
Windshield Suvey Analysis

Community Insights: Windshield Suvey Analysis

Windshield Suvey Analysis

A windshield survey is a method used by community health professionals to observe a community’s characteristics and needs. Through visual observation from a car, they gather data on housing, transportation, safety, and resources. Analyzing these findings provides insights into the community’s health determinants and potential interventions.

In conducting a windshield survey, researchers examine factors like the condition of buildings, presence of parks or recreational facilities, availability of healthcare services, and overall cleanliness and safety of the environment. They may also note any signs of social cohesion or division within the community.

By analyzing these observations, health professionals can identify areas for improvement, such as the need for better access to healthcare, addressing environmental hazards, or enhancing community resources. Additionally, it helps in understanding the social determinants impacting health outcomes, guiding the development of targeted interventions and policies to promote community health and well-being.

(Windshield Survey Analysis)

Windshield Survey

Assignment Guidelines

A. Windshield Survey 

The Windshield Survey is comprised of general qualitative observations that give you a snapshot of the community that you can capture as you drive/walk through the community. The demographic data can be obtained online, through the public library, county or township administration buildings. Please address the following in a narrative format following APA guidelines:

1. Geographical description

 Boundaries, geographical, political, or economic, how is it seen.

 Housing an zoning

 Sign of decay

2. Health Resources 

a. Type of services available: health department, private MD, dentist, hospital clinic,

b. pharmacy, health promotion, mental health

c. School and occupational health services

d. Official and voluntary services

e. Self help and support groups

f. Service organizations, faith-based programs

g. Stores (grocery, retail, drug, dry cleaning, etc.

h. Transportation

3. Citizen safety and protective services 

a. Police and fire

b. Shelters for victims of abuse

c. Others: neighborhood watch etc.

4. Services provided by senior citizens senior centers, meals on wheels, transportation, day care, long term care. 

a. Parks and recreational areas

5. Community welfare services beyond city/state aid as provisions for emergency food, shelter and clothing. 

Below please see the rubric that will be used to grade your survey and due date instructions.

Assignment must be presented in an essay style using APA format in the required Arial 12 font with minimum of 1000 words. Due date is Saturday September , 2018 @ 11:59PM in the discussion tab of the black board for grading.

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