
Interactive Assignment.

Interactive Assignment.

(Interactive Assignment.)

In this interactive assignment, you will create a story for children to educate them about psychological assessment. To begin, select a targeted developmental or reading level pre-K through grade 6. Review the elements required for each section of your storybook below. Visit the Storybird website (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to familiarize yourself with this technology. You may review the Storybird Quick-Start Guide (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for additional assistance with using this platform.

Your username will become the professional author name for your book. Therefore, when you register for your Storybird account it is recommended that you use the following format for your username: first initial followed by last name (e.g., JSmith). If you receive a message that your username has been taken, it is recommended you include your middle initial (e.g., JASmith). Do not use Internet handles and/or other unprofessional appearing pseudonyms.

Review the information in Chapter 5 of your textbook corresponding to the assessments appropriate for the age group you selected and review the Mental Health Assessment (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (2013) article for examples of information provided to the public about psychological testing. You may choose any appropriate title for your story. Be sure to address each of the following questions in your storybook in an age-appropriate manner:

  • Why is the character in the story being referred for testing?
  • Who will conduct the assessment?
  • What is being measured?
  • How long will testing take?
  • Who will be present during the assessment process? If not in the room, where will parents and/or guardians be while the character in the story is being tested?
  • How will the results be used? Who will have access to the results (e.g., medical doctor, family, the court, teachers), and why? This will vary depending on the character and plot in your story.
  • How will the tests be taken?
  • What will be the outcome of the assessment? How will the information be used? How might this information impact the life of the character in your story?

Include content to address any developmentally appropriate fears that individuals of the age group you selected may have. For example, young children commonly associate going to the doctor with getting a shot.

Be sure to include all the required material from the instructions above in your online storybook. Once you have created your storybook, include the link in your initial post. In your initial post, note the age or grade level for the target audience of the story. Briefly analyze and comment on the challenges and benefits related to explaining psychological assessment concepts using language that is developmentally appropriate for children. Compare at least two assessment instruments used to assess intelligence or achievement for the age group you selected. Include in-text citations and references for all sources used.

Note: It is highly recommended you complete all written work in a separate document first and then cut and paste the required content into your online storybook. This will allow you to edit and save your work separately from the online storybook, should any technical failures occur. This approach will also allow you to work on your content without having to remain connected to the Internet, which will make it easier to develop and edit your content prior to publishing it to your online storybook.

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Interactive Assignment

Interactive Assignment

(Interactive Assignment)

Prior to beginning work on this interactive assignment, please view the required video PSY645 Grand RoundsPresentation (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.; read Chapters 15, 20, and the Classes (or Names) of Medications That Can Cause Mental Disorders appendix in DSM-5 Made Easy: The Clinician’s Guide to Diagnosis; read Chapter 1 of DSM-5: Handbook of Differential Diagnosis; and read Section 4: Privacy and Confidentiality (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. from the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct: Including 2010 Amendments.  To view the written transcript, please click here.  Mental health professionals hold grand rounds events to maintain their current knowledge of health care practices and to consult with colleagues on particularly difficult cases. During these professional events, mental health professionals sometimes present a case and seek feedback from peers regarding conceptualization and treatment of a patient’s problems. This interactive assignment is an opportunity to simulate a grand rounds event.  For your initial post in this forum, you will provide written feedback regarding your colleague’s presentation and questions. Your post must include the following:

•Provide an evaluation of the degree to which the presenter followed the ethical standards outlined in Section 4 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. of the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct: Including 2010 Amendments. ◦Highlight the relevant information from the patient’s history you will use to inform your conceptualization of the patient’s problems and diagnosis. ◦Provide an evaluation of the patient’s symptoms and presenting problems within the context of a theoretical orientation that seems to be most appropriate for the situation. Be sure to indicate which theory you are using for your evaluation and provide a justification for your choice. To get the most out of this assignment, you are encouraged to use the same theoretical orientation from which you chose to write your Week Two Initial Assessment discussion’s guided response.

◦Provide a diagnosis for the patient based on one of the diagnostic manuals available (e.g., DSM-5, Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual, etc.). Justify your choice of this diagnostic manual. ◦Describe at least one evidence-based and one non-evidence-based treatment option for this diagnosis. Compare the benefits and costs of these treatment options. ◦Based on specific theoretical and historical perspectives, provide questions for your colleagues seeking their thoughts and feedback. ◦Pose appropriate questions that may help refine the diagnostic impression of this patient.

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