
Project On Access 2013 Assignment Help

Project On Access 2013 Assignment Help

Access 2013 Chapter 3 Creating and Using Queries Last Updated: 2/27/15 Page 1

USING MICROSOFT ACCESS 2013 Independent Project 3-5

Independent Project 3-5 The State of New York Department of Motor Vehicles wants to create three queries. The first query provides summary data on the number of tickets by city and violation. The second query summarizes the total tickets by violation. The third query provides summary data for the total fines assessed against each driver who has had a ticket. To ensure consistency, the starting file is provided for you. Use Design view to create the summary queries. Edit the queries to add fields, aggregate functions, and sorting. Finally, save and run the queries.

Skills Covered in This Project  Create a summary query in Design view.

 Edit a query in Design view.

 Add fields to a query.

 Execute a query.

 Save a query.

 Sort query results.

 Add aggregate functions.



1. Open the NewYorkDMV-03.accdb start file.

2. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if

directed to do so by your instructor, and save it.

3. If needed, enable content in the security warning.

4. Create a new summary query in Design view. The

query counts the number of tickets issued by city

and violation.

a. Add the Ticket table into the Query

Design window.

b. Increase the size of the table object to

display all of the fields.

c. Add the following fields into the query: City,

PrimaryFactor, and TicketNumber.

d. Add the Total row to the query.

e. Group By the City and PrimaryFactor fields

and Count the TicketNumber field.

5. Save the query as


6. Run the query. The datasheet should display

20 records.

7. Widen the field column widths to the Best Fit

(Figure 3-104).

8. Save the changes to the query.

9. Save a copy of the query as


10. Edit the TicketCountByFactor query in Design

view. The query should show the total tickets

issued for each violation factor, sorted in

descending order by count.

a. Delete the City field.

b. Sort the TicketNumber field in

descending order.

11. Save and run the query. The datasheet should

match Figure 3-105.

Step 1

Download start file




Access 2013 Chapter 3 Creating and Using Queries Last Updated: 2/27/15 Page 2

USING MICROSOFT ACCESS 2013 Independent Project 3-5

12. Close the query.

13. Create a new summary query in Design view. The query provides summary data on the total fines

assessed against

each driver.

a. Add both tables into the Query

Design window.

b. Increase the size of the table

objects to display all of the fields.

c. Add the following fields into the

query: LicenseNumber,

FirstName, LastName, Fine, and


d. Add the Total row to the query.

e. Group By the LicenseNumber,

FirstName, and LastName fields,

Sum the Fine field and Count the

TicketNumber field.

f. Sort the Fine field in descending


14. Save the query as TicketsByDriver.

15. Run the query. The datasheet should

display 21 drivers who have received

tickets, sorted in descending order

by the total dollar amount of their

fines (Figure 3-106).

16. Save and close the database.

17. Upload and save your project file.

18. Submit project for grading. Step 3

Grade my Project

Step 2

Upload & Save

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