
Computer Science homework help



1. Train Ticket

Train Ticket for one person. Write a program that reads a person’s age, then computes and displays the price the person needs to pay for the train ride according to the following rules:

  • Children younger than 6 years old ride for free.
  • If the ticket is bought at the train station:
    • A person over 70 years old pays $5.20
    • Everyone else pays $11.50.
  • If ticket is bought inside the train, there is an extra charge of 15% compared to train station prices.

Note that a person’s age is within the range of 0 to 120 years. Other inputs are considered error conditions.

1.1- Inputs, Outputs and Error Conditions

In the space below, determine the inputs, outputs and error conditions for the problem.

1.2- Algorithms
In the space below, write your algorithm using pseudocode

1.3- Test cases

In the space below, list a thorough set of test cases for your program. Write in the following format [inputs], where the inputs are separated by commas. [inputs][output]

2. Bank

A bank charges fees and/or gives interest based on the balance of a customer. Write a program that reads the customer balance then calculates and displays the new balance after the application of fees and or interest based on the following rules:

• A negative balance incurs a $50 overdraft fee. • A balance below $500 (but positive) incur on a $10 maintenance fee. • A balance from $500 to $1000 (inclusive) gain 0.1% interest. • A balance over $1000 will gain 2% interest.

2.1-Input, Output, Error Conditions

In the space below, determine the inputs, outputs and error conditions for the problem.

2.2- Algorithm

In the space below, write your algorithm using pseudocode

2.3- Test cases

In the space bellow, list a thorough set of test cases for your program. Write in the following format [inputs], where the inputs are separated by commas. [inputs][output]

3. Count Operations – WCS111 FM

WCS111 FM, a radio station by computer scientists for computer scientists. The station runs a contest where listeners win prizes based on how many hours they spend programming in Java. The following program displays the listener prize based on the number of hours spent programming.

3.1- Minimum

What is the minimum number of operations that can be executed in the code?

3.2- Maximum

What is the maximum number of operations that can be executed in the code?

4. Count Operations – Lucky Twos

Lucky Twos determines and displays the number of digits that are 2s in a whole number. For example, the number of 2s in 3487 is 0, while the number of 2s in 272521 is 3. Note: whole numbers are non-negative integers starting at zero 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. Assume that the fractional part is discarded in the division: 10 / 4 = 2 8 / 5  = 1 20 / 3 = 6

4.1- Let n be the number of digits of the whole number. What is the number of operations that are executed in the code in terms of n?

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Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help

CSC101 Introduction to Computer Science Saint Martin’s University Professor: Teresa Escrig Module 1 Assignments Due September 6 Write Python code to solve the following problem:

1. Write a Python program that prompts the user for his/her amount of money, then reports how many Nintendo Wiis the person can afford, and how much more money he/she will need to afford an additional Wii.

Optional problems: 30. Write a Python program that will accept the base and height of a triangle and compute the area. 31. Write a Python program to compute the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two positive integers. 32. Write a Python program to get the least common multiple (LCM) of two positive integers. 38. Write a Python program to solve (x + y) * (x + y). Test Data : x = 4, y = 3 Expected Output : (4 + 3) ^ 2) = 49 40. Write a Python program to compute the distance between the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2). Go to to see the solutions to the previous problems.

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Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help

Basic Charts


The Excel file accompanying this assignment (SuperDrugsPrescriptions) contains fictitious pharmaceutical sales information. Using this data, create a Tableau worksheet to answer each of the following questions:

FILE to use: SuperDrugsPrescriptions.xlsx


1. Exactly recreate the following visualization of the average prescription price over time:



2. Exactly recreate the following visualization of prescription quantity vs. profit. The color of each mark denotes the region, and the shape denotes the drug supplier:


Use the viz you just created to answer the following in a word document:


· What pharmacy and drug supplier represented the highest profit mark on this viz, across all regions?

· What pharmacy and drug supplier represented the highest profit mark on this viz in the East region?

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Agriculture Insurance Conference Assignment

Agriculture Insurance Conference Assignment

Vaccination Schedule

Think of vaccines as a coat of armor for your child. To keep it shiny and strong, you have to make sure your child’s immunizations are up to date. Timely vaccinations help to prevent disease and keep your family and the community healthy. Some immunizations are given in a single shot, while others require a series of shots over a period of time.

Vaccines for children and teenagers are listed alphabetically below with their routinely recommended ages. Missed doses will be assessed by your child’s physician and given if necessary. Keep a personal record of all immunizations and bring it with you to each office visit.

Name of Vaccine When It’s Recommended Total Doses

Inactivated poliovirus (IPV) At 2, 4, 6 months, and 4-6 years 4

Chickenpox (varicella) At 12 months and 4-6 years 2

Tetanus and diphtheria (Td) At 11-12 years 1

Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) At 2, 4, 6 and 12-15 months, and 4-6 years 5

Hepatitis A (HepA) At 12 and 18 months 3

Human papillomavirus (HPV) 3-dose series for girls at age 11-12 years 3

Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV) At 2, 4, 6, and 12 months 4

Live intranasal influenza Annually starting at age 2 years Annually

Inactivated influenza (flu shot) Annually starting at age 6 months Annually

Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) At 12 months and 4-6 years 2

Pneumococcal polysaccharide (PPSV) At 2, 4, 6, and 12 months 4

Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) At 2, 4, 6, and 12 months 4

Rotavirus (RV) At 2, 4, and 6 months 3


These recommendations are for generally healthy children and teenagers and are for information only. If your child has ongoing health problems, special health needs or risks, or if certain conditions run in your family, talk with your child’s physician. He or she may recommend additional vaccinations or schedules based on earlier immunizations and special health needs.


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Data Analytics Assignment

Data Analytics Assignment

3/18/2020 Solved: A local beer producer sells two types of beer, a regula… |… 1/4

home / study / math / statistics and probability / statistics and probability solutions manuals / business analytics / 5th edition / chapter 4 / problem 8p

Business Analytics (5th Edition) See this solution in the app


A local beer producer sells two types of beer, a regular brand and a light brand with 30% fewer calories. The company’s marketing department wants to verify that its traditional approach of appealing to local whitecollar workers with light beer commercials and appealing to local blue- collar workers with regular beer commercials is indeed a good strategy. A randomly selected group of 400 local workers are questioned about their beer-drinking preferences, and the data in the file P04_08.xlsx are obtained.

a. If a blue-collar worker is chosen at random from this group, what is the probability that he/she prefers light beer (to regular beer or no beer at all)?

b. If a white-collar worker is chosen at random from this group, what is the probability that he/she prefers light beer (to regular beer or no beer at all)?

c. If you restrict your attention to workers who like to drink beer, what is the probability that a randomly selected blue-collar worker prefers to drink light beer?

d. If you restrict your attention to workers who like to drink beer, what is the probability that a randomly selected white-collar worker prefers to drink light beer?

e. Does the company’s marketing strategy appear to be appropriate? Explain why or why not.

Step-by-step solution

The data for survey of local workers with regard to beer-drinking preferences is given below.


Here ‘W’ denotes white-collar workers and ‘B’ denotes blue-collar worker in ‘Type’ column. In ‘Preference’ column, ‘L’ denotes those workers who prefer to drink light beer, ‘R’ denotes those workers who prefer to drink regular beer and ‘N’ denotes those workers who prefer not to drink beer.


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Step 2 of 8

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3/18/2020 Solved: A local beer producer sells two types of beer, a regula… |… 2/4

A pivot table has been created to show the counts of worker type for different drinking preferences of workers where the total number of workers surveyed is 400. The screenshot of the pivot table is given below.


a. From the pivot table given above the number of blue collar workers that prefer light beer is 111 and the total number of blue collar workers is 250. So the probability E of a randomly chosen blue collar worker that prefers light beer is given by,


b. From the pivot table given above the number of white collar workers that prefer light beer is 79 and the total number of white collar workers is 150. So the probability F of a randomly chosen white collar worker that prefers light beer is given by,


c. From the pivot table given above the number of blue collar workers that prefer light beer is 111 and the number of worker that drink beer is 371. So the probability G of a randomly chosen beer drinking worker being a blue collar worker that prefers light beer is given by,

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3/18/2020 Solved: A local beer producer sells two types of beer, a regula… |… 3/4

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Comments (3)

d. From the pivot table given above the number of white collar workers that prefer light beer is 79 and the number of worker that drink beer is 371. So the probability H of a randomly chosen beer drinking worker being a white collar worker that prefers light beer is given by,

Comments (2)

e. The company’s marketing strategy to target blue collar workers who drink regular beer and white collar worker who drink light beer is most appropriate, since these two type of workers comprise the largest segment in their two respective subgroups.


Step 7 of 8

Step 8 of 8

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Chapter 4, Problem 28P

Consider the probability distribution of the weekly demand for copier paper (in hundreds of reams) used in a corporation’s duplicating center, as shown in the file P04_27.xlsx. a. Use simulation to generate 500 values of this random…

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Chapter 4, Problem 3P

The publisher of a popular financial periodical has decided to undertake a campaign in an effort to attract new subscribers. Market research analysts in this company believe that there is a 1 in 4 chance that the increase in the number of new…

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Create A Step-By-Step IT Security Policy For Handling User Accounts/Rights For A Student Who Is Leaving Prematurely

Computer Science homework help

Computer Security Fundamentals

by Chuck Easttom


Chapter 10 Security Policies



© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Chapter 10 Objectives

  • Recognize the importance of security policies
  • Understand the various policies and the rationale for them
  • Know what elements go into good policies
  • Create policies for network administration
  • Evaluate and improve existing policies

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Explain what cyber terrorism is and how it has been used in some actual cases.

Understand the basics of information warfare.

Have a working knowledge of some plausible cyber terrorism scenarios.

Have an appreciation for the dangers posed by cyber terrorism.

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies



  • Technology by itself cannot solve all network security problems.

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Cyber terrorism, according to the definition of the FBI:

Premeditated, politically motivated attack against information, computer systems, computer programs, and data that results in violence against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents.

Typically, loss of life in a cyber attack would be less than in a bombing attack.

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Introduction (cont.)

  • Virus software won’t prevent a user from manually opening an attachment and releasing a virus.
  • A technologically secured network is still vulnerable if former employees (perhaps some unhappy with the company) still have working passwords. Or if passwords are simply put on Post-it notes on computer monitors.
  • A server is not secure if it is in a room that nearly everyone in the company has access to.
  • Your network is not secure if end users are vulnerable to social engineering.

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


All these could lead to significant deaths: train wrecks, hospital deaths, loss of air traffic control resulting in plane crashes, and so forth.

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


What Is a Policy?

  • A security policy is a document that defines how an organization deals with some aspect of security. There can be policies regarding end-user behavior, IT response to incidents, or policies for specific issues and incidents.

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


All these could lead to significant deaths: train wrecks, hospital deaths, loss of air traffic control resulting in plane crashes, and so forth.

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Defining User Policies

  • Passwords
  • Internet use
  • E-mail attachments
  • Installing/uninstalling software
  • Instant messaging
  • Desktop configuration

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


All these could lead to significant deaths: train wrecks, hospital deaths, loss of air traffic control resulting in plane crashes, and so forth.

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


System Admin Policies

  • New Employees
  • Departing Employees
  • Change Control
  • Access Control


© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


All these could lead to significant deaths: train wrecks, hospital deaths, loss of air traffic control resulting in plane crashes, and so forth.

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Other Issues

  • Bring Your Own Device
  • A major concern in the modern network
  • New Employees
  • Departing Employees


© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Bring your own device (BYOD) has become a significant issue for most organizations. Most, if not all, of your employees will have their own smart phones, tablets, smart watches, and Fitbits that they will carry with them into the workplace. When they connect to your wireless network, this introduces a host of new security concerns. You have no idea what networks that device previously connected to, what software was installed on them, or what data might be exfiltrated by these personal devices.

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Change Management

  • RFC
  • CAB
  • Follow-up


© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies



© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Software Development Policies

  • Security standards
  • Testing


© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies



© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Incident Response Policies

  • Handling viruses
  • Dealing with breaches

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


All these could lead to significant deaths: train wrecks, hospital deaths, loss of air traffic control resulting in plane crashes, and so forth.

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Data Classification

  • Public
  • Secure


© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies



© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies



  • DRP
  • BCP
  • BIA


© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies



© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Fault Tolerance

  • Backups
  • Full: All changes
  • Differential: All changes since last full backup
  • Incremental: All changes since last backup of any type
  • RAID


© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies



© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Relevant Laws & Regulations

  • Sarbanes-Oxley
  • PCI


© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies



© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies



  • In this chapter, you learned the technology is not enough to ensure a secure network. You must have clear and specific policies detailing procedures on your network. Those policies must cover employee computer resource use, new employees, outgoing employees, access rights, how to respond to an emergency, and even how secure code in applications and websites is.
  • User policies must cover all aspects of how the user is expected to use company technology. In some cases, such as instant messaging and web use, policies may be difficult to enforce, but that does not change that they must still be in place. If your user policies fail to cover a particular area of technology use, then you will have difficulty taking any action against any employee who performs that particular misuse.

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies






Explain what cyber terrorism is and how it has been used in some actual cases.

Understand the basics of information warfare.

Have a working knowledge of some plausible cyber terrorism scenarios.

Have an appreciation for the dangers posed by cyber terrorism.


Cyber terrorism, according to the definition of the FBI:

Premeditated, politically motivated attack against information, computer systems, computer programs, and data that results in violence against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents.

Typically, loss of life in a cyber attack would be less than in a bombing attack.


All these could lead to significant deaths: train wrecks, hospital deaths, loss of air traffic control resulting in plane crashes, and so forth.


All these could lead to significant deaths: train wrecks, hospital deaths, loss of air traffic control resulting in plane crashes, and so forth.


All these could lead to significant deaths: train wrecks, hospital deaths, loss of air traffic control resulting in plane crashes, and so forth.


All these could lead to significant deaths: train wrecks, hospital deaths, loss of air traffic control resulting in plane crashes, and so forth.


Bring your own device (BYOD) has become a significant issue for most organizations. Most, if not all, of your employees will have their own smart phones, tablets, smart watches, and Fitbits that they will carry with them into the workplace. When they connect to your wireless network, this introduces a host of new security concerns. You have no idea what networks that device previously connected to, what software was installed on them, or what data might be exfiltrated by these personal devices.






All these could lead to significant deaths: train wrecks, hospital deaths, loss of air traffic control resulting in plane crashes, and so forth.










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Computer Science homework help

Non-Deterministic Finite Automata

1. Construct an nfa that accepts all integer numbers in C. Explain why your construct is an nfa.

2. Prove in detail the claim made in the previous section that if in a transition graph there is a walk

labeled w, there must be some walk labeled w of length no more than Λ + (1 + Λ) |w|.

3. Find a dfa that accepts the language defined by the nfa in Figure 2.8.

4. Convert the nfa in Exercise 13, Section 2.2, into an equivalent dfa.



5. Convert the nfa defined by


with initial state q0 and final state q2 into an equivalent dfa.

6. Is it true that for every nfa M = (Q, Σ, δ, q0, F), the complement of L (M) is equal to the set {w ∈ Σ* : δ*

(q0, w) ∩ (Q − F) ≠ ∅}? If so, prove it; if not, give a counterexample.

7. Prove that for every nfa with an arbitrary number of final states there is an equivalent nfa with only one final state. Can we make a similar claim for dfa’s?

8. Consider the dfa with initial state q0, final state q2 and δ(q0,a)=q2δ(q1,a)=q2δ(q2,a)=q3δ(q3,a)=q3δ(q0,b)=q2δ(q1,b)=q2δ(q2,b)=q3δ(q3,b)=q1δ(q0,a)=q2δ(q0,b)=q2δ (q1,a)=q2δ(q1,b)=q2δ(q2,a)=q3δ(q2,b)=q3δ(q3,a)=q3δ(q3,b)=q1 Find a minimal equivalent dfa.

9. Minimize the number of states in the dfa in Figure 2.16.


THEOREM 2.2 Let L be the language accepted by a nondeterministic finite accepter MN = (QN, Σ, δN, q0, FN). Then there exists a deterministic finite accepter MD = (QD, Σ, δD, {q0}, FD) such that L = L (MD).

10. Use the construction of Theorem 2.2 to convert the nfa in Figure 2.10 to a dfa. Can you see a simpler answer more directly?

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Software Testing & Quality (Capstone)

Software Testing & Quality (Capstone), computer science homework help

(Software Testing & Quality (Capstone))

Question description

You and your testing team have been tasked with testing a new benefits application that is being developed. Your company uses a flexible benefits plan, allowing company employees to customer their heal benefit plan based on personal preferences. The benefits application is expected to go live in 3 months.

Your company’s Human Resources department uses a cafeteria-style approach to provide employees with health care benefits. Each September, employees review their current benefits, modify their elections and then sign election forms. Any changes must be entered and tracked in the benefits application. For medical insurance, an employee enrolls with a preferred provider organization (PPO) or health maintenance organization (HMO). The company currently pays the monthly medical premiums for its employees. However, if an employee enrolls in a dental plan or vision plan, the employee pays a modest monthly premium for the optional plan. An employee may carry medical, dental, and/or vision coverage for one or more of his or her family members. In order to carry insurance on a family member, the employee must carry the same coverage. For example, to carry dental insurance on a spouse, the employee must also carry dental insurance on him or herself.

The benefits application must track employee information like employee ID, department ID, name, address information and office extension number. It must also track information about each insurance company to include the company number and company name. Dependent information and their relationship to the insured employee must also be tracked. An employee must be able to request an enrollment form, and Human Resources must be able to update the effective date of the health benefits on the form. In addition, the application must track the health care benefits rates for PPO and HMO, plus dental and vision rates. Benefits rates differ by employee only, employee + spouse, employee + spouse + one child, and employee + family.

Testing Assignment Description:

  • Review the testing assignment scenario.
  • Using all of the testing techniques, methods, processes and tools learned throughout the semester, complete a comprehensive plan for testing which incorporates all of the following elements:
    • User stories/requirements for testing
    • Static and dynamic testing techniques
    • Test conditions, test cases and potential test scripts
    • Test design to include white box and black box techniques
    • Exploratory testing plans
    • Functional test plan or full test plan
    • Test effort estimates.
    • Testing team roles and resources
    • Plan for incident management and reporting
    • Key metrics that you plan to measure and report on
    • Risk analysis
  • Generate a written report that includes these components or compile a PowerPoint presentation. This should be a professional and comprehensive report or presentation that you would turn into your employer.
  • Be sure to explain throughout the paper/presentation why you chose certain techniques or approaches over others. Also explain any assumptions you made as you performed the assignment.
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software project: computer science

software project: develop a pizza ordering application,
computer science homework help

(software project: computer science)

Question description

You have been asked to develop a pizza ordering application. Here is the information your manager just shared with you about this software development project.

The pizza ordering application allows customers with a web browser to order pizza for home delivery. To place an order, a customer would search to find items to purchase (specialty pizzas, sodas, desserts, salads, etc.), and then add items one at a time to a shopping cart. They could also view a page that showed the daily special. The customer could search again for more items if they wanted. They would also have the option to build their own pizza with as many toppings as they liked. When all items were chosen, the customer would see the cost of their order, and also be prompted to provide a delivery address for that specific order. If not paying with cash, the customer would provide credit or debit card information for use on the current order. The system should have an option for customers to register with the pizza shop. They could then save their name, address information and e-mail address, so that they wouldn’t have to enter this information every time they placed an order. If they didn’t want to save their personal details on the site, they could register their e-mail address only, which would let them receive coupons and updates on special promotions.

To complete this assignment, make assumptions as needed–just be sure to document any assumptions you make.  Remember:  “When in doubt sound convincing.”

1.  Identify the following information about the pizza ordering application:
a.  Purpose or goal of the system
b.  Primary user(s) of the system
2.  Generate an Activity UML diagram that starts with the customer connecting with the web site and ends with the driver receiving the address (along with the pizza).  I am looking for a very focused and specific UML Activity diagram here.  I want the diagram to show me the process of what happens between the time that the customer connects to the website and the driver gets the pizza and address.  Note that the cooks will also interact with the process at some point – identify the step or steps where the cook interacts with the system.  Number each element of the activity diagram.  The activity diagram must contain a minimum of 10 elements.
3.  Using the activity diagram created for step 2, generate 20 User stories.  For each User story, identify the User (customer, cook, or driver), and the element of the activity diagram you are using to generate this user story.  The user stories must be of the form “As a <Role> I need to <function> so that <reason or justification>”.
4.  Using the user stories created in step 3, generate 25 System requirements.  The requirement must be of the form “The system shall…”.  Points will be deducted for statements that use should instead or statements that use an alternate format.


5.  Produce a Use Case UML diagram that contains a minimum of the Customer, the Cook, and the Driver.  Review the User stories from step 3 for ideas as to the features to include in the Use Case diagram, but all features need not be included.
6.  Using the requirements produced for number 4 above, produce 30 system tests.  Review assignment 8.3 for an example of what good test step should look like.  For each test, identify the Requirement, the User story, and the Activity UML block from which this test derives.
7.  Identify whether a plan-driven “waterfall” software development approach or an agile framework or methodology might be more suitable for this software development project. Explain your recommendation.

8.  Identify at least five evolution and maintenance related items that should be considered when planning to develop the pizza ordering software application.
9.  Identify ten or more risks that could develop with this project. What is the probability or likelihood that each risk might occur, and what would be the effect to your pizza ordering application if it did? What is your plan to avoid, minimize or recover from (i.e., contingency plan) each of these risks if they were to occur?  Present your risk analysis as a Risk Register in a tabular format, with the highest impacts/effects listed first.
10.  Assume that SCRUM is being used for this project.  Rank your user stories from number 3 and assign them to four different two week sprints.  Identify which user stories should be completed in each sprint.

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software engineering capstone

software engineering capstone, computer science homework help

(software engineering capstone)

Question description

Capstone Project Scenario:

You have been asked to develop an ordering application for a restaurant that serves American style Chinese food and specializes in delivery. Here is the information your manager just shared with you about this software development project.

The Chinese food ordering application allows customers with a web browser to order their selection of menu items for home delivery. To place an order, a customer would search to find items to purchase (main entrees, sodas, soups, sides, etc.), and then add items one at a time to a shopping cart. They could also view a page that showed the daily special. The customer could search again for more items if they wanted. They would also have the option to build their own dishes, starting a choice of rices or noodles and adding main selections (When in doubt, use Panda Express as a refernce). When all items were chosen, the customer would see the cost of their order, and also be prompted to provide a delivery address for that specific order. If not paying with cash, the customer would provide credit or debit card information for use on the current order. The system should have an option for customers to register with the restaurant. They could then save their name, address information and e-mail address, so that they wouldn’t have to enter this information every time they placed an order. If they didn’t want to save their personal details on the site, they could register their e-mail address only, which would let them receive coupons and updates on special promotions.

To complete this assignment, make assumptions as needed–just be sure to document any assumptions you make.

Milestone #1 (75 points)(software engineering capstone)

Identify the following information about the Chinese food ordering application:

a.  Purpose or goal of the system

b.  Primary user(s) of the system

2.  Assume the role of the customer. Identify 10 user requirements in user story format “As a (role), I want (feature), so that I can (justification/benefit).”

3.  Identify 5 functional requirements and 2 or more non-functional requirements using the “shall” format from Chapter 4.

4.  Identify 5 use case scenarios and create a simple use case UML diagram for each.

Milestone #2 (50 points)(software engineering capstone)

1.  Complete a UML activity diagram that provides a high level overview of the major processes that characterize the Chinese food ordering application.

2.  Assume a Test Driven Development approach. Identify 5 or more failing tests and what you would do to make them pass. These tests will form the basis of your unit testing strategy.

3.  Identify whether a plan-driven “waterfall” software development approach or an agile framework or methodology might be more suitable for this software development project. Explain your recommendation.

Milestone #3 (50 points)(software engineering capstone)

1.  Identify the evolution and maintenance related items that should be considered when planning to develop the Chinese food ordering software application.

2.  Identify ten or more risks that could develop with this project. What is the probability or likelihood that each risk might occur, and what would be the effect to your Chinese food ordering application if it did? What is your plan to either avoid, minimize or recover from (i.e., contingency plan) each of these risks if they were to occur?  Present your risk analysis as a Risk Register in a tabular format, with the highest impacts/effects listed first.

a.  Project Planning Assignments:

b.  Plan-driven “waterfall” planning approach assignment: Use the 10 user story requirements from Milestone #1 for this assignment. For each user story, identify the effort in person-days and duration of each deliverable. If one user story is dependent on another, identify that relationship.

i.  Agile SCRUM planning approach assignment: Use the 10 user story requirements from Milestone #1 for this assignment. Assuming a 2-week sprint cycle or iteration, identify how many sprints this software development project will take to complete. Identify which user stories will be completed within each sprint and what considerations went into your sizing decision.

ii.  Be sure to rank the user stories from highest to lowest priority.

3.  Be sure the most important user stories are completed before the least important user stories.

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