
Media & Crime Log Entry II

Media & Crime Log Entry II

(Media & Crime Log Entry II)

In this module, you will have an opportunity to add to your media and crime log by applying theories presented in this course to media portrayals of crime. The American public is fascinated with crime and therefore, there is no shortage of media depictions of crimes and criminals. In this assignment, you will use the scholarly knowledge you have gained in the course to analyze how the media portrays crime.

You are now familiar with biological, psychological, and sociological theories of crime. In M2: Assignment 2, you wrote a log entry applying psychological theories of criminal behavior to analyze articles or news stories. In this assignment, you will write your second log entry.

Research newspaper or magazine articles related to crime using the print or online news media.

Select two articles or news stories and apply at least two theories from the biological, psychological, and/or sociological perspectives to each article or news story.

Write an analysis of each article or news story addressing the following:

  • What is the purpose of the story as you perceive it?
  • How is crime or criminal justice portrayed?
  • What feelings or reactions are evoked in you by the article?
  • How would you explain the reported criminal behavior using the two theories you selected? Explain your choice of theory.

Give complete citation for the selected article and include a digital copy if possible.

Write a 2–3-page log entry in Word format.

Media & Crime Log Entry IIArticle 1: “Teen Vandalism in the Suburbs”

This article describes a series of vandalism incidents committed by teenagers in a suburban area. Applying the sociological theory of social disorganization, the high crime rate can be attributed to the breakdown of communal institutions such as schools and family structures, leading to diminished social controls and increased deviance among youth. Additionally, the biological theory of genetics and temperament suggests that some teenagers might possess genetic predispositions towards impulsive behavior and risk-taking, which, when combined with a lack of community supervision, results in criminal activities like vandalism.

Article 2: “Corporate Fraud Scandal: CEO Indicted”

The second article details a corporate fraud scandal where a CEO was indicted for embezzling millions. The psychological theory of moral development is relevant here; the CEO’s actions can be understood as a failure in moral reasoning, indicative of a pre-conventional level where personal gain overrides societal norms. Furthermore, the sociological theory of strain (anomie) explains the CEO’s criminal behavior as a response to societal pressures to achieve financial success by any means necessary. This pressure creates a strain that leads individuals to commit crimes when legitimate avenues appear insufficient or blocked.

By examining these articles through the lenses of various theories, we gain a deeper understanding of the multifaceted nature of criminal behavior.

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