
Discussion Topic 2: Mental Health

Discussion Topic 2: Mental Health

(Discussion Topic 2: Mental Health)

Discussion Topic 2: Mental Health

How Mental Health Institutions and Services have Changed/Evolved over the Years

There is a significant change and shift in attitude regarding how society perceives mental illness and mental health in general, which has revolutionized mental health institutions and services. There is a better understanding of mental health concepts, which has been crucial in encouraging changes in healthcare approaches to mental illnesses (Williamson, 2020). Current mental health systems are more community-based, unlike former ones that were more like enclosures, due to a widespread understanding of mental health and people educating themselves. (Discussion Topic 2: Mental Health)

The Current State of Mental Health Services Delivery

Mental health services are more patient centered and considered a critical part of an individual’s overall wellness. The approach to mental health is more focused on prevention services and early identification of people at increased risk. Mental health services are increasingly integrated into primary care to ensure holistic patient care (Mental Health America, 2022). Services are more data-driven, and data gathering is continuous to ensure up-to-date data and information regarding mental health conditions and factors at work, like health disparities that impact mental health services. (Discussion Topic 2: Mental Health)

Healthcare Professional’s Role in promoting Mental Health Issues/Reforms

The primary role of mental health professionals is offering advice and counsel regarding behavioral management, skills and strategy development to manage mental health conditions, and helping people to recover from mental illnesses quickly. Mental health professionals work directly with patients to promote psychological well-being and emotional health. In the process, practitioners gain more knowledge and understanding of patient needs that inform their efforts to promote mental health issues and reforms, including advocating for better and improved mental health services, insurance coverage of mental health issues, and data-driven and innovative ways of preventing and identifying mental health issues early (Søvold et al., 2021). (Discussion Topic 2: Mental Health)

Main Obstacle(S) to delivering Quality Mental Health Services

Most mental health problems go untreated or under-treated, primarily due to barriers that limit access to mental health services, including the financial burden associated with treating mental health issues. Inadequate mental health staff/professionals and services and limited availability of mental health education to raise awareness to impact the quality of mental health services (Qureshi et al., 2021). Other people over-rely on self-help because of the shame of coming forward and fear of negative outcomes, have difficulties identifying and communicating concerns and perceive mental issues as not serious enough to warrant professional help, limiting mental health service utilization. (Discussion Topic 2: Mental Health)

Removing the Stigma related to Mental Health

Education is effective in removing the stigma around mental health, and people should seek to educate themselves regarding mental illnesses and understand attitudes, emotions, and behaviors related to mental health issues to aid early identification and intervention. Patient education by practitioners is needed to enhance awareness and understanding of the importance of mental health, how it impacts physical health and well-being, and the need to seek professional help (Søvold et al., 2021). Integrating physical and mental health is critical to ensure people understand how the two relate and affect one another. Furthermore, public education is critical in adjusting thinking and attitudes towards mental health. (Discussion Topic 2: Mental Health)


Mental Health America. (2022). The state of mental health in America

Qureshi, O., Endale, T., Ryan, G., Miguel-Esponda, G., Iyer, S. N., Eaton, J., … & Murphy, J. (2021). Barriers and drivers to service delivery in global mental health projects. International Journal of Mental Health Systems15(1), 1-13.

Søvold, L. E., Naslund, J. A., Kousoulis, A. A., Saxena, S., Qoronfleh, M. W., Grobler, C., & Münter, L. (2021). Prioritizing the mental health and well-being of healthcare workers: an urgent global public health priority. Frontiers in public health9, 679397.

Williamson, T. (2020). How mental health support has changed over the years.

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