
Early Childhood Development. Using A Developmental Checklist

Early Childhood Development. Using A Developmental Checklist


Developmental Checklist

(By age two)


Child Name_________________________________ Age__2_______________


Observer__Lew Wirt________ Date__September 27, 2016___



Does the child… Yes No Comments


Walk alone? _____ _____

Bend over and pick up toy without falling over? _____ _____

Seat self in child-size chair? _____ _____

Walk up and down

stairs with assistance? _____ _____

Place several rings on a stick? _____ _____

Place five pegs in a pegboard? _____ _____

Turn pages two or three at a time? _____ _____

Scribble? _____ _____

Follow one step directions involving something

familiar (e.g.: give me ____) _____ _____

Match familiar objects? _____ _____

Use spoon with some spilling? _____ _____

Drink from a cup holding it with one hand? _____ _____

Chew food? _____ _____

Take off coat, shoe, and socks? _____ _____

Zip and unzip large zipper? _____ _____

Recognize self in mirror? _____ _____

Refer to self by name? _____ _____

Imitate adults in play? _____ _____

Help put things away? _____ _____

Ask for desired items by name? _____ _____

Answer to question “What’s that?” _____ _____

Make some two word statements? _____ _____

1. Which child did you observe in the video to complete the Developmental Checklist?


2. What did you learn about this child’s development?



3. Identify other non-standardized assessments you would you like to complete. Explain why you selected the specific assessments and in what instance you would use these.


4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using non-standardized assessments?







Allen, K.E. & Marotz, L.R. (2003). Developmental profiles: Pre-birth through twelve, 4th ed.

Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Learning.


Hardin, B. J., Wortham, S.C. (2015) Assessment in Early Childhood Education (7th

ed.).  [Vitalsource Bookshelf Online].  Retrieved from

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