the beginning of the paragraph below the title, insert the picture downloaded with your grader files—aio12G_Swim.jpg. Change the picture Height to 1.75, and the Layout Options to Square. Format the picture with a 10 Point Soft Edges effect. 8
6 Use the Position command to display the Layout dialog box. Change the picture position so that the Horizontal Alignment is Right relative to the Margin. Change the Vertical Alignment to Top relative to the Line. 4
7 Select the three paragraphs beginning with Photo CD and ending with Photo t-shirts, and then apply checkmark bullets. 5
8 Locate the paragraph that begins Team up with Light Magic and then click after the colon. Press ENTER and remove the first line indent. Type a numbered list using the format 1.2.3. with the following three numbered items: Earn 5% off of every order Individual photos on CD Free team portrait included 6
9 With the insertion point located at the end of the numbered list, insert a Basic Chevron Process SmartArt. In the first shape, type Selection. In the second shape, type Service and in the third shape type Quality. Select the outside border of the SmartArt. Change the SmartArt color to Colorful Range – Accent Colors 5 to 6, and then apply the 3-D Cartoon style. 9
10 Change the Height of the SmartArt to 1.75 and the Width to 6.5. Change the layout options to Square, and then change the position of the SmartArt so that the Horizontal Alignment is Centered relative to the Page and the Vertical Alignment is set to Bottom relative to the Margin. 8
11 Select the days and times at the end of the document and then set a Right tab with dot leaders at 6”. 4
12 Click in the blank line below the tabbed list, and then click Center. Insert an Online Video. Including the quotations marks, search YouTube for “Go 2013 Light Magic”, and then insert the first video that displays. Change the height of the video to 1. Note, Mac users, insert a hyperlink to an online video using the search phrase “Go 2013 Light Magic”. 2
13 Below the video, insert a Rectangle: Rounded Corners shape. Note, depending on the version of Office you are using, the shape name may be Rounded Rectangle. Change the Shape Height to 1.5 and the Shape Width to 6.5. Display the Shape Styles gallery and in the second row, apply the sixth style— Colored Fill – Blue, Accent 5. 10
14 Use the Position command to display the Layout dialog box, and then change the position so that both the Horizontal and Vertical Alignment of the shape are Centered relative to the Margin. 4
15 In the rectangle, type Light Magic Studios and then press ENTER. Type Capturing Your Memories! and then change the font size to 24. 2
16 Move to the top of the document and insert a Text Box above the title. Change the Height of the text box to 0.5 and the width to 3.6. Type Light Magic Studios and then change the font size to 22. Center the text. 6
17 Use the Position command to display the Layout dialog box, and then position the text box so that the Horizontal Alignment is Centered relative to the Page and the Vertical Absolute position is 0.5 below the Page. 2
18 Change the text box Shape Fill color to Blue, Accent 5, Lighter 80%. Change the Shape Outline to the same color—Blue, Accent 5, Lighter 80%. 4
19 Apply a Box setting page border and choose the first style. Change the Color to Blue, Accent 5. Insert the File Name field in the left section of the footer. Reapply the Office theme, if necessary. 6
20 Save and close the document. Exit Word. Submit the file as directed. 0
Total Points 100

Created On: 07/05/2019 1 AIO16_WD_CH12_GRADER_12G_AS – Sports Photography 1.7 (CITA 110 Homework Help)

cita homework/ch 12/Light Magic A2 Video – Go Word Ch01 A2.mp4

cita homework/ch 12/Nolan_aio16_wd_ch12_grader_12f_as.docx


Light Magic Studios is a full service photography studio. Celebrating over 15 years of service, our studio specializes in high quality family and individual portraits, weddings, special occasion photography, as well as school, sport, and group photo packages. The following video provides additional information: (CITA 110 Homework Help)

Light Magic Studios can provide a valuable service for parents, while earning profits for your school or organization. Some of the benefits and features of fundraising with our studio include:

We can provide a number of add-ons to your photo package to add value and exponentially increase the amount of money you can earn for your school, sport, club, or organization. The following is a list of some of our extra options for your photos: (CITA 110 Homework Help)

Small Size Add-ons Key chains, luggage tags, buttons

Apparel Photo t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies

Papers Stationary, invitations, thank you cards

For a list of all of our products and services visit our website at or call us at (212) 555-0433. (CITA 110 Homework Help)

cita homework/ch 12/Nolan_aio16_wd_ch12_grader_12g_as.docx

cita homework/ch 12/Read me.txt

This folder contains 2 Assignments click on AI0 file and the intructions are there for you after finishing the assaignment, just send each Nolan_ai0 file in the homeowork market website (CITA 110 Homework Help)

cita homework/ch 14 (4 assignments)/AIO16WDCH14GRADER14EAS_-_Hazard_Report_12_Instructions.docx

Grader – Instructions Word 2016 Project

AIO16_WD_CH14_GRADER_14E_AS – Hazard Report 1.2


Project Description:

In this project, you will edit and format a research paper for Memphis Primary Materials on the topic of hazardous materials in electronic waste. To accomplish this, you will insert footnotes, create citations, and create and format a bibliography.

(CITA 110 Homework Help)

Steps to Perform:

Step Instructions Points Possible
1 Start Word. Download and open the file named aio16_wd_ch14_grader_14e_as.docx. 0
2 For all the text, change the line spacing to 2.0 and the spacing after to 0 pt. 5
3 At the top of the document, insert a new blank paragraph, click in the new blank paragraph, and then by pressing ENTER, type the following four lines: June Whitlock Henry Miller Marketing July 5, 2016 (press ENTER one time to create a new blank paragraph) 5
4 In the new blank paragraph, type Hazardous Materials Found in E-Waste 5
5 Center the title Hazardous Materials Found in E-Waste 5
6 Insert a header, type Whitlock and then press SPACEBAR one time. Insert a page number in the current position using the Plain Number Style. Note, Mac users, to insert the page number, click the Field button, then in the Field dialog box, click Numbering on the left, and then click Page on the right. 5
7 Apply Align Right formatting to the header. 5
8 Apply a first line indent of 0.5 inches to the paragraph that begins Most people in the United States. 5
9 On Page 1, in the paragraph that begins One material, in the second line, click to position the insertion point to the right of period following lead, and then insert the footnote In 2009 the U.S. government required that all television signals be transmitted in digital format resulting in many discarded TV sets. Be sure to type the period at the end of the footnote. 5
10 Modify the Footnote Text style so that the Font Size is 11, there is a first line indent of 0.5”, and the spacing is Double. 8
11 On Page 1, in the paragraph that begins Toxic effects, in the third line, click to the left of the period following learning, and then using MLA format, insert a citation for a Journal Article using the following information: Author: Robinson, Eliot Title: EPA May Allow More Lead in Gasoline Journal Name: Science Year: 1982 Pages: 1375-1377 Medium: Print Note, Mac users, do not add a value for Medium. 10
12 Update the Robinson citation to include 1375-1377 as the page numbers. 5
13 On Page 2, at the end of the paragraph that begins Cadmium is another, click to the left of the period, and then insert a citation for a book with a Corporate Author using the following information: Corporate Author: American Cancer Society Title: Cancer Source Book for Nurses, Eighth Edition Year: 2004 City: Sudbury, MA Publisher: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. Medium: Print Note, Mac users, do not add a value for Medium. 10
14 Update the American Cancer Society citation to include 291 as the page number. 2
15 At the end of the document, insert a manual page break. 4
16 On the new Page 3, display the Paragraph dialog box, and then change the Indentation under Special to (none). 5
17 Insert a built-in Works Cited MLA style bibliography. 8
18 Select all the references in the bibliography, apply Double line spacing, and then set the spacing after to 0 pt. Center the Works Cited title. 8
19 Save and close the document. Close Word. Submit the document as directed. 0
Total Points 100

Created On: 07/05/2019 1 AIO16_WD_CH14_GRADER_14E_AS – Hazard Report 1.2

(CITA 110 Homework Help)

cita homework/ch 14 (4 assignments)/AIO16WDCH14GRADER14EHW_-_Skin_Protection_15_Instructions.docx

Grader – Instructions Word 2016 Project

AIO16_WD_CH14_GRADER_14E_HW – Skin Protection 1.5


Project Description:

In this project, you will edit and format a research paper for University Medical Center on the topic of skin protection. To accomplish this, you will insert footnotes, create citations, and create and format a bibliography.

(CITA 110 Homework Help)

Steps to Perform:

Step Instructions Points Possible
1 Start Word. Download and open the file named aio16_wd_ch14_grader_14e_hw.docx. 0
2 For all the text, change the line spacing to 2.0 and the spacing after to 0. 5
3 At the top of the document, insert a new blank paragraph, click in the new blank paragraph, and then by pressing ENTER after each line, type the following four lines: Rachel Holder Dr. Hillary Kim Dermatology 544 August 31, 2016 (press ENTER one time to create a new blank paragraph) 5
4 In the new blank paragraph, type Skin Protection 3
5 Center the title Skin Protection 3
6 Insert a header, type Holder and then press SPACEBAR one time. Insert a page number in the current position using the Plain Number Style. 0
7 Apply Align Right formatting to the header. 0
8 Apply a first line indent of 0.5 inches to the paragraph that begins One way to prevent. 6
9 In the paragraph that begins In the medical field, immediately following the period at the end of the paragraph, insert the footnote The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more. Be sure to type the period at the end of the footnote. 6
10 Modify the Footnote Text style so that the Font Size is 11, there is a first line indent of 0.5”, and the spacing is Double. 10
11 On Page 1, at the end of the paragraph that begins According to an article, click to the left of the period, and then using MLA format, insert a citation for a Journal Article using the following information: Author: Brash, D. E. Title: Sunlight and Sunburn in Human Skin Cancer Journal Name: The Journal of Investigative Dermatology Year: 1996 Pages: 136-142 Medium: Print 11
12 Update the Brash citation you just created to include 136-142 as the page numbers. 4
13 On Page 2, at the end of the paragraph that begins According to Dr. Lawrence, click to the left of the period, and then insert a citation for a Web site using the following information: Author: Gibson, Lawrence E. Name of the Web Page: Does Sunscreen Expire? Year: 2011 Month: April Day: 01 Year Accessed: 2016 Month Accessed: June Day Accessed: 30 Medium: Web 11
14 On Page 3, at the end of the last paragraph of the report, click to the left of the period, and then using MLA format insert a citation for a book using the following information: Author: Leffell, David. Title: Total Skin: The Definitive Guide to Whole Skin Care for Life Year: 2000 City: New York Publisher: Hyperion Medium: Print 8
15 Update the Leffell citation to include 96 as the page number. 5
16 At the end of the document, insert a manual page break. 5
17 On the new Page 4, display the Paragraph dialog box, and then change the Indentation under Special to (none). 5
18 At the top of Page 4, insert a built-in Works Cited bibliography using the MLA style. 5
19 Select all the references in the bibliography, apply Double line spacing, and then set the spacing after to 0 pt. Center the Works Cited title. 8
20 Save and close the document. Close Word. Submit the document as directed. 0
Total Points 100

Created On: 07/05/2019 1 AIO16_WD_CH14_GRADER_14E_HW – Skin Protection 1.5

(CITA 110 Homework Help)

cita homework/ch 14 (4 assignments)/AIO16WDCH14GRADER14FAS_-_Recycling_Newsletter_13_Instructions.docx

Grader – Instructions Word 2016 Project

AIO16_WD_CH14_GRADER_14F_AS – Recycling Newsletter 1.3


Project Description:

In the following project, you will format a newsletter by inserting pictures and screenshots, applying two-column formatting, and adding a border to a paragraph.

(CITA 110 Homework Help)

Steps to Perform:

Step Instructions Points Possible
1 Start Word. Download and open the file named aio16_wd_ch14_grader_14f_as.docx. 0
2 Change the font color of the first three lines to Blue, Accent 1. Apply a 3 pt bottom border in Black, Text 1 to the third paragraph. 16
3 Press CTRL+HOME. Use Online Pictures to search for an image using the term recycle lights and then insert an appropriate image from the results. Note, Mac users, search for an image in a web browser, and then download and insert a relevant image from the results. Change the Brightness/Contrast to Brightness – 40% Contrast +40%. Apply a 1 pt, Black, Text 1 border to the picture. Change the Text Wrapping to Square. Change the Horizontal Alignment to Left relative to Margin and the Vertical Alignment to Top relative to Margin. Change the width of the picture to 1.05″, if necessary. 12
4 Starting with the paragraph CARE Enough to Recycle, select all of the text from that point to the end of the document. Change the Spacing After to 10 pt. Format the selected text in two columns, and apply Justify alignment. Click at the beginning of the paragraph that begins This initiative creates, and then insert a Column break. 20
5 Click at the beginning of the sentence that begins with In 2006, the Environmental. Use Online Pictures to search for an image using the term refrigerator household appliance and then insert an appropriate image from the results. Note, Mac users, search for an image in a web browser, and then download and insert a relevant image from the results. Rotate the picture using Flip Horizontal and change the picture height to 1″. Change the wrapping style of the picture to Square. Change the Horizontal Alignment to Left relative to Margin and the Vertical Alignment to Top relative to Line. 12
6 Start Internet Explorer and ensure that window is maximized. Navigate to Display your aio16_wd_ch14_grader_14f_as.docx file, click at the end of the last line of text in the second column, and then press ENTER. Insert a screenshot of the website. Do not link the screenshot to the URL. Apply a Black, Text 1 Picture Border and change the weight to 1 pt. 12
7 Select the subheading CARE Enough to Recycle including the paragraph mark. Use the Font dialog box to change the Size to 14, to apply Bold and Small Caps, and to change the Font color to Dark Blue, Text 2. Apply the same formatting to the subheadings Hazards of Old Home Appliances, and What We Are Doing. 16
8 Select the last paragraph in the newsletter, and then apply a 1 pt Shadow border, in Black, Text 1. Change the Fill color to Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 80%. 12
9 Save and close the aio16_wd_ch14_grader_14f_as.docx document. Exit Word. Submit the aio16_wd_ch14_grader_14f_as.docx document as directed. 0
Total Points 100

Created On: 07/05/2019 1 AIO16_WD_CH14_GRADER_14F_AS – Recycling Newsletter 1.3

cita homework/ch 14 (4 assignments)/AIO16WDCH14GRADER14FHW_-_Dogs_Newsletter_13_Instructions.docx

Grader – Instructions Word 2016 Project

AIO16_WD_CH14_GRADER_14F_HW – Dogs Newsletter 1.3

(CITA 110 Homework Help)

Project Description:

In the following project, you will format a newsletter by inserting pictures and screenshots, applying two-column formatting, and adding a border to a paragraph.


Steps to Perform:

Step Instructions Points Possible
1 Start Word. Download and open the file named aio16_wd_ch14_grader_14f_hw.docx. 0
2 Change the font color of the first three lines to Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 25%. Apply a 3 pt bottom border in Black, Text 1. 13
3 Press CTRL+HOME. Use Online Pictures to search for an image using the term physician symbols and then insert an appropriate image from the results. Alternatively, search for an image in a web browser, and then download and insert a relevant image from the results. Set the image Height to 1″. Change the Brightness/Contrast to Brightness 0% (Normal) Contrast +40%. Change the Text Wrapping to Square. Change the Horizontal Alignment of the image to Left relative to Margin and the Vertical Alignment to Top relative to Margin. 12
4 Starting with the paragraph Dogs for Healing, select all of the text from that point to the end of the document. Change the Spacing After to 10 pt. Format the selected text in two columns, and apply Justify alignment. Insert a Column break before the subheading Cuddles. 13
5 Click at the beginning of the sentence that begins with Brandy is a 6-year-old Beagle. From the files downloaded with this project, insert the picture w014F_Dog.jpg. Rotate the picture using Flip Horizontal. Change the width of the picture to 1″. 13
6 Change the wrapping style of the picture to Square. Change the Horizontal Alignment to Right relative to Margin and the Vertical Alignment to Top relative to Line. Apply a Black, Text 1 Picture Border and change the weight to 2 1/4 pt. Save your file. 13
7 Start your web browser and ensure that the window is maximized. Navigate to If the website is not available, choose another page on the site. Display your aio16_wd_ch14_grader_14f_hw.docx file, click at the end of the paragraph below the Dogs for Healing subheading, and then insert a screenshot of the website. Apply a Black, Text 1 Picture Border and change the weight to 1 pt. 12
8 Select the subheading Dogs for Healing including the paragraph mark. Use the Font dialog box to change the Size to 16, to apply Bold and Small Caps, and to change the Font color to Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50%. Apply the same formatting to the subheadings Benefits to PatientsCuddles, and Brandy. 12
9 Select the last paragraph in the newsletter including the paragraph mark, and then apply a 1 pt Shadow border, in Black, Text 1. Shade the paragraph by changing the Fill color to Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 80%. 12
10 Save and close the document. Close all other documents without saving the changes. Exit Word. Submit the aio16_wd_ch14_grader_14f_hw.docx document as directed. 0
Total Points 100

Created On: 07/05/2019 1 AIO16_WD_CH14_GRADER_14F_HW – Dogs Newsletter 1.3

(CITA 110 Homework Help)

cita homework/ch 14 (4 assignments)/Nolan_aio16_wd_ch14_grader_14e_as.docx

Most people in the United States are now aware that disposing of electronic equipment by traditional methods—such as dumping in landfills—is harmful to the environment. It is intuitive to people that placing large items that will never completely break down in landfills is a wasteful use of land, but the reasons for special treatment of electronic waste go beyond that. Electronics contain hazardous materials that can harm the planet if placed untreated in landfills. Also, many electronic devices contain valuable materials that can be reused, thereby conserving natural resources.

One material that is hazardous is lead. Televisions and old CRT computer monitors contain varying amounts of lead. Due to its characteristics and ease of use, lead has been used since ancient times to make pottery, build ships, act as weights, and construct pipes. Lead has also been used in gasoline, batteries, paint, crystal, and insecticides. Lead, however, is also poisonous. As awareness of its side effects grew and the public began expressing concerns about its widespread use, in the 1970s the U.S. government began restricting its use. However, lead continues to be a leading environmental health risk for children in the U.S.

Toxic effects of lead on children are well documented. Research in the last few decades shows quite convincingly that there is a relationship between the amount of lead a child ingests and problems in thinking and learning. Furthermore, this sort of poisoning appears to be caused by what had been considered “safe” levels of lead exposure. Even very low levels of exposure to lead may cause significant damage to learning ability.

Cadmium is another toxic product found in electronic equipment, especially in the nickel and cadmium (Ni-Cd) batteries used in many portable electronic devices.[footnoteRef:1] In addition to causing lung and liver damage, cadmium is a human carcinogen. For example, occupational and environmental risk factors for renal cancer include exposure to cadmium. [1: Newer lithium batteries are not considered hazardous waste if they are fully discharged prior to disposal.]

Mercury is found in fluorescent lamps and computer circuit boards as well as many scientific instruments. Occupational exposure to mercury can result in a number of toxic effects on humans, such as personality disorders, insomnia, fatigue, tremors, and muscle spasms.

Using modern electronic waste processing methods, most electronic waste can be rendered harmless or reused.

Businesses must find a way to insure that unwanted electronics are disposed of in a way that will minimize toxins in the environment, and need to be sure to work with waste processing facilities that follow all applicable laws and regulations in order to maximize worker safety and minimize release of toxins.

cita homework/ch 14 (4 assignments)/Nolan_aio16_wd_ch14_grader_14e_hw.docx

One way to prevent skin cancer, sunburn, and skin damage is to completely avoid the sun. Most individuals, however, will not resign themselves to living in a dark cave, so they seek more practical ways to protect themselves through the proper use of sunscreens, sunblocks, and protective clothing.

According to an article in The Journal of Investigative Dermatology, everyone is exposed to the carcinogen sunlight. Epidemiology—all the factors that control the presence or absence of a disease or pathogen—indicates that the exposure to carcinogenic sunlight can take place several decades before a tumor arises.

Most sunburns and skin cancers are caused by UVB radiation. UVA rays can also contribute to skin cancer, as well as causing skin aging and wrinkles. Both UVB and UVA rays should be avoided at all costs. Sunblocks are creams, sprays, or lotions that reflect the sun’s rays. Sunscreens are chemical agents that absorb the sun rather than reflect it. Look for a good sunblock or sunscreen that promises to block both UVA and UVB rays and that has an SPF—sun protection factor—of a level of fifteen or higher. The sunblock zinc oxide offers the strongest protection against both UVA and UVB rays. Titanium dioxide is a type of zinc oxide that is more commonly found in many quality products.

For users of a sunblock or sunscreen, SPF should be taken into consideration. SPF is often confused with the protective strength of the product, but SPF is actually a measure of the amount of time one can expose one’s skin to the sun while using the product before the sun will burn the skin. For example, a sunscreen or sunblock with an SPF of 25 means that it will take 25 times longer for your skin to burn while using the product than it would without the product.

According to Dr. Lawrence E. Gibson, a dermatologist at the Mayo Clinic, sunscreens have an expiration date. Most sunscreens are designed to remain effective for up to three years. A sunscreen past its expiration date should be discarded. Additionally, sunscreen that has been exposed to very high temperatures for any length of time should be discarded.

An appropriate amount of sunscreen to use is 1 ounce (30 milliliters)—the equivalent of a shot glass. This should be used to cover all exposed parts of the body. That means that for a 4-ounce (118-milliliter) bottle, one-fourth of it will be gone after only one application. Sunscreen should be applied thirty minutes before going outside and reapplied every two hours—more if an individual has been swimming or sweating excessively.

Individuals should protect their skin while they are young. Studies indicate that 85 percent of lifetime sun exposure is acquired by the age of 18. Chronic repeated sun exposure can lead to the genetic changes which could cause skin cancer, so it is critical that children develop good habits regarding sunscreen at an early age. Additionally, infants under six months old should be kept out of direct sunlight at all times, because their skin is exceptionally sensitive to any of the rays of the sun.[footnoteRef:1] [1: For babies, the American Academy of Dermatology recommends using a sunscreen that contains only inorganic filters, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, to avoid any skin or eye irritation.]

In the medical field, dermatologists and their societies recommend the use of sunscreen coupled with avoidance of midday sun, wearing protective clothing, and regular application of a sunblock with a sun protection factor of 15 to 30. The sunblock should have both UVB and UVA coverage.

Another way to prevent sunburn, in addition to sunscreen, is by wearing protective clothing. A broad brimmed hat is a great way to protect one’s face and head from sunburn. Additionally, long- sleeved shirts and pants may offer some protection from the sun’s harmful rays.

When educating patients and youngsters about how best to protect themselves from overexposure to the sun, the best advice is to be prepared before planning a day in the sun. Heed weather reports and the listings of the UV index. These reports warn of the estimated time that ultraviolet rays are at their peak during the day. Avoiding the sun during these times and staying out of the sun during the peak hours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. is good practice.

Because the effect of the sun’s rays does not appear until several hours after exposure, one cannot notice if he or she is getting sunburn. The full effect of sunburn is usually not felt until eighteen hours after the exposure.

(CITA 110 Homework Help)

cita homework/ch 14 (4 assignments)/Nolan_aio16_wd_ch14_grader_14f_as.docx

Memphis Primary Materials

Recycling Newsletter

Volume 1, Number 3 March 2016

CARE Enough to Recycle

Carpet America Recovery Effort (CARE) is a joint effort between the carpet industry and the US Government to reduce the amount of carpet and padding being disposed of in landfills. Billions of pounds of carpet are disposed of each year.

Fortunately, carpet and padding can be recycled into new padding fiber, home accessories, erosion control products, and construction products. The CARE initiative combines the resources of manufacturers and local governments to find new ideas for old carpet and to overcome barriers to recycling.

For information on companies participating in the program and to find out if you are near a carpet reclamation center, please visit

Hazards of Old Home Appliances

In 2006, the Environmental Protection Agency created a voluntary partnership effort to recover ozone-depleting materials from appliances like old refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, and humidifiers. The program outlines best practices for recovering or destroying refrigerant and foam, recycling metals, plastic, and glass, and proper disposal of hazards like PCBs, oil, and mercury.

This initiative creates opportunities for for-profit companies like Memphis Primary Materials. We provide appliance recycling services to our business clients that include picking up old products, advising on the most energy-efficient new products, and processing discarded items for optimum safety and minimal environmental impact.

What We Are Doing

Memphis Primary Materials also completes the EPA RAD (Responsible Appliance Disposal) worksheet, which calculates how much energy usage and carbon-equivalent emissions were reduced as a result of their efforts. This information helps customers to determine how they can improve their energy-efficiency performance and have a positive impact on the environment.

For more information on the EPA programs for appliance recycling, see their Web site at

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University Medical Center

Health Improvement Newsletter

Volume 3 Spring 2016

Dogs for Healing

At University Medical Center, therapy dogs have been a welcomed asset to patient care and recovery since 2004. UMC works with several non-profit organizations to bring dedicated volunteers and their canine teams into the hospital to visit children, adults, and seniors. Information regarding service dog regulations, training, and laws is available on the ADA website.

Benefits to Patients

Medical research shows that petting a dog or other domestic animal relaxes patients and helps ease symptoms of stress from illness or from the hospital setting. Studies have shown that such therapies contribute to decreased blood pressure and heart rate, and can help with patient respiratory rate.


Cuddles, a 4 year-old Labrador, is one of our most popular therapy dogs and is loved by both young and senior patients. You’ll see Cuddles in the Children’s wing on Mondays with his owner, Jason, who trained him since he was a tiny pup.


Brandy is a 6-year-old Beagle who brings smiles and giggles to everyone she meets. Over the past several years, Brandy has received accolades and awards for her service as a therapy dog. Brandy is owned by Melinda Sparks, a 17-year veteran employee of University Medical Center. Brandy and Melinda can be seen making the rounds on Wednesdays in the Children’s wing and on Mondays and Fridays.

To request a visit from a therapy dog, or to learn how to become involved with therapy dog training, call Carole Yates at extension 2365.

(CITA 110 Homework Help)

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Grader – Instructions Excel 2016 Project

AIO16_XL_CH15_GRADER_15E_HW – Gym Sales 1.2

(CITA 110 Homework Help)

Project Description:

In the following project, you will create a worksheet comparing the sales of different types of home gym equipment sold in the second quarter.


Steps to Perform:

Step Instructions Points Possible
1 Start Excel. Download and open the file named aio16_xl_ch15_grader_15e_hw.xlsx. 0
2 Change the worksheet theme to Wisp. 4
3 Use the fill handle to enter the months May and June in the range C3:D3. 6
4 Merge & Center the title across A1:F1, and then apply the Title cell style. Merge & Center the subtitle across A2:F2, and then apply the Heading 1 style. Center the column titles in the range B3:F3. 10
5 Widen column A to 180 pixels, and then widen columns B:F to 115 pixels. Note, Mac users will need to set column A to a width of 21.88 and columns B:F to a width of 13.83. In the range B7:D7, enter the following values: 137727.85, 121691.64, and 128964.64. 10
6 In cell B8, use the AutoSum button to sum the April sales. Fill the formula across to cells C8:D8. In cell E4, use the AutoSum button to sum the Basic Home Gym sales. Fill the formula down to cells E4:E8. 10
7 Apply the Heading 4 cell style to the row titles and column titles, and then apply the Total cell style to the totals in the range B8:E8. 6
8 Apply the Accounting Number Format to the first row of sales figures and to the total row. Apply the Comma Style to the remaining sales figures. 6
9 Select the range that represents the sales figures for the three months, including the month names and the product names—do not include any totals in the range. With this data selected, use the Recommended Charts command to insert a Clustered Column chart with the month names displayed on the category axis and the product names displayed in the legend. 10
10 Move the chart so that its upper left corner is positioned in the center of cell A10. Then drag the center right sizing handle to the right until the right edge of the chart aligns with the right edge of column E. 6
11 Apply Chart Style 6 and Color 2 under Colorful. Change the Chart Title to Second Quarter Home Gym Sales. 10
12 In the range F4:F7, insert Line sparklines that compare the monthly data. Do not include the totals. Show the sparkline Markers and apply Sparkline Style Accent 2, Darker 50%—in the first row, the second style. 10
13 Center the worksheet Horizontally on the page, and then insert a Footer with the File Name in the left section. 6
14 Change the Orientation to Landscape. 6
15 Save and close the document. Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed. 0
Total Points 100

Created On: 07/05/2019 1 AIO16_XL_CH15_GRADER_15E_HW – Gym Sales 1.2

(CITA 110 Homework Help)

cita homework/ch 15 Assignments (2 Assignments)/AIO16XLCH15GRADER15FAS_-_Dispenser_Sales_11_Instructions.docx

Grader – Instructions Excel 2016 Project

AIO16_XL_CH15_GRADER_15F_AS – Dispenser Sales 1.1


Project Description:

In the following project, you will create a worksheet summarizing the sales of Tabletop Dispenser equipment that Millstone Restaurant Supply is marketing.


Steps to Perform:

Step Instructions Points Possible
1 Start Excel. Download and open the file named aio16_xl_ch15_grader_15f_as.xlsx. 0
2 Merge and center the title and then the subtitle across columns A:F and apply the Title and Heading 1 cell styles respectively. 8
3 Check spelling in your worksheet, and correct Npkin to Napkin. Widen column A to 25 and columns B:F to 12.85. 8
4 In cell E4, construct a formula to calculate the Total Sales of the Condiment Rack by multiplying the Quantity Sold by the Retail Price. Copy the formula down for the remaining products. 12
5 Select the range E4:E10, and then use the Quick Analysis tool to sum the Total Sales for All Products, which will be formatted in bold. Note, Mac users, sum the Total Sales for All Products in cell E11 and apply bold. To the total in cell E11, apply the Total cell style. 10
6 Using absolute cell references as necessary so that you can copy the formula, in cell F4, construct a formula to calculate the Percent of Total Sales for the first product. Copy the formula down for the remaining products. 10
7 To the computed percentages, apply Percent Style with two decimal places, and then center the percentages. 8
8 Apply the Comma Style with no decimal places to the Quantity Sold figures. To cells D4, E4, and E11 apply the Accounting Number Format with two decimal places 4
9 To the range D5:E10, apply the Comma Style. 4
10 Change the Retail Price of the Artisan Rack to 29.95 and the Quantity Sold of the Cheese Shaker to 425. 4
11 Delete column B. 6
12 Insert a new row 3. In cell A3, type Month Ending March 31 and then merge and center the text across the range A3:E3. Apply the Heading 2 cell style. 10
13 To cell A12, apply the 20% – Accent1 cell style. 4
14 Select the four column titles. Apply Wrap Text, Middle Align, and Center formatting, and then apply the Heading 3 cell style. 8
15 Center the worksheet Horizontally on the page, and then insert the file name in the footer in the left section. Return the worksheet to Normal view, if necessary. 4
16 Save and close the workbook. Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed. 0

(CITA 110 Homework Help)

Total Points 100
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