
Psychology homework help

Unit5DiscPeerResp2QDA Psychology homework help

Response Guidelines

Provide a substantive contribution that advances the discussion in a meaningful way by identifying strengths of the posting, challenging assumptions, and asking clarifying questions. Your response is expected to reference the assigned readings, as well as other theoretical, empirical, or professional literature to support your views and writings. Reference your sources using standard APA guidelines. Review the Participation Guidelines section of the Discussion Participation Scoring Guide to gain an understanding of what is required in a substantive response.

Peer 1 Response: Cait

Anderson & Bushman (2001) conducted the meta-analysis, Effects of Violent Video Games On Aggressive Behavior, Aggressive Cognition, Aggressive Affect, Physiological Arousal, and Prosocial Behavior: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Scientific Literature, which determined that there was a correlation between playing video games and aggressive behaviors. In a set of 21 controlled experimental studies, Anderson & Bushman (2001) concluded that there was a correlation between playing video games (x) and engaging in the aggressive behavior (y). Table 1 determined that aggressive behavior was measured at r= .19, therefore concluding that the correlation was statistically significant due to a large number of participants that were involved in the research study. Aggressive behavior in conjunction with playing violent video games was tested with 3,033 participants. If there was a smaller sample size (in this case, less than 3,033 participants), the correlation r=.19 may not have been as large or as significant. This result also yielded significant results because r=.19 is positive, rather than negative. In Table 1 it can also be determined that the results displayed significant results because of the homogeneity test. The homogeneity test determined an outcome of x2(32)  23.25, p > .05 (Anderson & Bushman, 2001). It was measured that the p score was 23.25, compared to the normal value used by SPSS and researchers, which is .05. Because the p-value was larger than .05, it yielded significant results for this research study. If the p-value was smaller than .05, it would not hold the same level of significance.


Anderson, C. A., & Bushman, B. J. (2001). Effects of violent video games on aggressive behavior, aggressive cognition, aggressive affect, physiological arousal, and prosocial behavior: A meta-analytic review of the scientific literature. Psychological Science, 12(5), 353–359.

Peer 2 Response: Teddick

A meta-analysis (Anderson & Bushman, 2001) reported that the average correlation between time spent playing video games (X) and engaging in aggressive behavior (Y) in a set of 21 well-controlled experimental studies was .19. This correlation was judged to be statistically significant. In your own words, what can you say about the nature of the relationship?

Warner (2013) explained that in a result of .19 will fall among the small (r<.10) and the medium (r<.30) and in less than the large (r<.50). This is an indicator that there is a compelling association, but this does not mean there is a causation between aggressive behavior and video games. Because of the insufficient information provided, we must consider every factor that contributes to the research, for example age of the gamer, time spent playing, time spent watching movies of violence, how much the parents are involved in their child’s life, if that person is involved with the wrong group of individuals, their surrounding neighborhood, and even their social and academic intellect. However, there still is a relationship of correlation on the meta-analysis, but does not necessarily means a causation. The meta-analysis shows a significant association on aggressive behavior being affected by playing violent video games, but does not prove or show that it causes the behavior. If anything it does encourage parents to look for more age appropriate video games and limit the access of violent-themed games for their kids (Anderson, C. & Bushman, B., 2001).


Anderson, C. A., & Bushman, B. J. (2001). Effects of violent video games on aggressive behavior, aggressive cognition, aggressive affect, physiological arousal, and prosocial behavior: A meta-analytic review of the scientific literature. Psychological Science, 12(5), 353–359.

Warner, R. M. (2013). Applied Statistics: From Bivariate Through Multivariate Techniques (2nd ed.). Sage Publications.

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Psychology homework help

Psychology homework help

Question 1


The treatment model most likely to be effective

with a suicidal and substance abusing person is: 

a.Mindfulness-based treatment. 

b.Transtheoretical model of change (TTM). 

c.Motivational interviewing (MI). 

d.Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). 

e.Self-determination theory (SDT). 

5 points    

Question 2


Addiction professionals today: 

A. May have a background that includes personal recovery from addictive behavior. 

B. Have to meet credentialing requirements that include education in theories of addiction. 

C. Frequently cling to a favorite theory and disregard other theories. 

D. Need to be flexible to tailor individualized or customized care to clients. 

E. All of the above. 

5 points    

Question 3 


Behaviorists expect relapses to occur early in recovery because: 

A. The addicted individual’s condition has not progressed to the disease stage. 

B. Many of the rewards of recovery come only after long periods of sobriety. 

C. Negative consequences for addictive behavior are quickly forgotten. 

D. Poor impulse control. 

E. They have not hit bottom. 

5 points    

Question 4


Voucher-based treatment for cocaine dependence: 

A.  Pays addicts for clean urine specimens. 

B. Includes relationship counseling. 

C. Is a community reinforcement approach to treatment. 

D.  Behavioral treatment component had better results than those in 12-Step drug counseling. 

E. All of the above. 

5 points    

Question 5


This approach has been shown

to be more effective than peer-based CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy)

groups to reduce high-severity substance-related behaviors among ethnic minority youth: 

A. BSFT (Brief Strategic Family Therapy). 

B. FFT (functional family therapy). 

C. MDFT (multidimensional family therapy). 

D. MST (multisystemic family therapy). 

E. None of the above (they are about equal). 

5 points  C  

Question 6 


The model of addiction enjoying the greatest support

from the law enforcement and prison industries is: 

A. Alcoholics Anonymous. 

B. Moral models of addiction. 

C. Disease models of addiction. 

D. Psychological models of addiction. 

E. Social models of addiction. 

5 points    

Question 7 


The foundations of addiction treatment in the United States today are the: 

A. Moral models of addiction 

B. Disease models of addiction 

C. Psychological models of addiction 

D. Social models of addiction 

E. All of the above 

5 points    

Question 8 


Family roles in a family suffering from the disease of addiction may: 

A. Become overly flexible. 

B. May result in a scapegoat who also acts as a family clown. 

C. May result in a lost child who acts out and may become delinquent. 

D. May result in a family hero who attempts to do everything right. 

E. May result in a mascot who withdraws in order to cope. 

5 points    

Question 9 


The social learning theory (SLT) proposed by Albert Bandura is also known as: 

A. Self-efficacy. 

B. A cognitive model. 

C. Social cognitive theory. 

D. Self-efficacy theory. 

E. All of the above. 

5 points    

Question 10 


Public Health 

A. Is concerned with promoting and protecting health of populations. 

B. Is often contrasted with medicine which focuses on the individual. 

C. Replaced a focus on miasma (invisible toxic matter from the earth) as the cause of disease. 

D. Replaced the sanitary movement in many cities in the late 1800s. 

E. All of the above. 

5 points    

Question 11 


Relapsing to addictive behavior is viewed as a learning experience

that can be used to strengthen gains made in treatment by the: 

A. Moral models of addiction. 

B. Disease models of addiction. 

C. Psychological models of addiction. 

D. Social models of addiction. 

E. All of the above. 

5 points    

Question 12 


LifeSkills Training (LST): 

A. Is today one of the most widely used, evidenced-based prevention programs. 

B. Is restricted to high school students in predominantly white neighborhoods. 

C. Trains students on actions of drugs and medical and legal consequences. 

D.  Is conducted in week-long sessions during summer breaks. 

E. All of the above. 

5 points    

Question 13 


Respondent conditioning (classical conditioning, Pavlovian conditioning)

helps explain why repeated drug use in the same environment may result in: 

A. Overdose. 

B. Addiction. 

C. Drug tolerance. 

D. Withdrawal. 

E. Paranoia. 

5 points    

Question 14 


Behaviorists believe that adaptive behaviors as well as maladaptive behaviors

like addiction are the result of: 

A. Conditioning. 

B. Learning. 

C. Genetic inheritance. 

D. A disease process. 

E. Immoral behavior. 

5 points    

Question 15 


The recommendation to address cognitive, behavioral and

social factors in efforts to overcome addictive behavior is best represented by: 

A. Alcoholics Anonymous. 

B. Moral models of addiction. 

C. Disease models of addiction. 

D. Psychological models of addiction. 

E. Social models of addiction. 

5 points    

Question 16 


Delay discounting is when behavioral consequences

or reinforcers are delayed into the future and as a result they: 

A. Increase their value and effectiveness in influencing choices. 

B. Decrease their value and effectiveness in influencing choices. 

C. Decrease the chance of relapse. 

D. Increase the likelihood of maintaining sobriety. 

E.  Depends on the individual. 

5 points    

Question 17 


It may be convenient to refer to addiction as a “brain disease” but: 

A. This is insufficient and possibly misleading. 

B. Singular and absolute explanations for addiction are ill-informed

or championing a social/political cause. 

C. Addiction is extremely complex and arises from multiple pathways. 

D. There is not one way to explain addiction. 

E. All of the above. 

5 points    

Question 18 


During the 13 years of Prohibition in the United States (1920-1933): 

A. The early movement to medicalize alcoholism gained strength. 

B. Alcohol consumption decreased by an estimated 70%. 

C. Drug addiction increased rapidly. 

D. Physicians prescribed alcohol for more medical ailments like diabetes and old age. 

E. All of the above. 

5 points    

Question 19 


Harm reduction approaches to addiction treatment: 

A. Are most appropriate for persons not in treatment and not highly motivated to change 

B. Are highly controversial especially in the United States 

C. Incorporate stages of change thinking from the transtheoretical model (TTM) 

D. Encourages autonomy similar to motivational interviewing

(MI) and self-determination theory (SDT) 

E. All of the above. 

5 points    

Question 20 


Due to evidenced-based practice (EBP) and changes in health care law,

it is projected that all counselors in the addictions field will soon be

required to possess at least: 

A. A high school diploma and some certification training. 

B. A bachelor’s degree in an addiction-related field (psychology, nursing). 

C. A master’s degree. 

D. A doctorate (PhD or MD). 

E. Three years of sobriety. 

5 points    

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Psychology homework help

Psychology homework help

Question 1


The treatment model most likely to be effective

with a suicidal and substance abusing person is: 

a.Mindfulness-based treatment. 

b.Transtheoretical model of change (TTM). 

c.Motivational interviewing (MI). 

d.Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). 

e.Self-determination theory (SDT). 

5 points    

Question 2


Addiction professionals today: 

A. May have a background that includes personal recovery from addictive behavior. 

B. Have to meet credentialing requirements that include education in theories of addiction. 

C. Frequently cling to a favorite theory and disregard other theories. 

D. Need to be flexible to tailor individualized or customized care to clients. 

E. All of the above. 

5 points    

Question 3 


Behaviorists expect relapses to occur early in recovery because: 

A. The addicted individual’s condition has not progressed to the disease stage. 

B. Many of the rewards of recovery come only after long periods of sobriety. 

C. Negative consequences for addictive behavior are quickly forgotten. 

D. Poor impulse control. 

E. They have not hit bottom. 

5 points    

Question 4


Voucher-based treatment for cocaine dependence: 

A.  Pays addicts for clean urine specimens. 

B. Includes relationship counseling. 

C. Is a community reinforcement approach to treatment. 

D.  Behavioral treatment component had better results than those in 12-Step drug counseling. 

E. All of the above. 

5 points    

Question 5


This approach has been shown

to be more effective than peer-based CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy)

groups to reduce high-severity substance-related behaviors among ethnic minority youth: 

A. BSFT (Brief Strategic Family Therapy). 

B. FFT (functional family therapy). 

C. MDFT (multidimensional family therapy). 

D. MST (multisystemic family therapy). 

E. None of the above (they are about equal). 

5 points  C  

Question 6 


The model of addiction enjoying the greatest support

from the law enforcement and prison industries is: 

A. Alcoholics Anonymous. 

B. Moral models of addiction. 

C. Disease models of addiction. 

D. Psychological models of addiction. 

E. Social models of addiction. 

5 points    

Question 7 


The foundations of addiction treatment in the United States today are the: 

A. Moral models of addiction 

B. Disease models of addiction 

C. Psychological models of addiction 

D. Social models of addiction 

E. All of the above 

5 points    

Question 8 


Family roles in a family suffering from the disease of addiction may: 

A. Become overly flexible. 

B. May result in a scapegoat who also acts as a family clown. 

C. May result in a lost child who acts out and may become delinquent. 

D. May result in a family hero who attempts to do everything right. 

E. May result in a mascot who withdraws in order to cope. 

5 points    

Question 9 


The social learning theory (SLT) proposed by Albert Bandura is also known as: 

A. Self-efficacy. 

B. A cognitive model. 

C. Social cognitive theory. 

D. Self-efficacy theory. 

E. All of the above. 

5 points    

Question 10 


Public Health 

A. Is concerned with promoting and protecting health of populations. 

B. Is often contrasted with medicine which focuses on the individual. 

C. Replaced a focus on miasma (invisible toxic matter from the earth) as the cause of disease. 

D. Replaced the sanitary movement in many cities in the late 1800s. 

E. All of the above. 

5 points    

Question 11 


Relapsing to addictive behavior is viewed as a learning experience

that can be used to strengthen gains made in treatment by the: 

A. Moral models of addiction. 

B. Disease models of addiction. 

C. Psychological models of addiction. 

D. Social models of addiction. 

E. All of the above. 

5 points    

Question 12 


LifeSkills Training (LST): 

A. Is today one of the most widely used, evidenced-based prevention programs. 

B. Is restricted to high school students in predominantly white neighborhoods. 

C. Trains students on actions of drugs and medical and legal consequences. 

D.  Is conducted in week-long sessions during summer breaks. 

E. All of the above. 

5 points    

Question 13 


Respondent conditioning (classical conditioning, Pavlovian conditioning)

helps explain why repeated drug use in the same environment may result in: 

A. Overdose. 

B. Addiction. 

C. Drug tolerance. 

D. Withdrawal. 

E. Paranoia. 

5 points    

Question 14 


Behaviorists believe that adaptive behaviors as well as maladaptive behaviors

like addiction are the result of: 

A. Conditioning. 

B. Learning. 

C. Genetic inheritance. 

D. A disease process. 

E. Immoral behavior. 

5 points    

Question 15 


The recommendation to address cognitive, behavioral and

social factors in efforts to overcome addictive behavior is best represented by: 

A. Alcoholics Anonymous. 

B. Moral models of addiction. 

C. Disease models of addiction. 

D. Psychological models of addiction. 

E. Social models of addiction. 

5 points    

Question 16 


Delay discounting is when behavioral consequences

or reinforcers are delayed into the future and as a result they: 

A. Increase their value and effectiveness in influencing choices. 

B. Decrease their value and effectiveness in influencing choices. 

C. Decrease the chance of relapse. 

D. Increase the likelihood of maintaining sobriety. 

E.  Depends on the individual. 

5 points    

Question 17 


It may be convenient to refer to addiction as a “brain disease” but: 

A. This is insufficient and possibly misleading. 

B. Singular and absolute explanations for addiction are ill-informed

or championing a social/political cause. 

C. Addiction is extremely complex and arises from multiple pathways. 

D. There is not one way to explain addiction. 

E. All of the above. 

5 points    

Question 18 


During the 13 years of Prohibition in the United States (1920-1933): 

A. The early movement to medicalize alcoholism gained strength. 

B. Alcohol consumption decreased by an estimated 70%. 

C. Drug addiction increased rapidly. 

D. Physicians prescribed alcohol for more medical ailments like diabetes and old age. 

E. All of the above. 

5 points    

Question 19 


Harm reduction approaches to addiction treatment: 

A. Are most appropriate for persons not in treatment and not highly motivated to change 

B. Are highly controversial especially in the United States 

C. Incorporate stages of change thinking from the transtheoretical model (TTM) 

D. Encourages autonomy similar to motivational interviewing

(MI) and self-determination theory (SDT) 

E. All of the above. 

5 points    

Question 20 


Due to evidenced-based practice (EBP) and changes in health care law,

it is projected that all counselors in the addictions field will soon be

required to possess at least: 

A. A high school diploma and some certification training. 

B. A bachelor’s degree in an addiction-related field (psychology, nursing). 

C. A master’s degree. 

D. A doctorate (PhD or MD). 

E. Three years of sobriety. 

5 points    

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Psychology homework help

Psychology homework help

Question One: Consider the Research by Zhu, Ziang, Fan, and Han in the text on Cross-Cultural Differences in Brain Activation When Considering the Self.  What does it mean to have a self-concept that is so fused with representations of others?  What does it mean to have a self-concept that is NOT fused with representations of others?  What might the behavioral implications be?
Suggested Topic Heading: Self-Concept and Cross-Cultural Differences
Question Two: Some psychologists have suggested that while individuals tend to use traits to describe themselves and others, this merely tells us something about the cognitive functioning of individuals and about their interpersonal perceptions– it does not tell us that traits represent the best tools for the scientific analysis of personality. How important is the fact that the layperson finds the trait a useful construct? If we accept the importance of the layperson’s use of this construct for theory development, does this also commit us to accepting the specific trait names and categorizations used by the layperson (e.g., honest, aggressive, sympathetic)?
Suggested Topic Heading: Trait Constructs
Question Three: Big five terms are great for describing differences between people. But are they also good for explaining people’s behavior? Is it reasonable to say that “Liz smiled and greeted people happily because she is an extravert”? Or is that similar to saying “It is sunny and warm in San Diego this week because San Diego has nice weather”? In other words, is this sort of “explanation” one that just takes you around in circles?
Suggested Topic Heading: The Five-Factor Model
Question Four: The text discusses research on brain systems involved in higher-level psychological functions, such as self-concept. How much do we learn about such psychological functions by studying the brain? In other words, since we know that some systems in the brain have to be involved in any psychological function, does an analysis of underlying neuroanatomy answer the most pressing questions about personality? Or does it leave unanswered critical questions about the ways in which these psychological capacities develop and function in the social world? In short: Can there be a neuroscience of personality?
Suggested Topic Heading: The Brain and Psychological Functions

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Psychology homework help

Psychology homework help

Using DSM-5 in Case Formulation

Gary G. Gintner, Ph.D., LPC

Louisiana State University



Case Formulation

• Case formulation is a core clinical skill that links assessment information and treatment planning

• It is a hypothesis about the mechanisms that cause and maintain the problem

• It answers the question, “Why is this person, having this type of problem, now?”




DSM-5 Informed Case Formulation Process

Assessment •DSM-5 Enhancements

•DSM-5 Organization

•DSM-5 Background information

Case Formulation

• DSM-5 Criteria Sets

•DSM-5 Background Information

Treatment Planning

•Best practice guidelines are often tied to a diagnosis

• DSM-5 measures to monitor progress



Fundamental Changes in DSM-5

Dimensional Approach

• The conundrum with categories

• Dimensional concepts:

• Spectrum Disorders

• Severity ratings

• Dimensional assessment tools

Lifespan Perspective

• Lifespan perspective is infused throughout the manual

• More attention to developmental differences in presentation

New Organization


• Data-informed reorganization

• Proximity reflects similarity



DSM-5’s Single Axis System

• There is one diagnostic axis on which all of the following can be coded:

– All mental disorders (formerly on Axis I and II)

– Other Conditions that May be the Focus of Treatment (V-codes; formerly Axis I)

– Medical disorders (formerly Axis III)








DSM-5 Tools and Enhancements

• Clinical rating scales

• WHODAS 2.0

• Cultural Formulation Interview



Clinical Rating Scales

• Rationale for adding: – Measurement-informed care – Dimensional assessment of severity – Assessment of broad range of symptoms – Adjunct to clinical evaluation

• Types – Cross-Cutting Symptom Measures – Disorder-Specific Severity Measures – Disability Measures (WHODAS 2.0) – Personality Inventories – Early Development and Home Background Form




Link to Online Assessment Measures

• Assessment measures can be freely used by clinicians for use with clients

• They can be downloaded at: dsm5/online-assessment-measures

or DSM-5 Online Measures.docx







Cross-Cutting Symptom Measures

• Assesses symptoms across the major domains of psychopathology

• Two types:

– Level 1

– Level 2

• Versions

– Adult self-report

– Parent/guardian-rated version (for children 6-17)

– Youth self-report (11-17)





Level 1 Cross-Cutting Symptom Measure

• Description: Adult version measures 13 domains of symptoms DSM-5 level1 assessment.pdf

• Rate each item: – How much or how often “you have you been

bothered by…in the past two weeks.” – 5-point rating scale from 4 (severe, nearly everyday)

to 0 (none or not at all)

• Scoring: Rating of 2 or higher (Mild, several days) should be followed up by further clinical assessment. On items for suicidal ideation, psychosis and substance use, a rating of 1 (Slight) or higher should be used.




Level 2 Assessment Measure

• Description: A brief rating scale for a particular symptom (e.g., anxiety, depression, substance use)

• Indications: When a Level 1 item is rated above the cut-off

• Can be readministered periodically to plot change

• Scoring instructions are available at the site

• DSM-5 Online Measures.docx





Disorder-Specific Rating Scales

• Description: Disorder-specific rating scales that correspond to the diagnostic criteria

• Indications: Used to confirm a diagnostic impression, assess severity, and monitor progress

• Versions: Adult, Youth and Clinician rated

• DSM-5 Online Measures.docx




• Description: A 36-item measure that assesses disability in adults 18 years and older

• Rating: “How much difficulty have you had doing the following activities in the past 30 days.” Rated 1 (None) to 5 (Extreme or cannot do)

• Scoring: Calculate average score for each domain and overall

• Versions: Adult and proxy-administered • DSM-5 whodas2selfadministered.pdf



Domains on the WHODAS 2.0

1. Understanding and communicating

2. Getting around

3. Self-care

4. Getting along with people

5. Life activities

6. Participation in society DSM-5 whodas2selfadministered.pdf




Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI)

• Description: A 16-item semistructured interview to assess the impact of culture on key aspects of the clinical presentation and treatment plan

• Indications: Use as part of the initial assessment with any client but is especially indicated when there are significant differences in “cultural, religious or socioeconomic backgrounds of the clinician and the individual”(p. 751).




CFI Domains

• Cultural definition of the problem

• Causes of the problem, stressors and available supports

• Coping efforts and past help-seeking

• Current help-seeking and the clinician- client relationship DSM-5 Cultural Formulation Interview.pdf




Clinical Applications of DSM-5 Enhancements

• During initial assessment: – Administer Level 1 Cross-Cutting Symptom

Measure – Complete intake including social history, mental

status, and diagnostic assessment – Administer Level 2 measures as needed – WHODAS 2.0 can be administered as indicated – Use aspects of the CFI interview throughout

• Follow-up sessions – Administer disorder-specific measures – Re-administer periodically to assess progress



DSM-5 and Case Formulation

• Biopsychosocial model in case formulation

• The Five P’s of Case Formulations

• Doing a case formulation using DSM-5



Biopsychosocial Model in Case Formulation

Case Formulation

Biological Factors

Psychological Factors





The Five P’s of Case Formulation (Macneil et al., 2012)

• Presenting problem – What is the client’s problem list? – What are DSM diagnoses?

• Predisposing factors – Over the person’s lifetime, what factors contributed to the development

of the problem? – Think biopsychosocial

• Precipitants – Why now? – What are triggers or events that exacerbated the problem?

• Perpetuating factors – What factors are likely to maintain the problem? – Are there issues that the problem will worsen, if not addressed

• Protective/positive factors – What are client strengths that can be drawn upon? – Are there any social supports or community resources ?




The Five P’s in DSM-5 • Diagnostic criteria

– Disorder-specific criteria set (Presenting Problem) – Subtypes and specifiers (Presenting Problem)

• Explanatory text information – Diagnostic features (Presenting Problem) – Associated features (Presenting Problem) – Prevalence (Presenting Problem) – Development and course (Predisposing, Perpetuating and

Protective Factors) – Risk and prognostic factors (Predisposing, Perpetuating

Protective Factors) – Culture-related diagnostic issues (5 P’s) – Gender-related diagnostic issues (5 P’s) – Suicide risk (Presenting Problem) – Functional consequences (Perpetuating Factors) – Differential diagnosis (Presenting Problem) – Comorbidity (Presenting Problem and Perpetuating Factors)



Case of Helen

Helen was fired from her job one month ago because she started making numerous mistakes and had trouble concentrating. About three months ago she started feeling “down“ after a break-up with a man she had been dating for a few months. She has trouble falling asleep and has noticed a significant decline in her appetite. She feels like a failure and believes that no one will want to hire her again.



Helen Continued

She has thoughts of committing suicide but admits, “I could never do it.” The only thing that seems to help is when she participates in a bible-reading group every Tuesday night. She explains, “During that time I’m more like my old self and at least that night I can sleep.” She also reports that her mood improves when she visits her friends. However, she reports such low energy throughout the day that she is unable to schedule a job interview.



Helen Continued

She had a similar episode about two years ago after she was laid off from her former job. She reports that it took four months before she began feeling “normal” again and positive about herself.

Her history indicates that her mother had severe depression and was hospitalized on several occasions when Helen was young. She describes her as “negative” and often absent in her youth. However, Helen always did well in school and had an active social life. Her work history has been very consistent up to her lay off.





Diagnostic Work-Up • DSM-5 measures:

– Level 1(positive for depression, sleep problems and avoiding certain events)

– PHQ-9, Score = 20 (Severe) – WHODAS 2.0

• General Disability Score = 85 (2.36; Mild) • Subscale: Life activities = 14 (3.5; Moderate) • Subscale: Participation in Society = 28 ( 3.5;

Moderate) • Differential diagnosis: What are the possibilities? • Diagnostic Impression: 296.33 Major Depressive Disorder, recurrent, severe severity V62.29 Other Problems related to employment




Case Formulation • Why is she so depressed?

– Predisposing factors?

– Precipitating factors?

– Perpetuating factors?

– Positive or protective factors?

• How does the diagnosis and case formulation inform your treatment plan?



Guide to Case Formulation

1. State the problem or diagnostic impression.

2. State the precipitant

3. Describe critical predisposing factors

4. Include a statement about perpetuating or maintaining factors

5. Highlight protective and positive qualities



Write a Case Formulation

Helen presents with……(1) which appears to be precipitated by…..(2). Factors that seem to have predisposed her to depression include….(3). The current problem is maintained by….(4). However, her protective and positive factors include….(5).



From Formulation to Treatment

• How does the formulation inform the treatment plan? – Best practices for this disorder?

– Which types of interventions will address the predisposing, precipitating and perpetuating factors?

– How do you ensure that diversity factors are considered?

– How do you tailor treatments so that they are more strength-based?



Final Thoughts…

• Begin using DSM-5 enhancements

• DSM-5 can help you identify the five P’s

• Case formulation is a skill and has been tied to better outcome





References American Psychiatric Association. (2014). Online assessment measures. Retrieved from

American Psychiatric Association. (2013a). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental

disorders (5th ed.). Washington DC: American Psychiatric Association.

American Psychiatric Association. (2010). Practice guidelines for the treatment of major

depressive disorder, third edition [Supplement]. American Journal of Psychiatry. 167(10).


Craighead, W. E., Miklowitz, D. J, & Craighead, L. W. (2013). Psychopathology: History, diagnosis,

and empirical Foundations. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Frank, R. I., & Davidson, J. (2014). The transdiagnostic road map to case formulation and

treatment planning. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Gintner, G. G. (In press). DSM-5 conceptual changes: Innovations, limitations and clinical

implications. The Professional Counselor.

Gintner, G. G. (2008). Treatment planning guidelines for children and adolescents. In R.R. Erk

(Eds.), Counseling treatments for children and adolescents with DSM-IV-TR mental disorders

(pp.344-380). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Publishing.

Macneil, C. A., Hasty, K., K, Conus, P., & Berk, M. (2012). Is diagnosis enough to guide treatment

interventions in mental health? Using case formulation in clinical practice. BMC Medicine,

10, 111. doi:10.1186/1741-7015-10-111

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Psychology Quiz Help

Psychology Quiz Help



1. A panel interview is an interview in which

2. A case history is also referred to as

3. Video cameras and one-way mirrors in a room where assessment is taking place will typically prompt assessees to

4. Which of the following is TRUE of behavioral observation as a tool of assessment?

5. The ABAP Diplomate

6. Using CAPA, test users have the capability of

7. According to your textbook, when interviewing an eyewitness to a serious crime, a police psychologist might ask the interviewer to respond to a question

8. Your textbook lists several means by which motivational interviewing is conducted. Which is not one of those ways?

9. Testtakers differ in their approach to an assessment situation with regard to the extent that they

10. The Adjustable Light Beam Apparatus (ALBA)

11. What name is BEST associated with therapeutic assessment?

12. In the context of psychological testing and assessment, social facilitation refers to the presence of a third party and its effect

13. A psychologist licensed in Oregon may not accept a referral to evaluate a dying patient under the provisions of Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act

14. Which of the following is the term used for a variant of a language that has its own rules of structure, meaning, and pronunciation?

15. An approach to personality assessment that does not employ self-report methods is referred to as

16. During World War I, Robert Woodsworth and his committee developed a measure of

17. “If an expert claimed something that most other experts in the field would agree with, the testimony would be admitted into evidence.” This statement BEST applies to the admission of expert testimony into evidence as provided by which litigation?

18. Ability tests developed using samples of White testtakers cannot be used to track African-American students in the school system. This was the essence of the ruling in which of the following court cases?

19. The beginning of the group intelligence testing movement is best associated with

20. Which of the following terms BEST characterizes the relationship between the enterprise of psychological testing and the public during the 20th century?

21. According to Neil Krishan Aggarwal, culture influences

22. Sir Francis Galton measured each of the following EXCEPT

23. Who coined the term “mental test”?

24. Typically, when a Title VII charge of discrimination in the workplace is leveled at an employer, a claim is made that hiring, promotion, or some related employment decisions are systematically being made

25. Which of the following would be LEAST likely to be used as an item on a projective test of personality? (Psychology Quiz Help)


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Psychology Homework Help

Psychology Homework Help

Write a paper of two pages, double-spaced, 12 font. (Psychology Homework Help)


Discuss what you learnt this semester in Psychology 101 in terms of how it will help you in achieving satisfaction in life. This is in particular reference to love and work. No research is necessary. This paper is focusing on your own self-reflection.

No spelling and grammar errors allowed.


Course Goals Overall:

A. Course objectives:

Upon Completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. define the fundamental concepts associated with each of the course’s major topics

2. identify the advantages and disadvantages of the various research methods used to study animal and human behavior and mental processes

3. apply major theoretical perspectives and/or data derived from psychological research to maximize self-management, self-improvement, and/or resolve personal, relational, social and/or workplace situations (Psychology Homework Help)

4. analyze psychological information found  in  print, information technology, film, television, radio, and other resources by evaluating the authenticity, timeliness, relevance and validity of that information

explain the ethical considerations that govern psychological research with humans and animals and in conducting psychotherapy

5. demonstrate the skills of accessing, evaluating, and communicating current research pertaining to psychology topics by engaging in class discussions, individual or collaborative presentations, and/or written assignments that are well organized, cohesive and logical

6. explain how psychological data and theories have continually evolved and why that requires the ability to pursue lifelong learning

7. analyze and evaluate the role of diverse cultural, international, and global perspectives in the formation of differences in behavior, attitudes, and perceptions

8. analyze and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses as learners

B. Major Topics:

Topics addressed in PSYC 101, Introduction to Psychology, will include:

1. The evolution of modern psychology

2. Research methods and ethical issues in psychology

3. The sub-fields of psychology

4. Biological bases of behavior and mental process

5. Sensation and perception

6. States of consciousness

7. Basic principles of learning

8. Memory

9. Cognition, language and intelligence

10. Human development

11. Motivation and emotion

12. Personality theories and assessment

13. Stress: its causes, effects and control

14. Psychological disorders: their nature and causes

15. Prevention and treatment of mental disorders

16. Social psychology

17. The nature of cultural and gender diversity in the human experience

C. Rationale: PSYC 101 provides an excellent introduction into the world of professional psychology. In that Psychology is the study of human behavior, I sincerely hope that you, the student, will find much of what you learn to have personal relevance. I will do my best to help make the bridge between classroom academics and the reality of your own life. Even if you never take another psychology course, I hope you will take with you what you learned in this course and apply it to your own real world life. The knowledge you gain will surely help you become better in your interactions with parents, children, boyfriends, girlfriends, spouses, employers and employees. I will do my best to demonstrate how what we study in this course is relevant to what you encounter in the world outside the classroom. (Psychology Homework Help)

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Psychology homework help

ssignment: Psy 370 Ch. 16 Assignment 1.

It has been proposed that in the DMS-V, discussion on the concept of autism  a. will be removed from the text.

 b. will remain unchanged.

 c. will be replaced with a broader category referred to as “conduct disorders of autistic type” and will drop references to linguistic problems.

 d. be discussed as a single category of “autism spectrum disorders” rather than a list that includes numerous subcategories.


The “DSM” in DSM-IV refers to the  a. Direct Services Method of Psychological Intervention

 b. Diagram of Severe Mental Illnesses

 c. Doctor’s Scientific/Psychological Medical Guide

 d. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders


In the diathesis-stress model, the term diathesis refers to a(n)  a. social norm.

 b. genetic or personality-based predisposition toward vulnerability.

 c. anxiety-producing environmental event.

 d. state of calm.


According to the diathesis-stress model, psychopathology results when  a. a stressful event triggers an already existing vulnerability or predisposition.

 b. the id develops.

 c. a gene that is programmed to activate at a certain point during the lifespan “turns on” without any trigger.

 d. a mentally healthy person takes a psychoactive drug.


An imbalance in _____ appears to play a role in the acquisition of major depressive disorder.  a. corpus callosum activity

 b. dopamine levels

 c. serotonin levels

 d. beta-amyloids


Echolalia is best described as  a. a lack of organized speech.

 b. parroting what someone else is saying.

 c. saying socially inappropriate things.

 d. not speaking at all.


Under which DSM-IV category would you find autism spectrum disorders?  a. Personality disorders

 b. Adjustment disorders

 c. Pervasive developmental disorders

 d. Dissociative disorders


On the DSM-IV, Asperger syndrome would be found under the label “_____ disorders.”  a. anxiety

 b. autism spectrum

 c. personality

 d. somatoform


Winne has good verbal skills and is highly intelligent, but has social relationship skills typical of an autistic child. Given this description, Winnie is most likely to be diagnosed with _____ syndrome.  a. Down

 b. Kleinfelter

 c. Turner

 d. Asperger


A now retracted article by Wakefield and others claimed that autism is caused by  a. the MMR vaccine.

 b. baby formula fortified with iron.

 c. excessive infantile exposure to television and computer screens.

 d. lead poisoning.


What key evidence has emerged to disprove the myth that thimerosal (a mercury-based preservative) is responsible for autism?  a. The incidence of autism has decreased significantly, but only in females who are immune the impact of thimerosal.

 b. As the amount of thimerosal in baby food has increased, the incidence of autism has decreased.

 c. The incidence of autism has climbed after thimerosal was removed from the MMR vaccine.

 d. Historically, no children with autism ever came into direct contact with thimerosal.


The most likely reason for the increase in the number of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders is that  a. in the 1990s, Asperger syndrome was removed from the DSM-IV.

 b. in the 1990s, autism was removed from the U.S. list of disabilities eligible for special education services.

 c. there is now a broader definition for what used to be just autism.

 d. the rise has corresponded with the significant increase in the number of infants born with HIV.


What behavior would an infant display that would lead a competent doctor to accurately suspect the child is autistic?  a. Excessive levels of joint attention

 b. Failure to respond to human voices

 c. An obsession with playing peek-a-boo and other social games

 d. Showing a clear preference for human over nonhuman stimuli


Which statement concerning the intellectual abilities of autistic individuals is most accurate?  a. The vast majority of autistics are mildly to severely mentally retarded.

 b. Autistic individuals tend to score lower higher on nonverbal than verbal measures of intelligence.

 c. More than half of children with autism score above 71 on IQ tests.

 d. The description of some individuals with autism as “savants” with special abilities in a given area (e.g., quickly calculating the days of the week corresponding to dates on a calendar) is a myth.


All of the following are currently legitimate suspected causes of autism except  a. lack of a theory of mind.

 b. genetic defect.

 c. a lack of executive functions.

 d. cold, rigid parenting.


Concerning genetic explanations of autism,  a. there is clear evidence that autism is solely due to the presence of a third 21st chromosome.

 b. the genes involved appear to cause a rapid deceleration of head and brain development over the course of the first three years after birth.

 c. at this point there is no evidence of any genetic basis of the disorder.

 d. many genes have been implicated including some that appear to have been copied too many times.


Which brain areas have been implicated as a possible cause of the behavioral problems found in individuals with autism?  a. The hypothalamus and temporal cortex

 b. The hippocampus and parietal cortex

 c. The amygdala and frontal cortex

 d. The thalamus and the occipital cortex


Mirror neurons  a. generate multiple copies of themselves, and each copy leads to an increase in dopamine levels.

 b. are very fragile, and when they “die,” they produce excessive levels of neuritic plaque.

 c. only fire when they are stimulated by other mirror neurons.

 d. allow us to relate the feelings of others to our own experiences.


Executive functions are thought to take place in the _____ cortex of the brain.  a. prefrontal

 b. parietal

 c. temporal

 d. occipital


According to the executive dysfunction hypothesis, autistic behavior is the result of a brain that is  a. unable to plan and change one’s course of actions.

 b. overrun with mirror neurons.

 c. too small.

 d. lacking Broca’s area.


Baron-Cohen has recently suggested that the extreme _____ hypothesis may explain the cause of Asperger syndrome.  a. executive dysfunction

 b. central coherence

 c. male brain

 d. theory-of-mind


According to the extreme male brain theory of autism, the key problem with individuals with autism is that they  a. are too empathetic and try too hard to keep the world orderly.

 b. are too empathetic and do not attempt to keep the world orderly.

 c. lack empathy and try too hard to keep the world orderly.

 d. lack empathy and do not attempt to keep the world orderly.


Recent research has shown that the nasal administration of _____ appears to improve social information and understanding in high-functioning individuals with autism.  a. oxytocin

 b. thimerosal

 c. beta-amyloid

 d. antihistamines


Which statement concerning the long-term prognosis for autistic children is true?  a. Intensive behavior modification programs have been shown to increase levels of aggressiveness and self-stimulation.

 b. Most autistics achieve a normal level of functioning when they reach adulthood.

 c. Most can be improved significantly through drug treatment.

 d. The best interventions involve intensive and highly structured behavioral and educational programs aimed at young children.


Ivar Lovaas conducted pioneering research on children with autism in which he was able to use _____ to significantly improve their language and social skills.  a. mirror therapy

 b. psychoactive medications

 c. psychoanalysis

 d. reinforcement principles


The most accurate statement concerning the use of behavioral and cognitive interventions with children with autism is that they  a. typically lead to significant improvements in all children, regardless of their age or level of intellect.

 b. can lead to significant gains, especially in older children who do have significant intellectual disabilities.

 c. can lead to significant gains, especially in young children who do not have severe intellectual disabilities.

 d. are virtually worthless at changing behaviors.


Which is the best example of a somatic symptom in a depressed infant?  a. Failure to develop an attachment to the primary caregiver

 b. The lack of language

 c. A disrupted sleep pattern

 d. The lack of interest in playing with a toy


Failure to thrive in otherwise healthy infants is usually  a. so severe that it cannot be undone.

 b. attributed to perinatal complications.

 c. misdiagnosed as autism.

 d. the result of having unaffectionate or depressed caregivers.


Depression is most rare in  a. middle adulthood.

 b. young adulthood.

 c. adolescence.

 d. childhood.


By definition, all individuals who are classified with comorbidity  a. are extremely close to death.

 b. possess two psychological conditions at the same time.

 c. have been negatively impacted by both genetic and environmental factors.

 d. cannot control their impulses.


Children who have a depressive disorder  a. differ from adolescents and adults with depression, because children never attempt suicide while the older age groups often do.

 b. often have problems with depression as adolescents and adults.

 c. are easy to identify because they frequently talk about their negative feelings.

 d. seldom respond well to any form of psychotherapy.


Research has shown that _____ treatments tend to be the most effective when treating depression in children.  a. drug

 b. parental intervention

 c. cognitive behavioral

 d. psychoanalytic


Many antidepressant drugs like Prozac are selective _____ reuptake inhibitors.  a. norepinephrine

 b. dopamine

 c. serotonin

 d. GABA


In 2004, the United States government issued a warning concerning the use of some antidepressant drugs and the possible increased risk of ____ in adolescence.  a. birth defects

 b. suicide

 c. addiction

 d. pregnancy


Which is true with regard to psychological “health” during adolescence?  a. Few adolescents who are psychologically disturbed were maladjusted before they reached puberty.

 b. Adolescents are far more likely than adults to experience some sort of psychological disturbance.

 c. Most adolescents suffer at some point from some sort of significant psychological disturbance.

 d. Adolescence is a time of heightened vulnerability for some forms of psychological disorders.


Which statement concerning adolescence is true?  a. Few adolescents engage in delinquent or risky behavior during this period of life.

 b. Adolescents have little difficulty with self-regulatory behaviors.

 c. Most adolescents cope remarkably well with the challenges of this period of life.

 d. Most adolescents experience serious psychopathology during this period of life.


Anorexia nervosa literally means “nervous loss of _____.”  a. appetite

 b. control

 c. mind

 d. weight


Gwen has been diagnosed with bulimia nervosa. Which of the following characteristics would she be least likely to possess?  a. The use of laxatives or self-vomiting to purge food

 b. A refusal to maintain body weight in spite of being in an emaciated state

 c. A feeling of being fat

 d. A tendency to consume huge quantities of foods in a single sitting


According to statistics, who is most likely to commit suicide?  a. Jackson, a 25-year-old black male

 b. George, an 18-year-old black male

 c. Washington, an 80-year-old white male

 d. Andrew, a 45-year-old white male


Which of the following is true with regard to adolescent suicide?  a. More males than females attempt and are successful at committing suicide.

 b. More females attempt suicide, but more males are successful at committing suicide.

 c. More females than males attempt and are successful at committing suicide.

 d. More males attempt suicide, but more females are successful at committing suicide.


According to statistics, what characteristic puts a teenage at the greatest risk for committing suicide?  a. Lving in poverty

 b. Being a victim of physical abuse

 c. A homosexual orientation

 d. A history of behavioral problems


Why is depression difficult to diagnose in older adults?  a. There are no diagnostic criteria for diagnosing depression in the elderly.

 b. As nearly all older depressed individuals commit suicide, there are few depressed individuals left to diagnose.

 c. Many of the diagnostic symptoms are similar to normal losses associated with aging.

 d. Normal cognitive loss associated with aging makes it hard for older people to answer questions about their mental state.


Which statement concerning psychopathology in adulthood is true?  a. A major challenge in treating older individuals with depression is getting them to seek treatment.

 b. The elderly are highly likely to be overdiagnosed with depression.

 c. Treatments for depression in adulthood are highly ineffective.

 d. Depression symptoms in older adulthood are so different from young adulthood that different DSM criteria are used in its detection.


Dementia is best defined as  a. an inevitable, normal change in the brain with age.

 b. a sudden loss of memory and intelligence.

 c. a one-time period of significant disorientation.

 d. a progressive loss of neural functioning.


What is the most common form of dementia?  a. Down syndrome

 b. Parkinson’s disease

 c. Alzheimer’s disease

 d. Vascular dementia


What brain change is best associated with Alzheimer’s disease?  a. Excessive quantities of the metal mercury

 b. Neurofibrillary bundles surrounding alpha-amyloid

 c. Senile plaque

 d. Excessive levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine


Beta-amyloids are found  a. in large quantity in individuals with vascular dementia.

 b. to contribute significantly to the development of anorexia nervosa.

 c. only in clinically depressed individuals.

 d. at the core of senile plaques.


Alzheimer’s disease is best described as  a. nonprogressive and incurable.

 b. progressive and incurable.

 c. progressive and curable.

 d. nonprogressive and curable.


The first sign of Alzheimer’s disease is typically  a. trouble remembering recently learned verbal material.

 b. difficulty on recognition tasks.

 c. a loss of language skills.

 d. personality changes.


A gene segment on the _____ chromosome has been implicated as a likely cause of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease.  a. 24th

 b. 19th

 c. 9th

 d. 14th


How does the ApoE4 gene appear to contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s disease?  a. By making the brain more susceptible to damage from a blow to the head

 b. By decreasing blood flow to the prefrontal lobe

 c. Through the creation of new synapses within the brain

 d. Through an increased buildup of beta-amyloid


The extra “brain power” that individuals can sometimes rely on when disease begins to take a toll on their brain functioning is referred to as  a. mirroring neurons.

 b. ruminative coping.

 c. cognitive reserve.

 d. reversed roles.


Drugs like Aricept and Namenda that are currently used to treat Alzheimer’s disease tend to  a. positively impact cognitive functioning, reduce behavioral problems and slow the progression of the disease.

 b. positively impact behavioral problems but have little impact on cognitive functioning.

 c. positively impact cognitive functioning and reduce behavioral problems but do not slow the progression of the disease.

 d. have little measureable impact on behavioral or cognitive abilities.


Current treatments being investigated for Alzheimer’s disease include  a. drugs to enhance the production of beta-amyloids.

 b. injections of Leva-dopa to replace levels of dopamine in the brain.

 c. antioxidants like vitamin E and C.

 d. use of stimulants like methylphenidate.


What is the second most common type of dementia?  a. vascular dementia

 b. Parkinson’s disease

 c. Down syndrome

 d. Alzheimer’s disease


It appears as if the same lifestyle factors that contribute to the development of _____ also increase the risk for vascular dementia.  a. Asperger syndrome

 b. cerebrovascualr disease

 c. ADHD

 d. respiratory failure


Vascular dementia  a. is a slowly progressive deterioration of memory and thinking skills.

 b. results from a series of small strokes, each adding rather quickly to the observed deterioration.

 c. has a very powerful genetic basis.

 d. results from taking medications or having a poor diet and can be reversed when these problems are corrected.


A key difference between Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia is that vascular dementia is more strongly  a. associated with delirium.

 b. influenced by lifestyle choices.

 c. influenced by genetic factors.

 d. associated with dementia.


Delirium is best defined as  a. a normal part of the aging process.

 b. incurable.

 c. another term for dementia.

 d. a reversible state of confusion and disorientation.


Due to their mental slowness, elderly adults who are _____ are frequently misdiagnosed with delirium.  a. depressed

 b. autistic

 c. ADHD

 d. mentally retarded

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Week Five Homework Exercise

PSYCH/610 Version 2


Week Five Homework Exercise

Answer the following questions, covering material from Ch. 11 of the Methods in Behavioral Research text:

1. What are single-case designs and when are they most useful?

2. How may a researcher enhance the generalizability of the results of a single case design?

3. What is the relationship between quasi-experiments and confounding variables? Provide an example

4. Provide examples of: one-group posttest designs and one-group pretest and posttest designs. What are the limitations of each?

5. Provide examples of non-equivalent control group designs. What are the advantages of having a control group?

6. What is a quasi-experimental research design? Why would a researcher use a quasi-experimental design rather than a true experimental design?

7. What is the difference between a cross-sectional and a longitudinal study? What is a sequential study? Which of these designs is most vulnerable to cohort effects? Which design is most vulnerable to the effects of attrition?

8. What are the differences between: needs assessment, program assessment, process evaluation, outcome evaluation, and efficacy assessment? Why is program evaluation important to the field?

9. A researcher wants to investigate patriotic behavior across the lifespan. She samples people in the following age groups: 18–28, 29–39, 40–50, 51–60, and 61 and above. All participants are interviewed and asked to complete questionnaires and rating scales about patriotic behavior. This type of developmental research design is called ________________. What is the primary disadvantage of this type of design? Explain.

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Psychology homework help


  1. Three classifications of outpatient treatment include:a.12 step groups, cognitive behavioral therapy, aftercareb.Motivational Interviewing, Stages of Change, Psychoeducationalc.EAP, court ordered, self-referredd.Continuing care, intensive outpatient program, day program

1 points  


  1. Which one of the following is not part of what is considered in determining the level of treatment and care for an individual?a.Screeningb.Diagnosisc.Insurance reimbursement limitationsd.Patient problem areas

1 points  


  1. According to SAMHSA, a major source of referrals to substance use treatment is:a.Family membersb.Medical providersc.Employersd.The criminal justice system

1 points  


  1. Proper treatment setting is ____________, while a specific treatment approach that meets the needs of the client is _________________.a.Level of care; best fitb.Community clinic; harm reductionc.Inpatient treatment; abstinenced.Placement matching; modality matching

1 points  


  1. Which of the following definitions best defines a “Continuum of Care”?a.An outdated system of care that has been replaced by a triadic level of care.b.An element of care providing consistency and flexibility in the spectrum, intensity and duration of addiction treatment.c.A range of inpatient and outpatient services that are available to a patient, but not necessarily utilized.d.A treatment system in which clients enter treatment at a level appropriate to their needs and then step up to a more intense treatment or down to less intense treatment as needed.

1 points  


  1. Which one of the following is a true statement?a.Drug courts have no impact on recidivism rates.b.Drug courts reduce recidivism rates to about 16%.c.Despite efforts, drug court recidivism rates have risen to about 25%.d.Drug courts reduce recidivism rates to about 5%.

1 points  


  1. Using the correctional system to combat addiction has resulted in all of the following except:a.Decreased financial cost to taxpayersb.Deterioration of familiesc.High unemployment rates for felonsd.Overcrowding of prisons

1 points  


  1. Which one of the following lists the correct order and stages of change of the DiClemente and Prochaska model?a.Denial, contemplation, preparation, action, and relapseb.Denial, precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenancec.Precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenanced.Precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and relapse

1 points  


  1. The accepted practice of treatment for drug and alcohol use disorders in the U.S. is:a.abstinenceb.Prohibitionc.Harm Reductiond.Moderation management

1 points  


  1. Phases of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) usually takes ________.a.Between 30 to 60 minutes.b.Between 5 and 10 minutes.c.About 45 minutes.d.About 25 minutes.

1 points  


  1. Ambulatory Detoxification with Extended On Site Monitoring is a Level II-D classification, which means which one of the following?a.There is no such thing as Ambulatory Detoxification with Extended On Site Monitoring.b.The client can be served in an outpatient setting with on call support from an addictions specialist.c.The client is not at this moment in need of inpatient services, is only experiencing moderate discomforts from detoxification, and is able to go home to family and social support.d.The client is transported by ambulance to a medical detoxification facility.

1 points  


  1. The correction definition of polytherapy is:a.The use of one medication in treatment.b.The use of behavioral sensitization by two counselors in treatment.c.The use of more than one medication in treatment.d.The use of drug antibodies to prevent drugs of abuse from entering the central nervous system.

1 points  


  1. ________ are the class of medication often used to treat anxiety.a.Anticonvulsantsb.Antagonistsc.Agonistsd.Anxiolytics

1 points  


  1. Some things a clinician can do to support medication compliance with clients include all of the following except:a.Challenge and contradict the client’s perspectiveb.Listen to the client’s attitudes about medicationsc.Ground concerns with compliance within the client’s point of viewd.Understand how the client’s subjective beliefs influence compliance

1 points  


  1. A ____________ is a proved medication that is typically given first to a patient.a.Anticraving treatmentb.Antagonistc.First line agentd.Agonist

1 points  


  1. The three endogenous chemicals with the most relevance to addiction pharmacotherapy are:a.Dopamine, norepinephrine, GABAb.Glutamate, Serotonin, Dopaminec.Serotonin, dopamine, GABAd.Serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine

1 points  


  1. Disulfiram (Antabuse) is considered:a.Anticraving treatment for alcoholb.Aversion treatment for alcoholc.Alcohol withdrawal treatmentd.An anxiolytic

1 points  


  1. What of the following is not one of the four pharmacokinetic processes?a.Absorptionb.Reuptakec.Distributiond.Biotransformation

1 points  


  1. The obsessive disinhibition form of a craving is the result of dysfunction in the ___________ neurotransmitter.a.GABAb.OPc.5HTd.DA

1 points  


  1. Naltrexone is considered:a.Anticraving treatment for alcoholb.Aversion treatment for alcoholc.An anxiolyticd.Alcohol withdrawal treatment
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