
Sociology of Sports Homework Help

Sociology of Sports homework help

The individual should not take this assignment unless they know who Tim Riggins is… Buddy Garrert, Jason Street…Lelia Garret.. Ect.. The writer should not take this assignment unless they understand the terminology of Sports of Sociology and can make those comparisons to the movie.. Conflict Theory, Funcalionailist Theory, Socioeconomics Correlations, Socio Gender Issue’s at hand in the movie.. Hegeomony theory.. and other terms that will be enclosed that can be googled. (Sociology of Sports Homework Help)

A writer previously worked on this for a well paying job of 50 for a 3-4 double spaced APA format Critical Thinking/Research paper of Sociological correaltions in Friday Night Lights.. There is a decent base but after failing this assignment after 3 attempts two of which was blatnant disregard of the instructions that were inclosed including just the simple instructions that it was the TV SERIES.. Not the book based in odessa , Tx and not the 2004 or earlier Billy Bob Thorton Version.. So much so that I got a refund.. If you want 50 Dollars to finish a half kljklj job… that is actually a little fun and you can watch a few episodes of one of the greatest series of all time for free online… and make charcter references, qoutes that correlate to the terminology, and make direct use of the terms.. this is a great fun assignment.. WIsh I had time;… but moving to a new college in week three has me scrambling to complete online exams… discussion boards, journals, observations and all the fun. (Sociology of Sports Homework Help)

Sociology of Sports Homework Help

Sociology of Sports

Film Review Assignment – Sociology of Sport

Movies reflect our culture and society, the values, institutions. social forces and social interactions that prevail in a particular historical social context.  There are a number of popular movies and documentary films available to illustrate sport and social issues from a sociological perspective.

Your review should begin with an introduction to the film that discusses why you chose this movie, how it is relevant to sport and society, and gives a brief synopsis of the movie.  Be sure to include the title, director, major actors/roles, the time period (historical setting) , and the sport that the movie is about.

Is the movie particularly relevant to any of the specific chapters or themes we have covered in the course.  For example – the film Moneyball might be a good example of how a business approach to building a baseball team can lead to success on the field.

Provide a general assessment of the movie.  Does the movie reflect the events and social reality of its time and place in history?   Can you identify specific scenes or themes that are particularly important to the development of the story?

Develop a sociological analysis of the movie.  Are there any identifiable themes or issues that emerged from this story?  How does the film reflect major social values or relationships?  What specific sociological analysis or concepts be applied?  Include plot elements, dialogue, or quotes that demonstrate your point.

Write a conclusion that summarizes your impressions of the movie, what you learned from the movies and how it enhanced your understanding of sport and society and/or the importance of sport in our culture. Would you recommend this movie to others as entertainment or for some particular sociological theme or insight?  Why or why not? (Sociology of Sports Homework Help)


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Sociology of Sports Paper Solved

Sociology of Sports Paper Solved








The movie Friday Night Lights is my focus because it reflects on the America’s cultural and societal values, institutional setups, sociological forces or the social interacting prevailing through a certain social frame work in history. The Friday Night Lights (the TV Series) was the 2006 play under the directorship of Peter Berg. It is from the book or filming by the same title. The drama focuses on Coach Eric and the family members. It makes use of the small town in addressing the various issues of the American culture like the school funds, racism, drug abuse, aborting cases and poor economical opportunities. The football movie is starring Kyle, Connie, Zach, Minka, Taylor Scott, Aimee, Jurnee and Grey. (Sociology of Sports Paper Solved)


The movie is well acknowledged for its true portraying of the Middle Americans as well as the exploring for the central characters. The series has a critical acclaim and an audience that is very passionate. Socioeconomic in this Sports sociology, the Friday Night Lights (the TV Series) is represented in a story of the true secondary school football team from Dillon, Texas. The Sociological imagination is not just about mere sports, but it examines the games phenomenon in secondary school sports, heartbreaking, real life lessons as well as the neurotic investing by the town in the winning of a team. Sociogender in the television series is more than making the audience support the team. It triumphs in allowing the society watch it at a discerning or a noticeable distance. Functionalist theory is through the high performance sport that is sad, bestial, ridiculing and grand. Those who like participating in sports will appreciate watching a secondary school’s football game. The Conflict theory in the film is more of a sociological perspective of the American culture than championships. Games by the director Peter who also starred in Last Seduction keeps the audience highly alert as well as watchful.

The Football sport acted in the nineteen eighties, cannot be mistaken for a nineteen eighties film because its technique is very modern. Work in the film has quick cuts, hand holding shooting and quick, smearing pans. Amateurs in the risking approach are successful because of the guiding approach. In this participation sport, Peter represents the universe he expects us to watch as an item that is different from us and fixable at an early time. In this high-performance sport, the idea is not to enable us view the real sport but just have snippets about the event just like they are in memory.

Quantitative methods in the sociological sport, Friday Night Lights is on the film exaggerating contrasts with a cleanse on colors (Adam, 2010). Fig rational theory in The Friday Night Lights (the TV Series) is actually not memory like. The Quantifiable data and its memory impact is assisted through periodical details that cannot be found in other movies talking about a recent history. Through the descriptive statistics it is being compliant to its time setting and the movie has the latest hair styles which are considered to look very good. Inferential statistics represents Eric’s determination to win with high spirit. As part of the Survey research the television series, Friday Night Lights is displaying the true American culture on sports. Interviews are on the indirect, sports and direct spectators are all aimed at finding out if their favorite team wins in the championships. Under content research, all those watching the game as it proceeds are in a very cheering spirit as if the their team of interest belongs to them individually. Ethnography refers to when nobody will want to see their favorite team loose and this is why all the spectators can not miss a single minute of the game. For historical research the football game in the movie unifies the members of the society because as the film progresses, they are seen to be one group with a common goal of ensuring that their best team wins. (Sociology of Sports Paper Solved)


The societal analysis representing the culture of the American people to have sports as their fun is well displayed in Friday Night Lights. In Social theories, Americans will do anything possible to ensure that they give support to sports of their interest and provide all the moral support that is necessary in achieving success. Gender is represented through the team spirit shown by the spectators of all sexes being compared to the wining spirit of those participating in the film sport (Adam, 2010). Indirect spectators’ togetherness is portrayed by their cheering in an indication of how the sociological process should be unified. Sports spectators indicate the interactions within the society should be beneficial to all the members of the society. Direct spectators particularly members of the society win in any competitive undertaking and it is considered to be a win of the society as a whole. Critical theories explain the cheering for the different teams in the film that do not lead to the society’s splitting based in their teams of choice.

Feminist theory indicates the separation regarding the cheering as the short-term and the existing divisions end immediately the competitions are over. Under the Hegemony theory, as the games continue, part of the spectators are seen to be giving the coach advice on what he should do so that their favorite team wins. All the initiatives of the social class portrayed by the direct and the indirect spectators represent the sporting values of a corporate sport. Through the interactions theory, the sportsmanship of the players and spectators is well indicated by the enthusiasm illustrated as the championships are approached. As part of the Fig rational theory, all those watching consider themselves to be part of the championships because their drive to be victorious is not hindered by the hegemonic masculinity of the defensive team. (Sociology of Sports Paper Solved)


School funds and dealing with issues facing the society in the modern world bring members of the society together in The Friday Night Lights (the TV Series) (Adam, 2010). Racism is portrayed to be an infection facing the modern culture and may be destructive. The spirit to deal with cultural differences is an indication of the existing social issues in any modern society. The ideological differences in the television series explains the America’s culture regarding success. The movie is recommendable to all those Americans who believe in a simple society.



Adam, B. (2010). Friday Night Lights set to End After Fifth Season, See Retrieved February 11, 2013


Film Review Assignment – Sociology of Sport

Movies reflect our culture and society, the values, institutions. social forces and social interactions that prevail in a particular historical social context.  There are a number of popular movies and documentary films available to illustrate sport and social issues from a sociological perspective.

Your review should begin with an introduction to the film that discusses why you chose this movie, how it is relevant to sport and society, and gives a brief synopsis of the movie.  Be sure to include the title, director, major actors/roles, the time period (historical setting) , and the sport that the movie is about.

Is the movie particularly relevant to any of the specific chapters or themes we have covered in the course.  For example – the film Moneyball might be a good example of how a business approach to building a baseball team can lead to success on the field.

Provide a general assessment of the movie.  Does the movie reflect the events and social reality of its time and place in history?   Can you identify specific scenes or themes that are particularly important to the development of the story?

Develop a sociological analysis of the movie.  Are there any identifiable themes or issues that emerged from this story?  How does the film reflect major social values or relationships?  What specific sociological analysis or concepts be applied?  Include plot elements, dialogue, or quotes that demonstrate your point.

Write a conclusion that summarizes your impressions of the movie, what you learned from the movies and how it enhanced your understanding of sport and society and/or the importance of sport in our culture. Would you recommend this movie to others as entertainment or for some particular sociological theme or insight?  Why or why not?

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