
Nutritional Care Plan

Nutritional Care Plan, health and medicine homework help

(Nutritional Care Plan)

Question description

Nutritional Care Plan

For this project, you will identify a case study and then develop a nutritional care plan for the client associated with that case.You should begin working on your project in advance of Week 5 as you construct the details of your case.The completednutritional care plan for your client is due in Week 10.

Please read this entire document to gain understanding of the project scope and those tasks you will complete.This project will take you several weeks to complete.Do not delay beginning the work on this project.

Project tasks to be completed in Week: 5 (Week 5 Attached below)

Task 1:

a. Choose from one of the following stages: pregnancy, infancy and childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age.

b. List the specific nutrition issues affecting individuals in your selected stage.

Task 2:

a. Choose a disease or medical condition that could possibly, or commonly, affect your individual.This could be anything ranging from diabetes to cirrhosis.

b. Using the ABCDs of nutritional assessment, create a case study based on an actual client or patient.You can also make one up.Include the following in your case study:

(i). Anthropometrics, relevant biochemical tests, clinical assessment, and dietary intake analysis.

c. Be sure to include a list of common medications that may be used to treat your patient’s condition and identify potential herb/nutrient/drug interactions that may be relevant.

d. Identify your client’s cultural background and give clues as to their socioeconomic status and psychosocial variables.For example, your patient may be a senior living alone on a fixed income or might be living in

a nursing facility with reputed staff.

Project tasks to be completed during Weeks 610 (due during Week 10):

Task 1:

a. Create a nutritional care plan for your client. This will include an evaluation of nutritional risk, a list of interventions, and a list of expected


b. List the goals of medical nutrition therapy for your patient and suggest an appropriate diet. Does your patient/client require a dietary modification of their regular diet? Are enteral feedings by tube necessary? If so, what formula will you use and why? Describe your recommended method of administration.

Task 2:

a. Describe your nutrition education teaching session with your patient and/or their family. What teaching methods will you use (explanation, discussion, demonstration, handouts, etc.)? In your own words, write a paragraph detailing three specific points that you will need to teach your patient about his/her new diet. In addition, give at least one tip to avoid potential herb/nutrient/drug interactions.

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Treatment Of Hypertension

Treatment Of Hypertension, health and medicine homework help

(Treatment Of Hypertension)

Question description

The below questions ( 1 & 2) are the fallow up to the Case study 1. The case study question and the response are under the Questions (1&2) Please make sure to read the case study the questions are base on that case study, thank you. Please use APA format, 2 references no more than 5 years old and well cited please make sure to go to the following web page to answer question 1.…

1. Review the JNC8 algorithm and see if the recommendations you have made for C.F. align with best practice according to JNC8. If not, what would your recommendations be now that you have looked at the JNC8 algorithm?…

2. Do you think enough information is presented in the discussion question for you to safely make a recommendation? If not, what additional information would be useful to help influence your choice?

Case Study 1(Treatment Of Hypertension)

CF is a sixty-year-old African American male who presents as a new patient for initial evaluation and follow-up. He has been diagnosed with hypertension for the last twelve years and Type 2 diabetes for the same period of time. His current blood pressure is 162/90, with a pulse of 76. His body mass index (BMI) is 32. He is currently taking Maxzide 37.5/25 mg every morning. This is the only antihypertensive medication he has taken.

For this question, focus on the treatment of hypertension. Discuss the influences of his age, gender, and ethnicity on hypertensive medications. On the basis of an analysis of those factors, provide one option for improvement of his blood pressure and provide a clear and specific justification for that choice. Be sure to include dosage and scheduling. Include highlights of patient teaching and/or recommendations for any lifestyle changes. Support your decisions with at least one reference to a published clinical guideline and one peer-reviewed publication.


High blood pressure is a life-threatening condition where the blood’s long-term force on the walls of your artery is powerful enough to cause some heart disease (Go et al., 2014). It depends on the amount of the blood pumped by your heart and the resistance this blood encounters in your arteries. The narrower the arteries are, the higher the blood pressure. High blood pressure develops over the years. Fortunately, it is detectable and controllable. High blood pressure that is uncontrolled for a long time causes serious health problems such as heart attack, kidney failure, heart failure and stroke. However, hypertensive medication is influenced by the patient’s age, his or her gender, and ethnicity. Lifestyle changes boost the control and treatment of high blood pressure (Woo & Wynne, 2012).

The ideal blood pressure for people aged 60 years and above is 150/90. CF’s blood pressure is 162/90 which means it is high despite his daily intake of Maxzide 37.5/25. The ideal body mass (IBM) for an adult is between 18 and 24. CF is 32 meaning he is obese.Studies reveal that high blood pressure affects men more than women (Go et al., 2014). After the age of 55 years, women tend to suffer from blood pressure more than men.However, more male suffers from complications related to blood pressure more than females (Liao, at el., 2016). Most males with high blood pressure suffer from heart attack, heart failure, and other heart diseases if not controlled. Studies show that fewer people aged 39 years and below suffer from high blood pressure as compared to above 40. It is therefore correct to conclude that age influences the presence of high blood pressure. Several types of research have revealed that if one comes from a family history that has had blood pressure, there is a likelihood that they too are at an elevated risk of having high blood pressure at one time in their life. It is therefore evident that ethnicity has an influence in the presence or absence of blood pressure.

Most people with the diabetic condition, renal impairment, elderly or severely ill suffer from hyperkalemia, that is, high potassium in the blood. Maxzide should not be administered to patients with hyperkalemia and should discontinue immediately. There’s a likelihood that CF could be suffering from hyperkalemia following the fact that he is diabetic and elderly. That could be the reason why his blood pressure is still high despite taking the treatment. I recommend Calcium channel blockers. They are drugs that lower blood pressure by slowing calcium movement in the heart’s cells and in the walls of the blood vessels. It enables the heart to pump the blood and widen its vessels. With enlarged blood vessels, the heart needs not overwork hence the blood pressure is lowered (Liao et al., 2016). Norvasc (Amlodipine) is one of the best Calcium channel blockers used to treat high blood pressure. It is taken orally with or without food only once daily. Most people prefer taking it with water or milk. I would recommend that CF takes it with some milk of food. Dosage may be increased or decrease it depending on CF’s reaction. Calcium channel blocker is ideal for the black and elderly patients such as CF. He should avoid grape juice of fruit as it interferes with the drugs reaction on the body. I would ask CF to ensure that he eats a balanced diet and, a lot of fruits and vegetables. He should also ensure that he does lighter exercises like walking 30 minutes daily. He should also reduce his sodium intake, red meat, and cholesterol.


Go, A. S., Bauman, M. A., Coleman King, S. M., Fonarow, G. C., Lawrence, W., Williams, K. A., & Sanchez, E. (2014). An effective approach to high blood pressure control. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 63(12), 1230-1238. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2013.11.007

Liao, Y., Siegel, P. Z., White, S., Dulin, R., & Taylor, A. (2016). Improving actions to control high blood pressure in Hispanic communities—Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health Across the US Project, 2009–2012. Preventive medicine, 83, 11-15.

Woo, T. & Wynne, A. (2012). Pharmacotherapeutics for Nurse Practitioner Prescribers. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company

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presenting on U.S. healthcare system

presenting on the U.S. healthcare system, health and medicine homework help

(presenting on U.S. healthcare system)

Question description

Final Presentation For your Final Presentation you will be presenting on the U.S. healthcare system. Imagine you are a community health director educating a group of new healthcare professionals on the U.S. healthcare system. You have been asked to create a PowerPoint presentation, which includes the elements listed below: Note: You will be using Part 1 from week three for the first section of the Final Presentation. Please make sure to correct issues and address any recommendations from your instructor’s Week 3 Assignment feedback. Introduction: Include a title slide. Next, include an introductory slide where you introduce yourself and explain what you are about to present. Part I: The U.S. Healthcare System – Define the U.S. healthcare system by addressing the items below:

•Describe the history of the U.S. health care system. Include at least three of the revolutionary factors (e.g., teacher’s union in Dallas, Texas; the American Medical Association; Civil War, and the First Marine Hospital, etc.). Chapter two in our textbook discusses the evolution of our system and is a good resource for this part of your presentation.

•Identify at least one major development from each of the following: financial, legal, ethical, regulatory, and social [i.e., consumer demand]) that transformed the system into what it is today. You may want to revisit the health care timelines available in your course textbook.

•Differentiate the stakeholders and their roles (i.e., health care professionals, clients [patients], government, colleges, and health care agencies.

◦Include the positive and negative contributions of how they affect our health care system. Part II: The Cost of the U.S. Healthcare System

Describe the costs and how they are set (i.e., reimbursement methods, managed care organizations, Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance).

•Explain how technology has affected costs (e.g., EHR, medical research, equipment improvements like MRI, mammography, etc.) and delivery of quality care (e.g., personalized medicine, mobile services like ePrescribing, disease registries, etc.). Part III: The United States Versus Other Health Care Systems—an International Perspective

•Contrast the U.S. health care system with at least one other (e.g., Canada’s universal health care vs. U.S. healthcare or South Africa vs. U.S. health care, etc.).

◦Include at least one positive aspect from the other country’s health care system that you would like to see added to the U.S. healthcare system. Explain why you would like to see this in our system. Part IV: Reforms and Improvements

•Describe any potential reforms and improvements that are currently being discussed at either the local, state, or federal level. Your work must be based upon scholarly research, not media commentary. ◦Examples could include the following:

◾Federal modifications (i.e., Medicare reform, repealing PPACA, universal type system, etc.)

◾State modifications(i.e., Medicaid reform, income tax credits, etc.)

◾Increased consumer controls Note: The PPACA is not an appropriate reform or improvement to be described here because it is already law and not a future improvement. However, if there is a proposal to amend or eliminate, then you can include that potential reform. Conclusion: Future of the U.S. healthcare system

•Explain what you believe the U.S. healthcare system will look like in the next 10 years. Give at least two recommendations for change.

•Address access to care, quality of care, and cost of care including an example of each in your vision of our future healthcare system. Creating the Final Presentation The Final Presentation must: •Be 15 to 20 slides, which includes Part 1, (excludes the title slide and reference slides) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

•Be presented using Microsoft PowerPoint slide presentation. You have a choice of one of the following options for adding the narrative to your presentation. Option 1 is using voice or Option 2 is adding speaker notes to each slide.

◦Option 1: Recording your voice on each slide. You can view the tutorial using this link: adding and recording voice to each slide.You can also click on the following links to view the Accessibility Statement and Privacy Policy. If you choose this option, you must include your APA formatted citation in the speaker note section of the PPT as well.

◾Note: if you use the voice option, make sure your recordings are clear and concise. It is also important to know that adding voice narrations that are too lengthy and adding graphics may cause your PPT file to be very large (megabytes). You may have trouble loading it to Waypoint. Revisions may be necessary if this occurs.

◦Option 2: Using speaker notes for each slide in the PPT. You can review the tutorial using this link: adding speaker notes to your presentation. You can also click on the following links to view the Accessibility Statement , and the Privacy Policy.

◾Speaker notes are the typed notes that appear below the slide that complement the presentation slides. Whereas the slides will have short bulleted items, the speaker notes will be more detailed. They are essentially what the presenter would say during the presentation to explain each of the bulleted points on the slide. Therefore, it is important that the speaker notes are concise and detailed when explaining the bullet points.

◦It is recommended that PowerPoint Slides contain no more than five bullet points and should not contain more than 5 – 7 words each. Do not type paragraphs or long sentences on the slide. The information that explains each bullet point is conveyed via speaker notes or by recording your voice to each slide.

◦It is required that the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation include the use of a voice or speaker notes. If you choose to use the voice capabilities within PowerPoint, you must include your citations in the speaker notes for each slide.

•Be visually engaging. For assistance with designing the visuals for your presentation, view the video Don McMillan: Life after death by PowerPoint (click on the following links to view the Accessibility Statement or the Privacy Policy) or the PowerPoint Best Practices tool.

•Include a title slide with the following:

◦Title of the presentation

◦Student name

◦Course name and number

◦Instructor name

◦Date submitted

•Address the sections in the order outlined above (Introduction, Part I, II, III, and IV).

•Present the issues with critical thought.

•Use at least two scholarly sources (none of which should be media commentary, at least one should be from the Ashford University Library).

•Document all sources in APA format (including graphics, charts and pictures that may be used within the presentation). Wikimedia Commons is a recommended source for creative commons images (to view the privacy policy, click here).

•Include a separate reference slide formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. If you are unable to access the technology for this assignment due to a documented accommodations on file with the Office of Access and Wellness, inform your instructor as soon as possible. Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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Catheter related UTI

Catheter related UTI, health and medicine homework help

(Catheter related UTI)

Question description


Submit by 2359 (CT) Saturday at the close of Module 3.(Catheter related UTI)

Name Date:

Overview: “Information Retrieval Paper – Part 1”

This Module you will begin to develop an Information Retrieval Paper. This Assignment focuses on identifying appropriate evidence-based nursing practices related to specific problems you may identify as you work in the healthcare/workplace setting.

The goals of an Information Retrieval Paper are to (1) practice using APA format, (2) summarize and examine the strengths and limitations of research articles, and (3) prepare you for the Nursing Research Course where you will write a research paper using the skills you have learned completing this Information Retrieval Paper.

As a part of your Information Retrieval Paper, you will begin development of a research question using PICO format. Chapter 10 of the Role Development text book explains PICO. Be sure to develop your research question and then just below your research question delineate what the P, I, C, and O components of your question are.

For this Module 3 Assignment you will prepare a Title Page in proper APA format for your Information Retrieval Paper, identify three peer-reviewed articles, and summarize each article using APA format.

It may be helpful to look at the outline for the entire paper before you begin this Module’s Assignment. Assignments in this Module plus in Module 4 and 5 will address the Information Retrieval Paper.


APA Module* (This is also printable. Follow instructions in the tutorial.)

Scholarly Writing Tips*

(*Available in the Resource section of this module)

MS Word Tutorial for Beginners:

Choose the tutorials you need.

Review your course readings, lecture, and your Module 2 Resources before completing this module’s Assignment.

Performance Objectives

  • Identify a clinical problem in your workplace setting.
  • Develop an appropriate research question using PICO criteria and format.
  • Summarize 3 peer-reviewed, evidence-based articles/literature related to your clinical problem and research question.
  • Use correct grammar, punctuation, and APA format expected in writing professional papers.

Rubric and PICO Format(Catheter related UTI)

Use this rubric to guide work on the Module 3 assignment, “Information Retrieval Paper, Part 1.”

Research question must be stated in PICO format. See Chapter 10 of the Role Development textbook for the formatting. Be sure to address all four PICO components of the question.



Accomplished Proficient Needs Improvement
Part 1:
Problem Identification
Research Question
Rationale for Question
Must be constructed in the PICO format.
(Total 40 points)
Identifies a clinical problem in the workplace that would be under a nurse’s control. (15 points)

Question is stated in PICO format. Problem, Intervention, Comparator, and Outcome is clearly stated. (15 points)

Clearly explains a rationale for the selection of a research question.(10 points)

Identifies a clinical problem in the workplace but it is not under the control of a nurse (8 points)

Question is stated in PICO format but problem, intervention, comparator, and/or outcome is not clearly stated. (12 points)

Rationale is not clearly stated for the selection of a research question. (8 points)

Does not clearly identify a clinical problem in the workplace.

(2 points)

Did not use PICO format at all when delineating the research question but does state a research question.

(5 points)

Provides no rationale for the selection of a research question.(0 points)

Part 2:
Title Page Components using UT Arlington College of Nursing Title Page Format
(Total 10 points)
Develops title page components in College of Nursing Title Page Format using APA format with no errors. (10 points) Develops title page components in APA format with no more than 3 errors. (7 points) Does not use College of Nursing Title Page Format or creates title page with more than 3 errors. (0 pts)
Part 3:
APA References and Summaries

Summarize peer-reviewed, evidence-based literature related to a clinical problem.
(Total 25 points)
Use correct grammar, punctuation, and American Psychological Association (APA) format in writing professional papers. (Total 25 points)
Clearly and concisely summarizes 3 professional, peer-reviewed articles that address a research question. (25 points)

No errors in APA formatting including grammar, spelling, headings, etc.

(25 points)

Summarizes 3 professional, peer-reviewed articles that address a research question. However, summaries are not clearly stated leading to confusion of the article addressed. (20 points)

1-5 APA formatting errors including grammar, spelling, headings, etc.
(20 points)

Summarizes 2 or less professional, peer-reviewed articles that address a research question.(15 points)

6 or more errors in APA formatting including grammar, spelling, headings, etc.

(10 points)

Preview of Information Retrieval Paper Criteria(Catheter related UTI)

In this module’s assignment, you will take the initial steps in composing an Information Retrieval Paper that you will complete during Part B of the course. Because the paper will be submitted in sections, may want to look at the entire paper in the table below.

APA Format Elements Timeline
Title Page in APA format Completion Timeline
APA format

Citations in the body of the paper


Applicable each time sections are submitted
Writing style



Paragraphs of at least three well-written sentences

Organization and flow

Applicable each time sections are submitted
Content Criteria Timeline

Identification of clinical problem in a workplace setting

Research question stated correctly

PICO format

Rationale for question

To Be Completed Module 3
Summary of 3 peer-reviewed articles

Overview: Where did you search? How did you decide on the 3 articles?

3 article summaries

To Be Completed Module 3
Critical Analysis

Completeness of analysis

To Be Completed Module 4

Synthesis of key points for the 3 articles

To Be Completed Module 5
Reference Page


Sources cited in APA format

References complete

To Be Completed Module 5

Part 1: Research Problem and Question using PICO Format(Catheter related UTI)

A.In the space below, identify the clinical problem in the workplace setting that will serve as the focus of your information retrieval paper. Make sure that the problem is one that would be under your complete control as a nurse.

Clinical Problem (Type in box below)

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) in Hospitalized Patient. C

B. In the space below, compose a preliminary research question about the clinical problem that you identified in the workplace. Use this criteria in composing a preliminary research question:

– Question must relate to a clinical problem in the workplace.

– Question cannot be answered with a simple yes or no.

– The issue to be studied is under your complete control as a nurse.

– The question is open ended.

Delineate the PICO components of your question.

State your question

Then under the question

P (problem) =

I (intervention) =

C (comparator) =

O (outcome) =

Preliminary Research Question and Identified PICO Criteria (Type in box below)

Problem: Catheter related to Urinary Tract Infection

Intervention: urinalysis or urine culture is a test that done to look for the red blood cells, white blood cells and bacteria. For effective intervention, it is important to test for chemicals such as nitrites in urine. This test is important since can diagnose the infection.

Comparator: the clinician need to interfere to find out if the infection has spread to the kidneys or is just in the bladder. The patient must take antibiotic as a way of preventing the infection from spreading to the kidneys.

Outcome: in a successive treatment, the infection symptoms will go away within 24-48 hours. However, if you have kidney infection, it can take a week or longer.

  1. Compose a rationale that explains why you chose the research question. (Type in box below)

Rationale for Selecting the Research Question (Type in box below)

I chose this research question because nurses too often fail to give proper care to patient who confine to an indwelling Foley catheter. urinary tract infection is a significant disease that can harm the whole urinary track if not catch on time and treat adequately. Also, because I believe UTI is preventable. Thus, urinary tract infection is a sensitive issue that needs to be focus on.

  1. After completing this portion of the Assignment, go to this module’s Discussion,
    and follow the directions for sharing your research question. After receiving feedback
    from your colleagues, revise your research question, if necessary, in the space provided.

Revised Research Question (Type in box below)

  • Complete after participating in the Module 3 Discussion. Type your revised Research Question in the box provided below.
  • “What interventions can be done to decrease the risk of UTI related infections in patients with Foley catheters?”

Part 2: Title Page Components

In this part of the Assignment, you will record the parts of the title page for your Information Retrieval Paper by typing into the text boxes in the graphic organizer that follows the instructions chart.

(Catheter related UTI)

Content Criteria
Section or Section Title Description How-To and Tips
Use APA: The Easy Way, Second Edition.
  • 1” margins all around
  • Font – Times New Roman, 12 pt
  • Double-spaced
  • See APA: The Easy Way for formatting of paper.
  • Professional grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and paragraphs composed of at least 3 well-written sentences each
  • Select File – Page Setup…
  • Select Format – Font…
  • Select Format – Paragraph…
  • Select View – Header and Footer…
  • See “Scholarly Writing Tips”
(Refer to the MS Word “Help and How To” links if you need help with any of these tasks.)

The short title should be in upper- and lower-case, or “Title Case.”

Entire paper
  • Just below Header, include a “running head” as shown below, left-justified: (Replace “CAPITALIZED ABBREVIATED TITLE” with an abbreviated version of your paper’s title.)
  • Title in upper half of page, centered, upper- & lower-cased letters (Title Case)
    • Title is content of unique paper, not assignment title.
  • Submitted by, Student name, RN
  • The following information centered, 1-2 inches from the bottom of the page: (Fill in course, faculty details.)


In partial fulfillment of the requirements of

Course name and number

Faculty name, credentials

Submission date

APA: The Easy Way. Second Edition, Pages 7 & 48.

The running head appears only on the title page, and includes the words “Running head.”

You can access the complete UTA directions and an example title page at

Your finished Title Page should resemble the Title Page right after this grid. See next page.

Title Page: UT Arlington College of Nursing Format


In partial fulfillment of requirements of

Course name and number

Faculty name and credentials

Submission date

Part 3: APA References and Summaries

  • Select three peer-reviewed, evidence-based articles that address your research question.
  • Compose an overview about your choice of the three articles. Answer these questions:
    • Where did you search for articles?
    • How did you decide what articles to include?
  • Post references to the three articles in APA format.
  • Summarize the article and how it addresses your research question.


Where did you search for articles? How did you decide what articles to include?

I searched the articles on the internet. I decided what the articles to include basing on the clarity and relevance of the information contained in such articles. In my research, I was looking for professionally, scholarly and educational nature of the article.

Article 1

In the space below, post the reference for the first article in correct APA format.

O’sullivan, D.J. Fitzgerald, M.G., Meynell, M.J., & Malins, J. M. (2014). Urinary Tract Infection. British medical journal, 1(5228), 786.

In the space below, write a summary paragraph in APA format. Use scholarly writing to describe the article, the decision-making process you used to select the article, and how it addresses your research question. Use professional writing style.

The urinary tract infection is an infection that involves the ureters, kidneys, bladder and urethra. Any part of the urinary system can become infected. The farther up the urinary tract the infection is located, the more serious the infection can be. The UTI is more common in adults than in children. However, about 2% – 3% of the children get the urinary tract infection.

Article 2

In the space below, post the reference for the second article in correct APA format.

Lee, J.B., & Neild, G.H. (2013. Urinary tract infection. Medicine, 35(8), 435-456.

In the space below, write a summary paragraph in APA format. Use scholarly writing to describe the article, the decision-making process you used to select the article, and how it addresses your research question. Use professional writing style.

The symptoms of the urinary tract infections can either be complicated or uncomplicated. Uncomplicated infections can occur in health person and they are caused by Escherichia coli. On the other hand, the complicated infections are associated with functional, anatomical, or metabolic abnormalities of the urinary tract.

Article 3

In the space below, post the reference for the third article in correct APA format.…

In the space below, write a summary paragraph in APA format. Use scholarly writing to describe the article, the decision-making process you used to select the article, and how it addresses your research question. Use professional writing style.

Ways to prevent catheter related UTI. Proper hands washing before and after handling the catheter; cleaning the catheter and the skin around the catheter every day. In addition, you must drain the drainage bag multiple times per day and keep the drainage bag below the bladder. Also making sure the catheter is not twist, changing out the catheter at least every month. Finally, the catheter must remove when there is no longer a need for it because the unnecessary use of catheters can be a cause for UTI.

Submitting Your Assignment:

(Save all assignment documents in MS Word 2007 version and later. MS Word 2010 is recommended. Open Office and Office 360 documents are to be saved as MS Word 2010 or Word 2013 before uploading into Blackboard for grading)

  • Click the word Assignment in the Module 3 folder.
  • Click on the words Information Retrieval Paper, Part 1. The assignment submission document will open.
  • Go to 2. Assignment Materials-Submission. Click Browse and navigate to your Desktop where you saved your paper. Select the final version of your paper to upload from your computer.
  • When you’ve selected your paper, click Attach Files and your saved assignment document should appear in the submission box just above the Attach Files button.
  • Click Submit at the bottom of the Assignment Submission screen and your saved document assignment will appear the gradebook with a green exclamation point that alerts your Academic Coach that your assignment is ready for grading.
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theoretical frameworks influence2

theoretical frameworks influence2, health and medicine homework help

(theoretical frameworks influence2)

Question description

Where Did the Theory Come From This Assignment addresses this course outcome: MN502-2: Explain how theoretical frameworks influence advance. Purpose The purpose of this Assignment is to explore how a theorist explicates his or her philosophy and thoughts behind a theoretical field. As in other fields of study, nursing has a plethora of theorists and theories. These theorists have developed their paradigm over time enriching it with research and dialogue with other theorists.

Directions You are going to explore how a theorist of your choice created his or her theory.

Did it develop as an acorn becoming a mighty oak over the decades?

Did it arrive as a burst of light like the big bang as some believe created our universe?

Was it developed from a blueprint like a spaceship where thousands of scholars worked together to create a rocket to the moon?

In point of fact, how is a theory developed?

This is what we are exploring. You will pick a theorist who interests you, it does not have to be a nurse theorist. You may also choose from other disciplines such as: behavioral, leadership, business, education, technology. You will become the theorist immersing yourself in the writings from the earliest mentioned to the most current. As you read, look at how you (taking on the persona of the theorist) developed the theory. In the first stage, theorizing occurs. This is where you, as the theorist, identify the concepts of what nursing is and is not.

Perhaps you questioned what concepts were guiding those in nursing practice and then started to question your role. You started asking yourself, “Where am I in nursing, and where the profession is going? Is there some overarching concept that guides the professional in his or her practice?” This is where you recognize that a theory is needed. In the second stage, syntax is developed. This is where you will define the terms. Look for changing definitions of terms. Consider, for example, Jean Watson. She starts by defining the word “caring.” Within the last ten years she has refined her terminology changing the term caring to caritas.

This demonstrates a growth and maturation from decades of research she and other scholars did to produce the theory of caring. The third stage is theory testing. Defined as the phenomena behind the theory that are exposed through research. The definitions of terms are refined. The theorists and other researchers consider whether this theory helps answer questions that arise in practice. This is where your theory is used in by a widening group of researchers. For example, graduate nursing students request the tool you developed while testing your theory.

The fourth and last stage is evaluation. This is where philosophical debate occurs as the concepts are applied through evidenced based practice in the act of providing nursing care. Assignment Details For this Assignment, you are going to write an article for a nursing journal explaining how you developed your theory through the four stages (theorizing, syntax, theory testing, and evaluation). Your paper must be 3 to 5 pages, not including the title and reference pages

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Advanced Practice Nurse Roles

Advanced Practice Nurse Roles, health and medicine homework help

(Advanced Practice Nurse Roles)

Question description

Assignment #6 – Final Assignment: Advanced Practice Roles (30%) due by midnight onSeptember 2nd, 2017

The final assignment will synthesize what you have discovered about the different advanced practice roles and scope of practice for Advanced Practice Nurses. You will review all roles and then examine the specialty for which you were admitted into the program. Submit a (maximum) 10 page paper in APA format into the Dropbox.

1. Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing

a. Compare and contrast the roles of the Nurse Practitioner, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Certified Nurse Midwife, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, and other emerging roles in advanced practice nursing pertaining to the 7 Core Competencies: direct clinical practice, guidance and coaching, consultation, evidence-based practice, leadership, collaboration, ethical decision making

2. Selected Advanced Practice Role (Family Nurse Practitioner)

a. Examine regulatory and legal requirements for the state in which you plan to practice.

b. Describe the professional organizations available for membership based on your selected role.

c. Identify required competencies, including certification requirements, for your selected role.

d. Predict the organization and setting, population, and colleagues with whom you plan to work.

3. Leadership Attributes of the Advanced Practice Role.

a. Complete the leadership quiz outlined for Assignment #4 –… – in order to determine your leadership style.

b. Identify the leadership attributes you currently possess and describe the attributes you may need to develop.

c. Determine how to attain and evaluate those missing attributes.

4. Health Policy and the Advanced Practice Role.

a. Visit the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation –… – and identify a health policy issue. Conduct a review of literature and address the following:

i. Describe the current policy and what needs to change. Justify and support your conclusions with citations from the literature.

ii. Provide the process required to make the change with key players and parties of interest.

iii. Explain how you could lead the effort to make or influence the change in policy.

iv. Predict the effect on health care quality if the change in policy is implemented.

Final Assignment #6 – Grading Criteria

Criteria Points Score
Compare and contrast the major roles in advanced practicenursing. 15
For your selected role:

a.Examine regulatory and legal requirements for the state in which you plan to practice.

b.Describe the professional organizations available for membership based on your selected role. 5
c.Identify required competencies, including certification requirements, for your selected role. 10
d.Predict the organization and setting, population, and colleagues with whom you plan to work. 5
Leadership Attributes:

a.Identify the leadership attributes you currently possess and describe the attributes you may need to develop.

b.Determine how to attain and evaluate those missing attributes. 5
Identify a health policy issue of interest to you.
Conduct a review of literature and address the following:

a.Describe the current policy and what needs to change. Justify and support your conclusions with citations from the literature.

b.Provide the process required to make the change with key players and parties of interest. 5
c.Explain how you could lead the effort to make or influence the change in policy. 5
d.Predict the effect on health care quality if the change in policy is implemented. 5
Scholarly Writing:

a.APA style (including grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure as well as formatting and references)

b.Use of at least eight scholarly references, including at least four current, peer-reviewed journal articles. Textbook may be used as a reference, correctly citing chapter and author. Websites may be used for citing certification and competency requirements only.



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community health paper-nursing

community health paper-nursing, health and medicine homework help

(community health paper-nursing)

Question description

I will include an example paper and I also have a paper that I wrote that you can take information from


1. Describe the community where you performed your fieldwork by identifying each of the following items:

• geographical area (e.g., county, city, town)

• area size

• population size

• demographics

• physical and social environment (use the windshield survey from task 1 of C228)

2. Discuss the health concern you studied in your fieldwork.

a. Provide background information in relation to Healthy People 2020 and local public health data that characterizes the health concern.

b. Provide data from national, state, and/or local levels related to the health concern.

3. Describe the target population affected by the health concern you studied in your fieldwork, including each of the following components:

• gender

• age

• demographics, including socioeconomic status and educational level

a. Explain how the health concern is linked to a health inequity/health disparity for the population of interest.

i. Provide specific data to support the health inequity/disparity conclusion.

4. Discuss the primary community resources and partners currently involved with the health concern.

a. Describe how your fieldwork interviews support your chosen health concern, including a summary of the interviews.

5. Discuss aspects of the population health concern not being addressed despite the efforts of the partners involved.
C. Outcomes Identification

1. Explain the desired outcome(s) or goal(s) for improvement related to the health concern.
Note: This outcome or goal should be in alignment with Healthy People 2020 objective.
D. Planning

1. Create a nursing action plan to address the identified population health concern.

a. Recommend two population-focused specific objectives.
Note: The recommended objectives should be measurable ones.
b. Recommend two population-focused specific nursing interventions to improve the health concern.
Note: Use the attached “Minnesota Intervention Wheel” as an aid in selecting the broad areas for nursing action. Select primary and secondary prevention activities only. For example, explain how you and other nurses might work with the community and your chosen target population of interest to improve the health concern.
2. Discuss potential public and private partnerships from your field experience that could be formed to implement your recommendations from parts D1a and D1b.


1. Create a nursing action plan to address the identified population health concern.

a. Recommend two population-focused specific objectives.
Note: The recommended objectives should be measurable ones.
b. Recommend two population-focused specific nursing interventions to improve the health concern.
Note: Use the attached “Minnesota Intervention Wheel” as an aid in selecting the broad areas for nursing action. Select primary and secondary prevention activities only. For example, explain how you and other nurses might work with the community and your chosen target population of interest to improve the health concern.
2. Discuss potential public and private partnerships from your field experience that could be formed to implement your recommendations from parts D1a and D1b.
3. Create a specific timeline for your population-focused nursing interventions.
E. Evaluation

1. Explain how you would evaluate the effectiveness of the nursing action plan created in part D.

a. Identify the measurable tools necessary to perform the evaluation.
F. Conclusion

1. Reflect on how your perspective of the community’s health and the national, state, and local efforts toward a healthier population has changed as a result of your fieldwork.
1. Include appendices if necessary (e.g., charts, graphs, copies of any surveys, maps).

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Mandatory vaccination of children

Mandatory vaccination of children, health and medicine homework help

(Mandatory vaccination of children)

Question description

Abstract and Position Paper on MANDATORY Vaccination of Children

Course outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

MN507-5: Discuss the role of health policy and organizational structure on quality improvement within health care environments.

View the Assignment presentation.-ATTACHED Below click link…


For this Assignment, Abstract and Position Paper, you will search for a scholarly journal to publish to. You will follow your selected journal’s guidelines for creating a position paper, except that your word count (for the body section of your paper, which excludes the abstract, title page, and references sections) will be 1200-1800 words. You will write an abstract for your paper as if it were going to be published. (The abstract is not the type of abstract you would submit in a paper but one you would write if submitting a paper for publication.) If your selected journal has guidelines for the abstract, follow those guidelines.

You must support your work with at least eight scholarly peer reviewed articles. Your literature review must evaluate quantitative and qualitative data from research articles. In addition, you must gather and analyze data and make a valid assumptions based on reasoning.

You must also link to the journal’s publishing guidelines, at the bottom of your paper. If there is no link, include a copy of the publishing guidelines in an Appendix to your paper.

You will write your position paper on your chosen policy change as if you were writing for your chosen journal. Your paper must include the following topics: ONLY Cover the BOLDED TOPICS thoroughly others can be briefly.

  • Abstract per instructions
  • Current situation necessitating the change
  • The proposed policy change
  • Agenda setting-THIS ONE
  • A model or theory that can be used to bring about the change-THIS ONE
  • Design strategies
  • Implementation strategies
  • Evaluation strategies
  • Conclusion

This Assignment presents a great opportunity for you to hone your writing skills and collaborate on working on an article for publication. You do not have to actually publish the article, but you may want to continue working with your group and your instructor to do so.

To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Home.

Assignment Requirements

Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
  • consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Home) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
  • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

Your writing Assignment should:

  • follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
  • be well orderedlogical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
  • use APA format.
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Nursing health & medicine homework

Case Study Ethical Legal Dilemma Advanced Practice Nursing, health and medicine homework help

(Nursing health & medicine homework)

Question description

Case Study Ethical Legal Dilemma Advanced Practice Nursing

Course outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

MN506-1: Apply theoretical frameworks and concepts to ethical dilemmas in the advanced practice role.

PC 2.3: Demonstrate integrity through the application of relevant codes of conduct and social responsibility within one’s profession.

Please take a moment to watch this Assignment Introduction, or read the presentation transcript.


  1. Create an ethical legal decision-making dilemma involving an advanced practice nurse in the field of education, informatics, administration, or a nurse practitioner. Apply relevant codes of conduct that apply to the practice of nursing and your chosen field.
  2. Include one ethical principle and one law that could be violated and whether the violation would constitute a civil or criminal act based on facts.
  3. Construct a decision that demonstrates integrity and that would prevent violation of the ethical principle and prevent the law from being violated.
  4. Describe the legal principles and laws that apply to the ethical dilemma.
  5. Support the legal issues with prior legal cases or state or federal statutes.
  6. Analyze the differences between ethical and legal reasoning and apply an ethical-legal reasoning model in the case study to create a basis for a solution to the ethical-legal dilemma.
  7. List three recommendations that will resolve advanced practice nurses’ moral distress in the dilemma you have presented.
  8. Based on the issue you presented and the rules of the law, apply the laws to your case and come up with a conclusion.


  • This is a fact-based Assignment that will not include your opinion.
  • This will require research and support for what is written.
  • The Assignment should be in your words after reading the scholarly and fact-based publications and have proper citations. There should be no quotations. The professor wants to hear your voice as a masters trained nurse.


In the Unit 2 topic 1 Discussion, you will choose an ethical-legal dilemma that would cause the advanced practice nurse moral distress. You will write the introductory paragraphs for the Unit 4 Assignment in the Unit 2 topic 1 Discussion Board and post it for your peers to comment on.

You will continue working on the topic you have chosen and submit the paper using the most recent version of APA format. A template is provided of the course room for the paper. The paper should have a minimum of seven citations and some of these should be case law or applicable statutes. The Kaplan Library has Westlaw Campus Research database where you can find case laws that relate to your topic. The APA Manual and the textbook have instructions on legal formatting.


In an attempt to help you understand how to create the proper headings for your Unit 4 paper, I am providing you with the headings I want you to use. This is a huge calss and it would be very challenging to try to determine if you discussed each of the criteria in the directions.rubric if you are not using proper headings. You need to go to the rubric and read each criteria and compare the criteria to the headings below so that you can begin to learn how to create them appropriately.

The title is the first heading; it is centered and not bolded; the remaining headings are centered and bolded. I do not want you to use second or third level headings for the assignments in this course.

Headings are:

Ethical Dilemma

Ethical Principle and Law

Preventing Violation of Principle/Law
Ethical Principles and Laws

Legal Principles and Law
Legal Cases
Ethical and Legal Reasoning




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SWOT Analysis: health & medicine

SWOT Analysis , health and medicine homework help

(SWOT Analysis: health & medicine)

Question description

This week’s assignment will allow you to generate content that you will incorporate into the Market Analysis section of your Final Project. To prepare for this assignment, read Chapter 4 of the course text and the article by Simoneaux and Stroud (2011). You may also want to review the recommended article by Valentin (2001).

During the analysis stage, you consider external factors that pose possible threats to or provide opportunities for your organization and compare these factors against your HCO’s internal operation to diagnose its strengths and weaknesses. Many HCOs have found it useful to conduct a SWOT analysis. SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths and weaknesses refer to elements that are internal to the organization; opportunities and threats are external to the organization. An effective SWOT analysis helps the marketing team determine the healthcare organization’s position in a particular market place as well as the positions of its competitors. By analyzing the current market and the deficiencies of the HCO’s competitors, and by assessing the HCO’s internal strengths and weaknesses, the marketing team can reposition the organization to meet and exceed the needs of its customers.

For this assignment, you will conduct a detailed SWOT analysis of your chosen healthcare organization for your Final Project. Discuss your selected organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and possible threats.

The SWOT analysis should include the following five components:

  • Strengths – An organization’s resources and capabilities that can be used as a basis for developing a competitive advantage.
  • Weaknesses – Limitations of an organization to meet the needs of its determined customer base.
  • Opportunities – External conditions that may reveal certain new opportunities regarding profit and growth.
  • Threats – Factors or changes in the external environment that may present threats to the organization.
  • Summary/Recommendations – After conducting your SWOT analysis, write a paragraph in which you provide your recommendations to the CEO of your chosen healthcare organization. Also state how you will use this information to create a marketing plan that will ensure the following:
    • The organization’s resources are not wasted
    • Time is well spent
    • Marketing efficiently is improved

The assignment

  • Must be four to five double-spaced pages in length (not including the title page and references page) and formatted according to APA style.
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
  • Must document all sources in APA style.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style
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