
Conditioning Analysis & Behavioral Responses

Conditioning Analysis & Behavioral Responses

(Conditioning Analysis & Behavioral Responses)

Conditioning analysis refers to the study of how organisms learn to associate stimuli with particular behaviors or responses through repeated exposure. Two main types of conditioning are classical and operant conditioning.

In classical conditioning, a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a meaningful stimulus, eliciting a response. For example, Pavlov’s dogs learned to associate the sound of a bell with food, causing them to salivate at the sound alone.

Operant conditioning, on the other hand, involves learning through consequences. Behaviors are strengthened or weakened based on the consequences they produce. For instance, a rat learns to press a lever for a food reward in Skinner’s experiments.

Behavioral responses to conditioning vary depending on factors such as the strength of the association, the timing of stimuli, and the individual’s previous experiences. These responses can range from automatic physiological reactions to complex learned behaviors.

Understanding conditioning and behavioral responses has applications in various fields, including psychology, education, and animal training. By manipulating stimuli and consequences, practitioners can shape behaviors, treat phobias, and enhance learning outcomes. Additionally, insights from conditioning analysis contribute to our understanding of human and animal cognition, helping us comprehend how learning shapes behavior in diverse contexts.

(Conditioning Analysis & Behavioral Responses)

Identify whether each of the following is operant or classical conditioning.Discussion 1

Identify whether each of the following is operant or classical conditioning. If it is classical conditioning, name the unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, and the conditioned response. If it is operant conditioning, determine if positive or negative reinforcement or punishment was used.

  • You give your dog a treat when he barks at the mailman.
  • Your neighbor got food poisoning after eating fish, and now every time he smells fish, he gets nauseous.
  • A manager decides to reward his employees who are not late for a month with tickets to a theater.
  • Jack’s parents take away his video games because he earned a bad grade in school.
  • Mini’s cat starts to associate the sound of the can opener with dinner and comes running whenever she hears the sound.
  • A teacher decides that any student who earned an A on their exams during the term does not need to take the final.

Discussion 2


Watch the following video and discuss your thoughts by answering the questions below.

In the clip there was an error: Sheldon referred to a term incorrectly.

What was the error?

Describe a time where you used operant conditioning to change a person’s or animal’s behavior.

Discussion 3


Watch the following video, then answer the questions below.


Name the unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, and the conditioned response

Prepare a brief paragraph about your thoughts on the experiment.

Discussion 4

watch the following video and answer the question.

Describe two things have you learned by watching others.


Discussion 5

Should eyewitness testimony be allowed in courts? Why or why not? Provide your opinion and the reasoning behind your answer

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