
Discussion 3

Discussion 3

Describe the participant protections provided by the researchers for participants. (Discussion 3)

Participant protections are crucial in research to ensure ethical standards and the well-being of individuals involved in studies. Researchers employ several safeguards to protect participants:

  1. Informed Consent: Researchers must provide clear, understandable information about the study to participants before they agree to participate. This includes the purpose, procedures, risks, benefits, and their right to withdraw at any time.
  2. Confidentiality: Researchers must ensure that participants’ data and identities are kept confidential. This often involves using anonymization techniques and restricting access to sensitive information.
  3. Minimization of Risk: Researchers are obligated to minimize any potential risks to participants. This can include ensuring that procedures are safe and any discomfort or inconvenience is minimized.
  4. Voluntary Participation: Participants should voluntarily choose to participate without any coercion or pressure. They should also be informed of their right to withdraw from the study at any time without consequences.
  5. Beneficence: Researchers must maximize benefits and minimize harm to participants. This involves carefully weighing the risks and benefits of the study.
  6. IRB/Research Ethics Committee Review: Many studies require approval from an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Research Ethics Committee (REC) before they can proceed. These bodies ensure that ethical guidelines and participant protections are met.
  7. Debriefing: After the study, participants should be informed of the study’s results and provided with any additional information necessary to understand the study’s purpose and implications.
  8. Special Protections for Vulnerable Groups: Certain groups, such as children, prisoners, and individuals with impaired decision-making capacity, require additional protections due to their vulnerability. Researchers must take extra care when involving these groups in studies.

By adhering to these participant protections, researchers uphold ethical standards and ensure that research contributes positively to knowledge without causing harm to participants.


How were the participants selected? How might this impact ethical principles within the study?

Would the participants in this study be considered “vulnerable“? Why or why not?

Were participants subjected to any physical harm or discomfort or psychological distress as part of the study? What efforts did the researchers make to minimize harm and maximize good?

Does the report discuss steps that were taken to protect the privacy and confidentiality of study participant? (Discussion 3)

Discussion 3


Business paper


Identify the main points of each article.

Synthesize the main points of the articles.


Explain the choice of the scenario framework used for the case study.

Describe five current state pharma industry trends or performance indicators essential to begin development of 10-year scenarios.

Write five trigger questions for an executive team to use to create 10-year pharma scenarios.


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