
Drug Use & Abuse2.

Drug Use & Abuse2.

(Drug Use & Abuse2.)



Prescription Abuse Task Force (PATF), is located in San Diego, California. Specifically focusing on the East region in Poway and Santee street. PATF was initially known as the Oxy task force due to the high volume of OxyContin abuse. However, the city started to notice that it was not just OxyContin, the problem grew into prescription drug abuse in general. (SanDiegoRxAbuseTaskForce, 2018).

Mission/Goals(Drug Use & Abuse2.)

According to PATF, the organization was constructed by the federal agency who were concerned about the growth of prescription drug users. The organization would like to spread awareness amongst their city by connecting through social media. PATF would like to prevent and treat by establishing parent and youth activities, encourage the usage of Naloxone, and promote treatment programs. PATF also holds meetings quarterly to help keep their vision refreshed and focused. Their over-all goal is to reduce prescription drug addiction, abuse, and misuse in San Diego County.


PATF would like to achieve and sustain their goals in various ways. Media is a great way to keep the city in tune with everything that goes on. PATF uses media to increase awareness and to express an apparent message to the public. The organization uses education as another tactic by educating the community and healthcare professionals. Enforcement is another important strategy that PATF is aimed to focus on by diminishing access and develop training for health care professionals. PATF is also targeting legislation and policy by partnering with the pharmaceutical industry and advertising local registries. Lastly, prevention and treatment is an important focus. The organization spotlights parent and youth prevention activities, increase treatment programs, and increase health sustainable activity goals.

Recommendations:(Drug Use & Abuse2.)

According to the PATF webpage, from 1992-2012, drug and medication overdose is the leading death rate in San Diego County. That is above suicides, MVA, Firearms, and homicides. The numbers in itself is very much a reality check. Some things I would recommend are to spread awareness of these numbers by having past victims of addiction educate others about this in the prevention and addiction programs. On that note, I also believe that having these victims who’ve survived their past spread awareness by public speaking at schools, meetings, and any other effective assemblies (PATF 2018). According to Gonzales et al (2011), the author explains that adolescents are one of the fastest growing segments of the general population to abuse prescription drugs. The author explains that this age group starts from the early ages of 12-17. With that being said, I believe that this awareness should also be spread amongst school teachers and faculties to help eliminate this problem before these kids are hit with it late on in adulthood. (Gonzales et al., 2011)



The Binge and Underage Initiative (BUDI), is located in San Diego, California. It is approximately 109 miles away from my home. BUDI is funded by the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency that address the harmful effects underage drinking as well as the risk for drinking through leadership and advocacy. The leadership for the BUDI is provided by the Alcohol Policy Panel of San Diego, who are community advocates that volunteer to come together to reduce binge and alcohol related problems in the community (Alcohol Policy Panel, BUDI, n.d.). The San Diego County Alcohol Policy Panel has three groups, the Sector Leaders, a Core Team of three to four of the Sector Leaders and a General Assembly which composed of community members, law enforcement officials, youth and organizations.

BUDI is a primary program that supports six county-funded regional alcohol prevention providers through environmental prevention in San Diego County.


BUDI is supported by the San Diego Alcohol Policy Panel. Its mission is to help reduce binge and alcohol-related problems in the community by developing organizations, youth groups and community effort to address factors that promote binge and underage drinking behaviors. It focuses on community engagements to put policy-based solutions in place (Alcohol Policy Panel, BUDI, n.d.).


Underage, binge drinking is a dangerous behavior that impact the safety and the lives of our young people. Alcohol is the most abused drug by youth and is the cause of premature death for young people including motor-vehicle crashes, homicides and suicides (NCPC, 2018). The BUDI program was formed by Policy Panel, which are community leaders from many sectors of the community to prevent binge and underage drinking by addressing the root cause of teenage binge and underage drinking. BUDI uses an environmental prevention as an approach where it addressed the environmental factors that promotes and maintain binge and underage drinking. The program implemented goals and objectives to restrict alcohol at parks, beaches and other community places, limit alcohol advertising on billboards and university campuses (Alcohol Policy Panel, n.d.).

Policy Panel hosts community breakfast every quarter to those who are interested in the program, to encourage San Diego County communities to be more involved in preventing underage and binge drinking and to learn more about San Diego County Alcohol Policy Panel (Alcohol Policy Panel, n.d.). Also, General Assembly meeting that includes seventy-five to 100 community members, law enforcement officials, agency representatives is done every quarter to stay current about the activities of the BUDI program and to advocate communities, organization and the youths about environmental prevention strategies including media advocacy, policy development, community organizing, working with enforcement officials and applied data collection and research. The San Diego BUDI also works with six regional providers, community partners, teens to change the community to reduce irresponsible alcohol use and abuse (Alcohol Policy Panel, n.d.).

Recommendations(Drug Use & Abuse2.)

In my opinion, I think the BUDI strategies that are more effective are the Media Advocacy, policy development, community organization and involvement of enforcement officer (Alcohol Policy Panel, n.d.). Through advocating goals and mission through media can gain community and support to change community norms and standards. It can raise awareness of the problem in the community and introduce solutions to the problem. Policy development can put action into place, which can highly create a sustainable change in the community level. Community organization promotes the general population to engage in project activities such as BUDI. Since underage drinking is increasing, we need strategic approach that involves the whole community. Lastly, working with law enforcement can help identify solutions, introduce policy solutions to policymakers and ensure new policies as well as existing policies are followed.

It is unlawful and illegal for youths to drink alcohol and our young individuals should not be found to have alcohol or ethanol level in their blood. Due to the alarming numbers of premature underage alcohol-related death, we need to see more health education and national public relation campaigns to inform the youths about the harmful consequences binge and underage drinking do on themselves. I think working and getting more community leaders involved to identify the problem including environmental factors that contribute the youths on binge and underage drinking and to promote solutions to the problem can help eliminate underage drinking in our communities. We need to continue increasing our Alcohol taxes and enhancing our law enforcements to obtain our goal to prevent binge and underage drinking (PR Newswire, 2003).


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Drug Use & Abuse2

Drug Use & Abuse2

(Drug Use & Abuse2)

Hi dear,

can help me to finish this assignment with good quality and be on time please?

follow the instruction blow. there are attachments of example and sources of information. the example is very clear. Also, base on the outline that is attached finish the essay.

(Drug Use & Abuse2)

Point-Counterpoint Essay Assignment – Use the outline you wrote last week to write your final essay this week.


Drug issues are seldom black or white, right or wrong. Some of the most hotly debated questions of our day concern the use, misuse, and abuse of drugs. These issues deserve a good deal of critical thought.

Use the outline you created last week (see separate instruction document for the outline) to construct a 3-5 page point/counterpoint (persuasive) essay using the arguments and sources you already researched. In the essay, you will present opposing points of view on the issue you already chose from the approved list. You should present both sides in a fair way by discussing them objectively and in equal detail.


Essay Structure


A good essay will include the following:

· A title that clearly states the issue as a question. Take your title from the list of approved topics and just copy what it says there word for word.

· An interesting introductory paragraph that clearly introduces both sides of the argument and draws the reader in. It does not contain your opinion (do not say “I think, I believe, in my opinion”).

· The first section contains 3 strong arguments FOR the issue (the point). ***Each of the 3 arguments must cite a source.

· The second section contains 3 strong arguments AGAINST the issue (counterpoint). ***Each of the 3 arguments must cite a source.

· A closing paragraph in which you summarize both sides of the issue and then state your opinion on the issue.

Writing Style and Format(Drug Use & Abuse2)

· Write clearly and concisely. Use as few words as possible to make your arguments. Make your essay easy to read by eliminating extra unnecessary words, phrases and sentences. Get straight to the point.

· Do not try to sound formal. Write as if you were talking – very simply and easily.

· You are encouraged to submit your essay to the National University Writing Center for their expert guidance BEFORE you submit your final essay. You can learn a lot from a half hour session with them and it will improve your grade.

· Check your work. Use spell check and then carefully proofread your essay at least once to catch spelling, punctuation and grammatical mistakes. Read your essay out loud to catch any missing words, extra words and awkward-sounding sentences. Show your essay to someone else to see if they understand what you are trying to say. Take pride in your work and strive to be mistake-free.

· Do NOT use any quotations. Instead, paraphrase (write in your own words) the ideas or information and cite the source.

· Type in Times New Roman, Size 12 font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins all around.

References(Drug Use & Abuse2)

Use at least 4 total sources for your arguments. Each of the 2 arguments for and the 2 arguments against against must have at least one source.

At least 2 of the sources must support your point (for). They must come from peer-reviewed journal articles, government reports or textbooks.

At least 2 of the sources must support your counterpoint argument (against). They must come from peer-reviewed journal articles, government reports or textbooks.

Information from the course textbook is allowed, but does not count as one of your four required sources above. Other additional sources are allowed, but they also do not count toward your four required sources. Sources must be recent (published within the past 5-10 years).

You can use the National University Library database to search for sources.


Contact the Library – or (858) 541-7900

1-866-NU ACCESS x 7900 (toll free)

This class also has a special NU library page that was created to help you do research

***To find the pro and con of substance abuse issues, click on:

Ø Public Health Advocacy

Ø Federal

Ø CQ Press Library (SAGE)

Ø CQ Researcher Plus Archive

Ø Browse Topics

Ø Health

Ø Substance Abuse

Select one of the titles

Click Pro/Con on the left side to view the arguments for and against.

Use APA 6th edition format for your References list.

NOTE: If you are new to APA, you can use an online citation builder such as to ensure your references are in the correct format.

APA Resources(Drug Use & Abuse2) 1-page instruction on Reference List format

· 2-page handout on APA





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Drug Use & Abuse

Drug Use & Abuse

(Drug Use & Abuse)

Hi dear,

can help me to finish this assignment with good quality and be on time please?

follow the instruction blow. there are attachments of example and sources of information. the example is very clear. Also, base on the outline that is attached finish the essay.


Point-Counterpoint Essay Assignment – (Drug Use & Abuse)

Use the outline you wrote last week to write your final essay this week.


Drug issues are seldom black or white, right or wrong. Some of the most hotly debated questions of our day concern the use, misuse, and abuse of drugs. These issues deserve a good deal of critical thought.

Use the outline you created last week (see separate instruction document for the outline) to construct a 3-5 page point/counterpoint (persuasive) essay using the arguments and sources you already researched. In the essay, you will present opposing points of view on the issue you already chose from the approved list. You should present both sides in a fair way by discussing them objectively and in equal detail.


Essay Structure


A good essay will include the following:

· A title that clearly states the issue as a question. Take your title from the list of approved topics and just copy what it says there word for word.

· An interesting introductory paragraph that clearly introduces both sides of the argument and draws the reader in. It does not contain your opinion (do not say “I think, I believe, in my opinion”).

· The first section contains 3 strong arguments FOR the issue (the point). ***Each of the 3 arguments must cite a source.

· The second section contains 3 strong arguments AGAINST the issue (counterpoint). ***Each of the 3 arguments must cite a source.

· A closing paragraph in which you summarize both sides of the issue and then state your opinion on the issue.

Writing Style and Format(Drug Use & Abuse)

· Write clearly and concisely. Use as few words as possible to make your arguments. Make your essay easy to read by eliminating extra unnecessary words, phrases and sentences. Get straight to the point.

· Do not try to sound formal. Write as if you were talking – very simply and easily.

· You are encouraged to submit your essay to the National University Writing Center for their expert guidance BEFORE you submit your final essay. You can learn a lot from a half hour session with them and it will improve your grade.

· Check your work. Use spell check and then carefully proofread your essay at least once to catch spelling, punctuation and grammatical mistakes. Read your essay out loud to catch any missing words, extra words and awkward-sounding sentences. Show your essay to someone else to see if they understand what you are trying to say. Take pride in your work and strive to be mistake-free.

· Do NOT use any quotations. Instead, paraphrase (write in your own words) the ideas or information and cite the source.

· Type in Times New Roman, Size 12 font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins all around.


Use at least 4 total sources for your arguments. Each of the 2 arguments for and the 2 arguments against against must have at least one source.

At least 2 of the sources must support your point (for). They must come from peer-reviewed journal articles, government reports or textbooks.

At least 2 of the sources must support your counterpoint argument (against). They must come from peer-reviewed journal articles, government reports or textbooks.

Information from the course textbook is allowed, but does not count as one of your four required sources above. Other additional sources are allowed, but they also do not count toward your four required sources. Sources must be recent (published within the past 5-10 years).

You can use the National University Library database to search for sources.


Contact the Library – or (858) 541-7900

1-866-NU ACCESS x 7900 (toll free)

This class also has a special NU library page that was created to help you do research

***To find the pro and con of substance abuse issues, click on:

Ø Public Health Advocacy

Ø Federal

Ø CQ Press Library (SAGE)

Ø CQ Researcher Plus Archive

Ø Browse Topics

Ø Health

Ø Substance Abuse

Select one of the titles

Click Pro/Con on the left side to view the arguments for and against.

Use APA 6th edition format for your References list.

NOTE: If you are new to APA, you can use an online citation builder such as to ensure your references are in the correct format.

APA Resources(Drug Use & Abuse) 1-page instruction on Reference List format

· 2-page handout on APA





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Drug Use & Abuse:Hallucinogens

Drug Use & Abuse:Hallucinogens

(Drug Use & Abuse:Hallucinogens)

hi dear,

I just need to response to this assignment,

responses should be complete paragraph  and should further the conversation using personal experience, information from the textbook or other outside sources, asking questions, and more.  Think about how your classmates answered differently or similarly to you. What did you learn from their post?  What was most surprising or interesting?  What do you agree with or disagree with? Your responses might spark some comments and feedback for one another.


Substance: Hallucinogens

2.  Time Period: 1960s

3.  Attitudes

The use of psychedelic and hallucinogenic drugs during the 1960s in America was sparked by the culmination of various major world events, political attitudes, and a populous with a desire to break social norms. Characterized as the “drug renaissance” (Wesson, 2011) this movement is most notably recognized as building its foundations in the city of San Francisco, CA during the mid-sixties when thousands of people were moving to the Bay Area in search of change and new ideologies. Historically referred to as the “hippie movement”, the world saw the advent and boom of the creation and widespread recreational use of psychedelics. Although this movement evoked a massive change in social attitudes toward psychedelics, the establishment as it were, of American society and authority was openly in opposition of this psychedelic drug counterculture. The mainstream media popularized hippies as rebellious youth, anti-Vietnam activists, and psychedelically crazed advocates of free love and rock and roll. America’s youth (in opposition of the mainstream media and society) flocked by the tens of thousands from all over the country to the San Francisco Bay Area to partake in the hippie movement (Wesson, 2011).(Drug Use & Abuse:Hallucinogens)

4.  Availability

During the 1960s specifically, there was a far higher rate of availability and use of psychedelics as legal and political enforcement had yet to ramp up and regulate these drugs. Today, most hallucinogens are still classified by the DEA as scheduled drugs and are therefore illegal and meticulously controlled and regulated. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (2016), roughly 15.4% of people ages 12 and older reported using some form of hallucinogenic drug, a small number when compared to the production and use during the 1960s (NIH, 2016).

5.  Widespread Use

Psychedelics during their height in the 1960s were most readily available as little was known about them in present-day society and therefore drug enforcement laws were scarce. First synthesized by Albert Hoffman in 1943, lysergic acid diethylamide would be the fuel that would ignite the hippie movement of the 1960s. The drug itself was manufactured by the company Hoffman worked for, Sandoz Pharmaceuticals of Switzerland. Although Sandoz let their patent expire in 1966, the drug itself was manufactured until that point and flowed into the United States (Levinthal, 2016, p.113-118). Perhaps two of the biggest key players in the domestic synthesis of LSD during the 1960s were underground chemists Tim Scully and Owsley Stanley. The two with the later inclusion of Nicholas Sand, had several underground labs in the San Francisco Bay Area and Denver, Colorado. In 1964, Owsley was given 400 micrograms of pure LSD that had been manufactured by Sandoz Pharmaceuticals. With this prized batch of pure LSD, Owsley and chemistry undergrad Melissa Cargill set out to synthesize an even purer form of the drug by the end of that year. Their combined efforts would of course be the stepping stone that would lead to the grandeur of the LSD production during the 1960s (Greenfield, 2007). Although the number of individual doses of LSD produced during this timeline is incalculable, combined estimates purport that the combined efforts of LSD producers in the United States (underground chemists, pharmaceutical companies, the CIA) alone may have produced anywhere from many hundreds of millions to potentially a billion doses of LSD (NSDUH, 2002).(Drug Use & Abuse:Hallucinogens)

6.  Groups Affected

There is little data regarding racial/group demographics of hallucinogen use during this time period seeing as a majority of the drugs themselves were in their infancy stage of social use and introduction and it was not until 1972 that the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse was formed. However, some percentages and estimates do exist. In a survey conducted by the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (1997) it is estimated that approximately 17% of all Americans reported taking some form of hallucinogenic drug between 1960 and 1970. By the time of the first NHSDA survey conducted in 1972, at least 5% of Americans under the age of 18 had reported trying some sort of psychedelic. In terms of race, the same survey also purports that Whites used hallucinogens at the highest rates, followed by Hispanics, and then Blacks (Hunt, 1997).

7.  Regulations/Laws

Almost all known natural and synthetic hallucinogens are presently considered ‘Scheduled’ drugs by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in the United States currently (DEA, 2018). On October 24, 1968, Congress amended the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to include banning the use and possession of specifically lysergic acid diethylamide and any other drug (OLRC, 1968). Presently, administering and consuming psychedelics is illegal, however, the Food and Drug Administration has granted use of clinical trial psychedelic testing to a select few physicians. Dr. Michael C. Mithoefer, a psychiatrist in the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Medical University of South Carolina is one of those few physicians. Dr. Mithoefer has been researching the effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), a Schedule I class hallucinogen since 2001. In his study, Dr. Mithoefer and his team were approved and conducted a randomized, double-blind, dose-response, phase 2 clinical trial that shows promising results of MDMA’s effectiveness in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder and other psychotherapies (Mithoefer, 2011).(Drug Use & Abuse:Hallucinogens)

8.  What Has/Hasn’t Improved

The query of if American society as a whole improved or deteriorated in regard to the use of hallucinogenic drugs is most definitely a complex qualm. After the hippie movement, Americans moved into the age of disco in the 1970s and with disco came cocaine. Although psychedelics were still somewhat popularized, the era of the “Summer of ‘69” had surely passed. In 1971 after President Richard Nixon had declared a “war on drugs” in light of the widespread use of LSD, harsher penalties were enforced on recreational drugs as a whole and deterred such activities to a certain extent (DPA, 2018). It would seem that since the widespread use of psychedelics in the 1960s, the focus has moved to other far more harmful drugs, such as highly addictive pharmaceutical drugs and opiates/opioids. I have read many books from authors such as Michael Pollan, Dr. Richard Strassman, and Timothy Leary and truly believe that psychedelics hold much more than just a “trip”. However, I do not believe it has ever been in the interest of any government in the history of mankind to expand the consciousness of the general populous. Therefore, these drugs remain regulated, restricted, and punishable upon use. My hope is that the archaic mindset of the previous generations of man will come to an end and further use and research (such as Dr. Mithoefer’s) of psychedelics will continue and become more mainstream.(Drug Use & Abuse:Hallucinogens)

9.  What surprised me most

The most surprising finding in my research is most definitely that some psychedelics (despite being federally illegal) are today being used in clinical research to treat a variety of mental disorders. This is proof that psychedelics still may yet have a chance to reveal some secrets of the human brain and humanity as a whole. I also had a personal realization that I was surprised I had not thought about previously. If the 1960s counter-culture had perhaps operated with a bit more discretion, LSD and other psychedelics may have had a chance to gain social acceptance and even further medical use. Another surprising fact is that our own government admittedly used psychedelics on unsuspecting victims to observe their effects and in fact had their own scientists synthesize LSD and disperse it amongst the American public. This, of course, means that a percentage of the LSD produced during the 1960s, was produced by the United States government.

10.  Harm Reduction vs. Zero Tolerance Laws(Drug Use & Abuse:Hallucinogens)

Zero Tolerance laws are another perfect example of the archaic mindsets of our American politicians still in office. The only thing that these laws have proven to do are increase the number of Americans currently incarcerated, which in turn costs our entire country more money in prison related costs. Drug addictions, abuse, and mental illness are just a few of the most overlooked issues in the United States presently. Instead of tackling these issues head-on, we have instead tried to find a “quick fix” for these problems with overprescribing and incarceration. At this point, America and her citizens know full well that our government’s tactics in rectifying these issues has and are currently failing at an embarrassing rate. I believe we need to focus more energy on drug abuse/addiction and mental rehabilitation via psychopharmacology and psychiatry. Also, adopting legislation similar to that enacted in 2001 in Portugal with decriminalization of all drugs (to a certain degree) may benefit those in serious need of help (Ferreira, 2017). The key to solving our current drug epidemic does not lie with punishment; it simply lies with helping one another overcome and combat addiction.


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