
587 leadership 5w- Discussion Prompt – Answered

587 leadership 5w- Discussion Prompt – Answered

Points: 25  | Due Date: Week 5, Day 3 & 7 | CLO: 1 | Grade Category: Discussions Discussion Prompt Describe a healthcare scenario in which punitive action was implemented by a nursing leader toward a staff nurse and the impact of the action on the nurse and his or her colleagues (use fictitious names and places). Describe how you, as a nurse leader, would have managed the scenario differently and the type of outcomes you would predict for the nurse and his or her colleagues as a result of your intervention. Expectations Initial Post: Length: 150 – 250 Words (587 leadership 5w- Discussion Prompt – Answered).


Scenario: Punitive Action and Its Impact

Healthcare Scenario

In the fictional Hospital Crestwood, Nurse Emily Johnson, a registered nurse, made a significant medication error by administering the wrong dosage of a critical medication to a patient. This error resulted in a temporary adverse reaction, but the patient ultimately recovered without long-term effects. The nursing leader, Director of Nursing Patricia Adams, decided to implement punitive action against Nurse Johnson. Emily received a formal written reprimand and was suspended for one week. Additionally, her professional license was reported to the state board for further review.

Impact of the Action

The punitive measures had several repercussions. Nurse Johnson experienced significant emotional distress and a decline in her self-confidence, impacting her performance and job satisfaction upon her return. Her colleagues were also affected; many felt that the disciplinary action was excessively harsh. This led to a decline in team morale and increased anxiety among the staff regarding their job security. The atmosphere in the unit became tense, with increased reports of stress-related issues and decreased collaboration among the team members (Marshall, 2019; Sfantou et al., 2017).

Alternative Management Approach

As a nurse leader, I would have approached the scenario differently by focusing on a supportive and educational response rather than punitive measures. Upon learning about the medication error, I would first ensure that the immediate needs of the patient were addressed and no further harm would come to them. Next, I would initiate a thorough, non-punitive investigation into the circumstances surrounding the error, involving Emily, her colleagues, and other relevant personnel. This would help identify systemic issues or gaps in procedures that contributed to the mistake.

Instead of a formal reprimand, I would implement a structured corrective action plan. This plan would include additional training for Nurse Johnson, as well as a review and update of the medication administration protocols for the entire team. I would also establish a mentorship program where experienced nurses could support newer staff members and foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Expected Outcomes

By adopting a supportive approach, the expected outcomes would be more positive for both Nurse Johnson and her colleagues. Nurse Johnson would benefit from enhanced skills and confidence through targeted training and support, reducing the likelihood of future errors. Her colleagues would likely experience improved morale and a more collaborative work environment due to the focus on collective learning rather than individual punishment. This approach would foster a culture of safety and continuous improvement, ultimately leading to better patient care and a more cohesive nursing team (Sfantou et al., 2017).


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Nursing leadership development

Nursing leadership development

Based on your readings, current literature within 5 years, scholarly peer-reviewed journals, and research on the topic of nursing leadership development specific to your program. Clearly demonstrate the integration of evidence into nursing practice as it relates to nursing leadership in your program. Clearly demonstrate the concepts of nursing leadership and ethical decision-making as they relate to nursing leadership development in your program.

Nursing leadership development

Integration of Evidence into Nursing Practice

Recent literature underscores the importance of evidence-based practice (EBP) in nursing leadership. EBP ensures that nursing leaders use the latest research to inform decisions. According to Sherman and Pross (2020), EBP improves patient outcomes and organizational efficiency. Nursing leaders who adopt EBP implement strategies backed by robust research.

Additionally, EBP requires nursing leaders to stay updated with current research findings. This practice aligns with the Magnet Recognition Program, which promotes nursing excellence through EBP (American Nurses Credentialing Center, 2019). Therefore, integrating EBP into nursing leadership enhances care quality and professional development.

Concepts of Nursing Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making

Nursing leadership involves guiding and inspiring nursing staff to achieve high standards of patient care. Effective leaders exhibit strong communication, emotional intelligence, and teamwork skills. Cummings et al. (2018) suggest transformational leadership is particularly effective in nursing settings. Transformational leaders inspire and motivate their teams, improving job satisfaction and patient outcomes.

Ethical decision-making is crucial in nursing leadership. Leaders face complex ethical dilemmas, balancing patient needs, staff welfare, and organizational goals. Robichaux (2018) provides a framework for ethical decision-making, guiding leaders to make fair and just decisions. This framework involves identifying ethical issues, considering stakeholders’ perspectives, and evaluating consequences.

Nursing Leadership Development in My Program

My nursing leadership program emphasizes integrating evidence and ethical decision-making. The curriculum includes EBP modules, teaching leaders to appraise and apply research to practice. Case studies and simulations provide practical experience in making evidence-based decisions.

The program also incorporates ethical decision-making into its core competencies. Students learn ethical theories and principles, engaging in discussions and role-playing exercises. These activities help future leaders develop skills to navigate ethical situations confidently.

Reflective practice is another key component. Students reflect on their experiences, promoting continuous learning and improvement. This approach ensures that nursing leaders are prepared to make informed, ethical decisions.

In summary, my program integrates evidence and ethical decision-making into nursing leadership development. By emphasizing EBP, transformational leadership, and ethical frameworks, the program prepares leaders to provide high-quality, ethical care.


American Nurses Credentialing Center. (2019). Magnet Recognition Program. Retrieved from

Cummings, G. G., Tate, K., Lee, S., Wong, C. A., Paananen, T., Micaroni, S. P., … & Dredge, C. (2018). Leadership styles and outcome patterns for the nursing workforce and work environment: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 85, 19-26.

Robichaux, C. (2018). Ethical decision making in nursing administration: The intersection of relationships and responsibilities. Journal of Nursing Administration, 48(7-8), 395-398.

Sherman, R. O., & Pross, E. (2020). Growing future nurse leaders to build and sustain healthy work environments at the unit level. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 20(2).


This should include;

  • An Introduction. Define leadership. Explain how leadership is developed.
  • Why is leadership development important for nursing today?
  • Compare and contrast theoretical leadership theories as they relate to  leadership development. Discuss how leadership is an integral component of the advanced generalist masters prepared Nurse
  • Examine empowerment as it relates to the development of Nursing leaders
  • Analyze the process of leading through mentoring as it relates to the creation of future caring followers
  • Explain effective communication and collaboration strategies that lead to healthy, safe interdisciplinary teams
  • Guided by Dr. Jean Watson’s (2012) theory of human caring science critically evaluate how caring can be integrated in all levels of Nursing practices
  • Create your own personal definition of nursing leadership examining concepts you can adopt in your practice setting leading to improved outcomes for patients, families, colleagues, and self.

5 pages (not including title page or reference page) using the required title page with your major clearly labeled Minimum of 5 scholarly sources not including the textbook to support your facts Clear and logically written with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation Proper APA format on citations and sources



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