



Discussion #1.The most popular topic of investigation within the realm of everyday memory has no doubt been autobiographical memory. A person’s history is at the core of his or her identity. It should not surprise you that autobiographical memories are as varied as the people who produce them. For this discussion, respond to the following:

· How do autobiographical memories and autobiographical facts differ from each other? Give an example of each.

· From your experience and what you have learned about the differences, how would you say that autobiographical memories influence autobiographical facts? Provide an example or two to illustrate your thinking.

Please include the following in your response:

· Refer to and integrate ideas presented in your course readings.

· Cite outside resources if necessary to make your point.

· Follow APA style guidelines for citations and references.

·  Discussion #2. Your textbook presents two types of social influence: normative and informational. This is your opportunity to try an informal experiment of your own to observe the concepts in action. For example, you might try a task similar to the Asch line judgment experiment with family or friends, or you might change some aspect of the environment to break a social norm, such as facing the rear of an elevator while others are present in order to observe their reactions. In your posting, describe your experiment and the response you received.

· After you have completed one or both of the options, explain whether the influence (  experiment) was normative or informational and why you think this way. Defend your position with supporting references from either your textbook or other professional sources.

Discussion # 3.A part of critical thinking and of being a psychology professional is to be open to ideas, alternative points of view, and new information. At Capella, your exposure to the specific elements of critical thinking, such as point of view, questions, arguments, and information, began with your first course. However, your unit readings show how people can be vulnerable to pressures from strong but misguided leadership, groupthink, sales tactics, and so on.

For this discussion, describe specific conditions under which people are more susceptible to persuasion. Explain strategies that can be used to resist harmful or unwanted persuasion, while remaining open and flexible to alternative perspectives and new information.

Discussion # 4.The blind spot is the area on the retina without photoreceptors. Therefore, the part of an image that falls on this region will NOT be seen. It is in this region that the optic nerve exits the eye on its way to the brain. Humans may use different parts of their brain to discriminate objects from people. In particular, we may have specialized neurons for recognizing faces. To complete this discussion:

· Define the problem of the final integration of visual information.

o What kind of problem does this present regarding our understanding of how the brain works?

o Is it a problem that needs to be solved?

o Do any recent papers in the scientific literature address this issue?

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DISCUSSION #1.Confirmation bias represents a pervasive tendency in reasoning. Myside bias and belief bias are types of confirmation bias. For this discussion:

· Describe confirmation bias, myside bias, and belief bias.

· Provide an example of how people fall prey to each of these tendencies.

o Under what circumstances do people seem to be less likely to show confirmation bias, myside bias, and belief bias?

Please include the following in your response:

· Refer to and integrate ideas presented in the text and any supplemental readings.

· Cite outside resources if necessary to make your point.

· Follow APA style guidelines for citations and references.

DISCUSSION #2.Three hobbits and three orcs are on a river bank. The hobbits and orcs need to cross over to the other side of the river. They have for this purpose a small rowboat that will hold just two. There is also this problem: if the number of orcs on either river bank exceeds the number of hobbits on that bank, the orcs will eat the hobbits on that bank.

How can all six creatures get across to the other side of the river in a way that guarantees that they all arrive there with the forest intact? Try to solve the problem and post your solution.

Please include the following in your response:

· Refer to and integrate ideas presented in the text and any supplemental readings.

· Cite outside resources if necessary to make your point.

· Follow APA style guidelines for citations and references.

Discussion #3.For this discussion, go to the MENSA Web site and take the Mensa Workout intelligence test (linked in the Resources). It will take about 30 minutes to complete. When you have finished, report the results and answer the following questions:

· Do you think the test was a fair assessment of intelligence?

· Which questions do you feel most accurately gauged “intelligence”? Which did you find bothersome?

· What did you learn about yourself from this test?

· If a person with autism scored well, how would that confuse the definition of intelligence? Does this make IQ biased?

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Perception Theories and Attitudes

Perception Theories and Attitudes: Synesthesia, Behavior, Withdrawal


(Perception Theories and Attitudes)

DISCUSSION #1.Synesthesia is a neurological phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. For this discussion, complete the following:

Describe the differences between top-down and bottom-up theories of perception.

Test your perceptual patterns to determine whether you think synesthesia is based more on low-level or higher level cognitive processes, then discuss. You will need the resources on synesthesia for this part of the discussion.

Name at least one famous person who is reported to have synesthesia and describe the type of synesthesia he or she experiences.

DISCUSSION #2.Attitudes help guide behavior, although sometimes people act in ways that contradict their attitudes (Baumeister & Bushman, 2014). Some have said that attitudes are directly related to behavior; others say there is no strong relationship between attitude and behavior.

Explain what is meant by attitude. How do people develop attitudes? Support your explanation with theory.

Describe the relationship between behavior and attitude. Apply one theory to support your position, and provide at least one example to illustrate your understanding of the relationship or lack of relationship between behavior and attitude.

DISCUSSSION #3.This activity for this discussion should be conducted over several days to assess both the level of use and the discomfort associated with caffeine or nicotine withdrawal. You should use one or both of these topics only, do not share other addictive substances or personal addictive issues. Through this exercise, you will gain an appreciation for how addiction happens, why it may go unnoticed, and how withdrawal can be a difficult process both physically and mentally. If you are not a smoker and do not drink coffee (even though you used to), you will need to interview someone who currently does smoke or drink caffeine.

Task: Two of the most popular legal drugs of abuse are caffeine and nicotine. Many people use one, or both, of these drugs. To complete this discussion:

Quantify intake using the charts provided on the Web sites related to caffeine and nicotine, located in Resources.

Track your (or your subject’s) caffeine or nicotine use over three days.

Refrain from using the drug for 48 hours.

Document any withdrawal symptoms you (or your partner) may experience. Also, keep a record of any drugs you use to combat withdrawal symptoms, and note its active ingredients. If a relapse occurs, document that as well. Use the following questions as a guide to record your results:

o When are the drugs used? Is there any difference in the social situations surrounding each use?

o What withdrawal symptoms did you (or your subject) experience for each drug respectively?

o How have these symptoms made you or your subject feel about the use of these drugs?

o Did you or your subject have social support during the 48 hours abstinence from the drug? Did that help prevent relapses?

o Did you or your subject take other drugs to relieve some of the symptoms (such as aspirin for headaches)? Did it help keep you from relapsing? Did these drugs contain caffeine?

Based upon your results (and it is optional to share your results with peers), post your discussion to the following question:

· Would you or your subject still seek these drugs if they were made illegal? Why or why not? Using the Neurotransmitters Matching presentation from Unit 2, can you trace the neural pathways involved in the addiction cycle? In withdrawal?

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Discussion #1.In the language of social psychology, prosocial behaviors are those that promote the well-being of members of society and society as a whole, such as cooperation, fairness, helping, and forgiveness. Antisocial behavior is behavior that is dismissive or harmful to others. Aggression and violence are part of antisocial behavior; however, antisocial behavior also includes behaviors such as cheating, lying, littering, and stealing (Baumeister & Bushman, 2014).

search for and select one recent advertisement (from television, billboard, or other advertising media) that depicts prosocial behavior and one that depicts antisocial behavior. Use these ads as the foundation for your discussion.

· Describe or identify the advertisements you selected. You can provide a link to them if they are accessible from the Internet.

· Describe the prosocial behaviors you observed in the video clips and the ad you selected. Describe the antisocial behaviors you observed in the video clips and the ad you selected. Apply at least one theory or concept from social psychology to explain the factors (individual and social) that influence a person’s decision to behave prosocially or antisocially. Examine how media can play a role in promoting prosocial behavior.

Discussion #2.Elizabeth Loftus (2003), a memory researcher from the University of California, Irvine, is interested in repressed and false memories, especially those related to eyewitness testimonies. She says:

The malleability of memory is becoming increasingly clear. Many influences can cause memories to change or even be created anew, including our imaginations and the leading questions or different recollections of others. The knowledge that we cannot rely on our memories, however compelling they might be, leads to questions about the validity of criminal convictions that are based largely on the testimony of victims or witnesses. Our scientific understanding of memory should be used to help the legal system to navigate this minefield (p. 231).(PSYCHOLOGY DISCUSSSION QUESTIONS)

According to Huff (2002), every year 7500 Americans are convicted of crimes they did not commit.

Loftus (2003) offers two anecdotes to make the point:

· Ronald Cotton, a North Carolina prisoner who was convicted in 1986 of raping a 22-year-old college student, Jennifer Thompson, puts a human face on these cases. Thompson took the stand, put her hand on the Bible, and swore to tell the truth. On the basis of her testimony, Cotton was sentenced to prison for life. Eventually, DNA testing—which began 11 years after Thompson had first identified Cotton—proved his innocence.

· Another man, Bobby Poole, pleaded guilty to the crime. Faulty memory is not just about picking the wrong person. Memory problems were also evident during the sniper attacks that killed ten people in the Washington, DC area in 2002. Witnesses reported seeing a white truck or van fleeing several of the crime scenes. It seems that a white vehicle might have been near one of the first shootings and media repetition of this information contaminated the memories of witnesses to later attacks, making them more likely to remember white trucks. When caught, the sniper suspects were driving a blue car. Were we observing unwitting memory contamination on a nationwide scale? (p. 231).

Discuss whether or not a person should be sent to prison based on eyewitness testimony alone. What are the pros and cons of eyewitness testimony?

What are your thoughts on influences on memory including suggestibility and repressed memories

Discussion #3.Without memory, learning is impossible. As we have discussed, memory helps you recall important events, what you ate for dinner, your childhood favorite songs, and what your best friend looks like and sounds like. Memory makes us who we are.

For this discussion, apply and integrate your knowledge by identifying strategies involving memory that you have found helpful in studying for exams (such as mnemonic devices, elaborative and maintenance rehearsal, or sufficient sleep):

· Describe your specific memory strengths and weaknesses related to studying and give an example.

· Describe the tasks you used to test your memory after studying for the exam.

· What affects your ability to retrieve information from memory on exam day?

Please include the following in your response:

· Refer to and integrate ideas presented in the text and any supplemental readings.

· Cite outside resources if necessary to make your point.

· Follow APA style guidelines for citations and references.

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