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>Psychology homework help



ABC/123 Version X

Time to Practice – Week Three

PSYCH/625 Version 1


University of Phoenix Material

Time to Practice – Week Three

Complete both Part A and Part B below.

Part A

Some questions in Part A require that you access data from Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics. This data is available on the student website under the Student Test Resources link.

1. For the following research questions, create one null hypothesis, one directional research hypothesis, and one nondirectional research hypothesis.

a. What are the effects of attention on out-of-seat classroom behavior?

Research Hypothesis: There will be a relationship between the effects of attention on out-of-seat classroom behavior versus in-seat-classroom behavior.

b. What is the relationship between the quality of a marriage and the quality of the spouses’ relationships with their siblings?

Null Hypothesis: There will be no relationship in the relationship between the quality of a marriage and the quality of the spouses’ relationship with their siblings.

c. What is the best way to treat an eating disorder?

One Directional Research Hypothesis:

2. Provide one research hypothesis and an equation for each of the following topics:

a. The amount of money spent on food among undergraduate students and undergraduate student-athletes

b. The average amount of time taken by white and brown rats to get out of a maze

c. The effects of Drug A and Drug B on a disease

d. The time to complete a task in Method 1 and Method 2

3. Why does the null hypothesis presume no relationship between variables?

4. Create a research hypothesis tested using a one-tailed test and a research hypothesis tested using a two-tailed test.

5. What does the critical value represent?

6. Given the following information, would your decision be to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis? Setting the level of significance at .05 for decision making, provide an explanation for your conclusion.

a. The null hypothesis that there is no relationship between the type of music a person listens to and his crime rate (p < .05).

In Hypothesis Testing, we typically deem a research hypothesis to be significant, if the odds of two means actually being equal are no greater than 1 in 20 or .05 (5%) or less.

b. The null hypothesis that there is no relationship between the amount of coffee consumption and GPA (p = .62).

c. The null hypothesis that there is a negative relationship between the number of hours worked and level of job satisfaction (p = .51).

7. Why is it harder to find a significant outcome (all other things being equal) when the research hypothesis is being tested at the .01 rather than the .05 level of significance?

At the .01 level, there is less room for error because the test is more rigorous.

8. Why should we think in terms of “failing to reject” the null rather than just accepting it?

9. When is it appropriate to use the one-sample z test?

10. What similarity does a z test have to a simple z or standard score?

11. For the following situations, write out a research hypothesis:

a. Bob wants to know if the weight loss for his group on the chocolate-only diet is representative of weight loss in a large population of middle-aged men.

b. The health department is charged with finding out if the rate of flu per thousand citizens for this past flu season is comparable to the average rate of the past 50 seasons.

c. Blair is almost sure that his monthly costs for the past year are not representative of his average monthly costs over the past 20 years.

12. There were about 15 flu cases per week, this flu season, in the Oshkosh school system. The weekly average for the entire state is 16 and the standard deviation, is 2.35. Are the kids in Oshkosh as sick as the kids throughout the state?

From Salkind (2011). Copyright © 2012 SAGE. All Rights Reserved. Adapted with permission.

Part B

Complete the following questions. Be specific and provide examples when relevant.

Cite any sources consistent with APA guidelines.

Question Answer
The average raw math achievement score for third graders at a Smith elementary school is 137; third graders statewide score an average of 124 with a standard deviation of 7. Are the Smith third graders better at math than third graders throughout the state? Perform the correct statistical test, applying the eight steps of the hypothesis testing process as demonstrated on pp. 185–187 of Statistics for People Who (Think they) Hate Statistics.
What is a research question that you would like to answer? Write the null and research hypotheses. Would you use a one- or two-tailed test? Why?
What do we mean when we say that a statistical result is significant? What is the difference between a statistically significant and a meaningful result? Why is statistical significance important? The meaning of a statistical result is significant is basically saying that the probability that an effect is not due to chance by itself, so basically it is a value judgment. In essence any result in statistics is not considered significant because it is important rather it has basically been predicted as unlikely to have occurred by chance alone. The difference between statistically significant and meaningful result is that statistically significant means that data is below a certain alpha level, which basically means that it is considered significant in terms of numbers. Now, meaningful result is something that is meaningful in real life. So for example” Say that 10% of heart surgeries fail, and the desired alpha level is 5%. This data would not be statistically significant because it is above the alpha level so statisticians would say it has not meaning, but that is does have meaningful results because in real life 10% of failed heart surgeries bears real life meaning to those that are considering having heart surgery. Statistical significance is important because it is a mathematical tool that is used to determine whether the outcome of an experiment is the result of a relationship between specific factors or merely the result of chance.
Describe a Type I error for the previous study that compares third graders’ math achievement. Describe a Type II error for that study. A Type II error of study could typically be presented in this example:

Copyright © XXXX by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2013 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Some questions in Part A require that you access data from Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate StatisticsThis data is available on the student website under the Student Test Resources link.




  1. For the following research questions, create one null hypothesis, one directional research hypothesis, and one nondirectional research hypothesis. 


  1. What are the effects of attention on out-of-seat classroom behavior?Research Hypothesis: There will be a relationship between the effects of attention on out-of-seat classroom behavior versus in-seat-classroom behavior.


  2. What is the relationship between the quality of a marriage and the quality of the spouses’ relationships with their siblings?Null Hypothesis: There will be no relationship in the relationship between the quality of a marriage and the quality of the spouses’ relationship with their siblings.






  1. What is the best way to treat an eating disorder?One Directional Research Hypothesis:



  1. Provide one research hypothesis and an equation for each of the following topics: 


  1. The amount of money spent on food among undergraduate students and undergraduate student-athletes 
  2. The average amount of time taken by white and brown rats to get out of a maze






  1. The effects of Drug A and Drug B on a disease 
  2. The time to complete a task in Method 1 and Method 2 


  1. Why does the null hypothesis presume no relationship between variables? 
  2. Create a research hypothesis tested using a one-tailed test and a research hypothesis tested using a two-tailed test.




  1. What does the critical value represent?




  1. Given the following information, would your decision be to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis? Setting the level of significance at .05 for decision making, provide an explanation for your conclusion. 


  1. The null hypothesis that there is no relationship between the type of music a person listens to and his crime rate (p < .05).In Hypothesis Testing, we typically deem a research hypothesis to be significant, if the odds of two means actually being equal are no greater than 1 in 20 or .05 (5%) or less.


  2. The null hypothesis that there is no relationship between the amount of coffee consumption and GPA (p = .62). 
  3. The null hypothesis that there is a negative relationship between the number of hours worked and level of job satisfaction (p = .51). 


  1. Why is it harder to find a significant outcome (all other things being equal) when the research hypothesis is being tested at the .01 rather than the .05 level of significance?At the .01 level, there is less room for error because the test is more rigorous.


  2. Why should we think in terms of “failing to reject” the null rather than just accepting it?




  1. When is it appropriate to use the one-sample z test? 
  2. What similarity does a z test have to a simple z or standard score? 
  3. For the following situations, write out a research hypothesis: 


  1. Bob wants to know if the weight loss for his group on the chocolate-only diet is representative of weight loss in a large population of middle-aged men.
  2. The health department is charged with finding out if the rate of flu per thousand citizens for this past flu season is comparable to the average rate of the past 50 seasons.
  3. Blair is almost sure that his monthly costs for the past year are not representative of his average monthly costs over the past 20 years. 


  1. There were about 15 flu cases per week, this flu season, in the Oshkosh school system. The weekly average for the entire state is 16 and the standard deviation, is 2.35. Are the kids in Oshkosh as sick as the kids throughout the state? 
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Psychology homework help

Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research

PSYCH/610 Version 2


Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research

Use the table below to answer the following:

· Define and distinguish between qualitative and quantitative research.

· Provide examples of qualitative and quantitative research.

· Imagine that you are a researcher interested in identifying the components of ‘giftedness’ in pre-teen children. What quantitative methods might you use to help you better understand the experience of giftedness? What qualitative methods might you use?

· What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach?


Definition Examples Examples of methods to study ‘giftedness’ Advantages Disadvantages




Week Three Homework Exercise

PSYCH/610 Version 2


Week Three Homework Exercise

Answer the following questions covering material from Ch. 6 & 7 of Methods in Behavioral Research:

1. What is reactivity? Explain how reactivity impacts measurement.

2. What are the key features of an experimental design, or ‘true experiment’? How does this compare to case studies?

3. What is survey research and when is it most useful?

4. What issues should be considered when constructing surveys? What are the implications of double-barreled, loaded, and negative questions?

5. What are some survey administration methods? When are each of these methods most appropriate?

6. Define interview bias and provide an example.

7. What is the difference between probability and non-probability sampling techniques?

8. A researcher attends an art reception in a major metropolitan city. She decides to approach people over the age of 50 and ask them to fill out a brief survey about purchasing artwork. Is this a probability or a non-probability sampling technique? What type of sampling procedure is this—simple random, stratified random, cluster, haphazard, purposive, or quota?

9. What is the relationship between sample size and survey results? What are some techniques to evaluate potential sampling bias?

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Psychology homework help

Psych19 exam 2



What would provide evidence that habituation has occurred?

(Points : 2)

[removed] The infant opens her mouth to mimic the mother’s open mouth.
[removed] The infant visually follows the caregiver who is walking across the room.
[removed] The infant’s response decreases each time she sees the same red teddy bear.
[removed] The infants pays attention to a new toy handed to her.

Question 2.2.

Plasticity means ____.

(Points : 2)

[removed] the neurons in the infant’s brain are connected in a random manner, and all the patterns depend on experience
[removed] the basic organization of areas of the brain depend on early experience
[removed] there is no relationship between experience and neural development
[removed] sensory experiences can strengthen certain neural pathways; less used pathways may disappear

Question 3.3.

The relatively stable characteristics of a child’s response to the environment including activity level, sociability, and emotionality are called ____.

(Points : 2)

[removed] temperament
[removed] reflexes
[removed] attachment
[removed] personality

Question 4.4.

Motor reflexes undergo some transformations during infancy. What is the typical pattern of change? Think about reaching and grasping as an example.

(Points : 2)

[removed] Motor control begins in the hands and fingers and moves toward the trunk.
[removed] Motor control shifts from the feet to the hands and shoulders.
[removed] Involuntary behavior disappears and voluntary behavior emerges with practice.
[removed] Voluntary behavior becomes involuntary behavior.

Question 5.5.

Infants who exhibit a pattern of intense negative reactions to unfamiliar objects, negative mood, and are slow to adapt are displaying which type of temperament?

(Points : 2)

[removed] difficult
[removed] shy
[removed] uninhibited
[removed] slow to warm up

Question 6.6.

Which of the following behaviors is NOT used as evidence that an attachment has been formed?

(Points : 2)

[removed] greater relaxation and expressions of comfort with the caregiver
[removed] greater distress with the caregiver than with strangers
[removed] expressions of distress when the caregiver is absent
[removed] efforts by the infant to maintain contact with the caregiver

Question 7.7.

Babies who avoid contact with their mothers after separation or who ignore her efforts to interact have a(n) ____ attachment.

(Points : 2)

[removed] secure
[removed] insecure
[removed] anxious-resistant
[removed] anxious-avoidant

Question 8.8.

Which attachment pattern is linked with the most serious mental health problems in later childhood?

(Points : 2)

[removed] anxious-avoidant
[removed] anxious-resistant
[removed] secure
[removed] disorganized

Question 9.9.

Which of the following has been consistently observed to be a consequence of secure attachments formed in infancy?

(Points : 2)

[removed] success in job placement after college
[removed] positive, close peer relationships in childhood and adolescence
[removed] meaningful relationships with one’s grandchildren in later adulthood
[removed] an ability to face one’s death without great fear

Question 10.10.

Which statement best reflects the apparent connection between infant temperament and attachment?

(Points : 2)

[removed] The infant’s temperament influences parental interactions with the infant to form attachment.
[removed] An infant’s temperament is a strong predictor of the type of attachment that will be formed.
[removed] The infant’s temperament influences the caregiver’s self-esteem.
[removed] Only sociable babies form secure attachments.

Question 11.11.

In the study of an intervention with mothers and infants who were classified as having an anxious attachment, which one of the following was an outcome of the intervention?

(Points : 2)

[removed] The mothers increased their self-acceptance.
[removed] The mothers showed greater empathy for their children.
[removed] The children improved in their ability to regulate their behavior in coordination with their mother’s.
[removed] All of these.

Question 12.12.

According to the “Theory” theory, infants start out with some basic sensory, motor, and cognitive structures. What might modify these structures?

(Points : 2)

[removed] experiences that provide new information
[removed] experiences that support and confirm the structures
[removed] gazing and concentrating
[removed] parental warmth

Question 13.13.

What are the first and last phases in the development of causal schemes during the sensorimotor period?

(Points : 2)

[removed] reflexes; experimentation with new means
[removed] reflexes; insight
[removed] first habits; insight
[removed] first habits; experimentation with means

Question 14.14.

Objects do not cease to exist when they are out of reach or view. This concept is referred to as ____.

(Points : 2)

[removed] scheme
[removed] primitive causality
[removed] means-end relationship
[removed] object permanence

Question 15.15.

Which of the following family factors is tied to increases in an infant’s negative emotionality?

(Points : 2)

[removed] being a first born child
[removed] high levels of marital dissatisfaction for mother or father
[removed] low educational level of mother
[removed] lack of grandparent involvement in childcare

Question 16.16.

On her first birthday, Emily looks at her mother as they observe the clown coming to her party. At first Emily is crying. Then her mother smiles and acts very happy, so Emily smiles, too. This is an example of ____.

(Points : 2)

[removed] empathy
[removed] attachment
[removed] visual acuity
[removed] social referencing

Question 17.17.

Within the process of communication, which of the following patterns builds a sense of mutuality between the infant and the caregiver?

(Points : 2)

[removed] attend, protest, anger
[removed] trust, mistrust, withdrawal
[removed] coordination, mismatch, repair
[removed] coordination, mismatch, protest

Question 18.18.

Mental images, symbolic drawing, and imitation in the absence of a model are examples of which of the following?

(Points : 2)

[removed] concrete thinking
[removed] operational schemes
[removed] representational thinking
[removed] hypothetico-deductive reasoning

Question 19.19.

Match the concept with the correct definition.
(Points : 6)


Potential Matches:

1 : scaffolding

2 : holophrases

3 : overregularize

4 : receptive language

5 : telegraphic speech

6 : expansion



[removed] : two-word sentences

[removed] : raising the level of a child’s vocabulary

[removed] : elaborating a child’s expressions

[removed] : ability to understand words

[removed] : single-word utterances

[removed] : apply a grammatical rule inappropriately


Question 20.20.

Among the choices below, which is the most important factor that caregivers contribute for the cognitive growth of their toddler?

(Points : 2)

[removed] nutritious meals
[removed] opportunities for verbal interaction
[removed] providing for safety
[removed] enrollment in childcare

Question 21.21.

In which type of play do children coordinate their pretense by establishing a fantasy structure, taking roles, agreeing on the make-believe meaning of props, and solving pretend problems?

(Points : 2)

[removed] solitary play
[removed] social play
[removed] social pretend play
[removed] sensorimotor play

Question 22.22.

Which of the following describes the direction of fantasy play from the beginning of toddlerhood to the end?

(Points : 2)

[removed] The play becomes less planned and more associational (one action sparks the rest)
[removed] The play relies increasingly on real objects.
[removed] The play is based largely on the imitation of real world characters.
[removed] The play increasingly involves the creation of complex sequences of actions and roles.

Question 23.23.

According to Vygotsky’s concept of Zone of Proximal Development, children in pretend play ____.

(Points : 2)

[removed] reveal the areas of competence they are striving to master
[removed] show the limits of their patience
[removed] play best with the children closest to them physically
[removed] often regress in preschool play

Question 24.24.

For a toddler, what is one of the consequences of having strong feelings of shame and doubt?

(Points : 2)

[removed] realistic expectations about performance
[removed] extreme sensitivity to the feelings of others
[removed] seeking out new information
[removed] avoiding new activities

Question 25.25.

Which of the following is the psychosocial crisis of toddlerhood?

(Points : 2)

[removed] imitation versus inferiority
[removed] initiative versus guilt
[removed] autonomy versus shame and doubt
[removed] peer group membership versus despair

Question 26.26. George is 2 ½ years old. He is with his mother in the grocery store and asks her to buy sugar coated sugar bumps (his favorite cereal). When his mother says no George begins to get upset. He stands in the middle of the aisle with his arms crossed. When his mother asks him to come with her he says “Not until you buy me my sugar bumps!” George’s mother is considering several options to get him to do what she wants. Match the different things she is considering to the different categories of discipline practices discussed in your text.
(Points : 3)


Potential Matches:

1 : power assertion

2 : inductions

3 : love withdrawal



[removed] : Tell George how disappointed and angry he is making her. If that doesn’t work turn and walk away from him. When he follows she doesn’t talk to him for a while so he can understand how upset he made her.

[removed] : Explain to George that she understands why he’s angry but acting like this when you don’t get what you want isn’t fair to others. Point out to him that if he continues to stand there, the shopping won’t get done in time and dinner will be late for the whole family.

[removed] : Threaten to take away George’s video games if he continues to stand there and not move. If that does not work pick him up and put him in the shopping cart.


Question 27.27.

Match the following terms and their definitions.
(Points : 4)


Potential Matches:

1 : gender

2 : sexual orientation

3 : sex

4 : gender-role standards



[removed] : cultural expectations about appropriate behavior for girls and boys, men and women

[removed] : biologically based distinctions based on chromosomal information

[removed] : one’s preference regarding the sex of an intimate partner

[removed] : the integrated cognitive, social, and emotional schemes associated with being male or female


Question 28.28.

Which of the following is the earliest component of gender role identification to be achieved?

(Points : 2)

[removed] sex-role preference
[removed] correct use of gender labels
[removed] sex-role standards
[removed] understanding that gender is constant

Question 29.29.

For the early-school-age child, moral development involves a process of learning the family’s moral code and then using it to guide behavior. This is called ____.

(Points : 2)

[removed] gender-role preference
[removed] avoidance conditioning
[removed] internalization
[removed] induction

Question 30.30.

Joelle, a 6-year old, really wants to eat a cookie out of the cookie jar. However she remembers how mad her mother got at her when she ate a cookie right before dinner last week and she starts to feel anxiety. In the end, Joelle decides not to eat the cookie and this reduces her anxiety. This is an example of ____.

(Points : 2)

[removed] operant conditioning
[removed] reward conditioning
[removed] avoidance conditioning
[removed] anxiety conditioning

Question 31.31.

Every day Johnny watches Tally get in trouble when she rides her bike further than their mother allows them to go. Johnny really wants to go around the corner when riding his bike but he knows his mother will be angry and that he will get in trouble, so he stops at the corner and turns back towards their house on his bike. This is an example of ____.

(Points : 2)

[removed] observation of models
[removed] cognitive schemes
[removed] help giving behaviors
[removed] punishment

Question 32.32.

According to cognitive developmental theory, advances in moral reasoning occur when a child has to reconcile new views about basic moral concepts with existing views about what is right or wrong. This process is called ____.

(Points : 2)

[removed] social convention
[removed] empathy
[removed] conventional morality
[removed] equilibration

Question 33.33.

Perspective taking differs from empathy in which way?

(Points : 2)

[removed] They are both social skills.
[removed] Perspective taking does not occur at the early-school-age period.
[removed] Perspective taking involves recognizing differences in point of view rather than similarities.
[removed] Perspective taking increases a child’s egocentrism.

Question 34.34.

People who have high self-esteem tend to ____.

(Points : 2)

[removed] have strong positive evaluations of all of their abilities
[removed] find that failure increases their feelings of doubt about their basic worth
[removed] use a variety of strategies to minimize the importance of negative feedback
[removed] derive this sense of self-worth primarily through pretend activities

Question 35.35.

Group games during early school age often permit children to shift roles. This contributes to which of the following?

(Points : 2)

[removed] perspective-taking abilities
[removed] fantasy
[removed] emotional regulation
[removed] self-esteem

Question 36.36.

Which of the following is true about the groups girls and boys prefer during early school age?

(Points : 2)

[removed] Girls prefer two-person groups, while boys prefer larger groups.
[removed] Boys prefer two-person groups, while girls prefer larger groups.
[removed] Girls prefer mixed-sex groups while boys prefer same-sex groups.
[removed] Boys prefer mixed-sex groups while girls prefer same-sex groups.

Question 37.37.

Children who suffer extreme feelings of guilt are likely to believe that ____.

(Points : 2)

[removed] their thoughts cause the misfortunes of others
[removed] they can be forgiven for their mistakes
[removed] the good things that happen to them are a result of their efforts
[removed] they are a lot like other friends

Question 38.38.

How is attachment formation in infancy related to friendship formation?

(Points : 2)

[removed] Children who are securely attached do not need friends.
[removed] Children who are anxiously attached make friends readily.
[removed] Children who are securely attached are more popular and more comfortable in social interactions.
[removed] Children who are securely attached look for one best friend with whom to share their feelings.

Question 39.39.

Some children who are rejected tend to be disruptive and aggressive; others tend to be socially withdrawn. Which of the following statements is more characteristic of the aggressive/disruptive children than the socially withdrawn group?

(Points : 2)

[removed] They tend to experience difficulty dealing with stress.
[removed] They tend to display inappropriate affect and unusual behavioral mannerisms.
[removed] They are more likely to benefit from organized sports programs.
[removed] They are more likely to attribute hostile intentions to others.

Question 40.40.

According to Piaget’s Theory, an action or transformation that is carried out in thought rather than in action is called ____.

(Points : 2)

[removed] a formal transformation
[removed] fantasy thinking
[removed] a mental operation
[removed] a cerebral manipulation

Question 41.41.

Why does Piaget use the term “concrete” to describe the quality of thinking that is characteristic of middle childhood?

(Points : 2)

[removed] Children can only reason about inanimate objects at this stage.
[removed] His father was a stoneworker and this term was invented out of respect for his father.
[removed] The term highlights the focus on real objects rather than hypothetical situations and relationships.
[removed] The term reflects Piaget’s concerns about the intellectual rigidity and vulnerability of middle childhood.

Question 42.42.

Milly is thinking about why she is feeling sad and disappointed. This kind of thinking is called ____.

(Points : 2)

[removed] depression
[removed] psychological mindedness
[removed] inferiority
[removed] shame

Question 43.43.

According to Robert Sternberg, there are three kinds of intelligence. However, tests of intelligence typically only assess one of these. Which one is that?

(Points : 2)

[removed] creative intelligence
[removed] analytic intelligence
[removed] practical intelligence
[removed] interpersonal intelligence

Question 44.44.

During middle childhood, self-evaluation is strongly influenced by ____.

(Points : 2)

[removed] combinational skills
[removed] comparisons with the performance of peers
[removed] trust in one’s parents as economic providers
[removed] the ability to maintain emotional control

Question 45.45.

A person’s sense of confidence that he or she can perform behaviors in a specific situation is called ____.

(Points : 2)

[removed] self-efficacy
[removed] effortful control
[removed] conservation
[removed] zone of proximal development

Question 46.46.

Tally, an 8-year-old, watches Claire climb the rock wall. Tally had been scared to try it until she saw Claire do it. This is an example of how Tally’s self efficacy can be raised through ____.

(Points : 2)

[removed] enactive attainments
[removed] vicarious experiences
[removed] verbal persuasion
[removed] physical state

Question 47.47. At the end of seventh grade Maria was doing great in her science class and really enjoyed it. She signed up for Mr. Turner’s advanced science next year. She was a bit nervous but thought to herself, “Sure it will be more challenging but I’ve done so well in science this year I bet I can handle it!”.

From the perspective of self efficacy the above description reflects the influence of ______ and should contribute ________ to Maria’s belief in her ability to ability to do well in the harder science class.
(Points : 3)

[removed] enactive attainments / positively

[removed] vicarious experiences / positively

[removed] verbal persuasion / negatively
[removed] verbal persuasion / positively

Question 48.48. During the first week of advanced science class Mr. Turner gave a pop quiz. Even though she read the chapter, Maria’s heart was racing and she got confused. She ‘blanked’ out on several questions. She did not score well. On seeing her score she thought to herself “I could have done better, but I was too nervous.”

From the perspective of self efficacy the above description reflects the influence of ______ and should contribute ________ to Maria’s belief in her ability to ability to do well in the harder science class. (Points : 2)

[removed] enactive attainments / positively
[removed] physical state / negatively

[removed] verbal persuasion / positively

[removed] vicarious experiences / negatively

Question 49.49.

How is a sense of self-efficacy related to persistence?

(Points : 2)

[removed] Children who have a positive sense of self-efficacy give up after they fail.
[removed] Children who have a low sense of self-efficacy try harder after they fail.
[removed] Children who fail often are more likely to believe the encouragement offered by others.
[removed] Children who have a low sense of self-efficacy are likely to give up after a failure experience.

Question 50.50.

Some children who perform well on standardized tests perceive themselves to be below average in academic ability. According to your text what might be one reason for this?

(Points : 2)

[removed] These children have parents who have a low opinion of their abilities.
[removed] These children have been praised too much by parents so they have no realistic standard by which to judge their abilities.
[removed] These children are good test takers, but they don’t perform well in school.
[removed] These children feel guilty about being so smart.

Question 51.51.

Team sports emphasize which of the following concepts?

(Points : 2)

[removed] the win-win approach to conflict resolution
[removed] conservation of volume
[removed] interdependence of team members
[removed] empathy with the victim

Question 52.52.

A student who believes in her ability to approach a new situation and “get the job done” demonstrates ____.

(Points : 2)

[removed] inertia
[removed] competence
[removed] responsibility
[removed] egocentrism

Question 53.53.

Which of the following is an example of a secondary sex characteristic?

(Points : 2)

[removed] onset of menarche
[removed] growth of the penis
[removed] maturation of breasts
[removed] production of mature sperm

Question 54.54.

Which of the following is a criticism of formal operational reasoning as a stage of cognitive development?

(Points : 2)

[removed] It does not describe the sensory based reasoning of which adolescents are capable.
[removed] It does not deal with the ability of adolescents to raise hypotheses about an unknown future.
[removed] It is not broad enough to encompass the many dimensions along which cognitive functioning changes in adolescence.
[removed] It includes too many dimensions such as the biological basis and social context of reasoning.

Question 55.55.

According to the text, egocentrism may best be described as ____.

(Points : 2)

[removed] an attitude children have that they are better than other people
[removed] a limited perspective a child displays at the beginning of each new phase of cognitive development
[removed] a feeling of self-admiration
[removed] a sense that one’s own peer group is better than other peer groups

Question 56.56.

Adolescents may believe that their thoughts and feelings are unique; that no one else is thinking what they are thinking. Elkind referred to this as ____.

(Points : 2)

[removed] a personal fable
[removed] a contextual dilemma
[removed] cognitive dissonance
[removed] an imaginary audience

Question 57.57.

Larson and Lampman-Petraitis gave electronic paging devices to monitor adolescents’ emotions. They found that adolescents experienced ____.

(Points : 2)

[removed] frequent, sudden shifts from intense anger to intense joy
[removed] more positive emotions than younger children
[removed] more mildly negative emotions than younger children
[removed] an increase in variability of emotions with age

Question 58.58.

Which of the following is an example of an internalizing problem?

(Points : 2)

[removed] feelings of worthlessness
[removed] feelings of hopefulness
[removed] feelings of aggression directed toward property
[removed] feelings of romantic attraction

Question 59.59.

According to your text, how is the problem of anorexia linked to the topic of emotional development?

(Points : 2)

[removed] Girls with anorexia have other externalizing problems as well.
[removed] Anorexia is associated with difficulties accepting and expressing emotions.
[removed] Anorexia is associated with difficulties in impulse control.
[removed] Guilt is not experienced among adolescents with anorexia.

Question 60.60.

Which of the following statements about peer pressure is most accurate?

(Points : 2)

[removed] Peer groups demand total conformity. There is little room for variations in temperament or behavior.
[removed] Most peer groups do not expect any significant level of conformity. They usually have an “anything goes” philosophy.
[removed] Peer pressure is usually exerted in a few select areas that give the group stability and help the individual members achieve a sense of group identity.
[removed] Adolescents are usually in great conflict with most of the expectations of their peer group.

Question 61.61.

Match the term and its definition.
(Points : 6)


Potential Matches:

1 : peer pressure

2 : Egocentrism

3 : Alienation

4 : group identity

5 : secular growth trend

6 : formal operations



[removed] : lack of connection or sense of belonging with a social group

[removed] : expectations and demands to conform to the norms of one’s peer group

[removed] : a tendency for earlier onset of puberty and achievement of adult height from one generation to the next

[removed] : a stage of cognitive development characterized by reasoning, hypothesis generating, and hypothesis testing

[removed] : a belief that others reason about situations in the same way, using the same logic that you use

[removed] : a sense of group belonging in which one’s special needs are met and one has a sense of social connection.

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1. In an instance of _______ recovery, a conditioned response that has been extinguished reappears when a person is exposed to a related stimulus.

A. incomplete

B. spontaneous

C. generalized

D. automatic


2. You want to condition a pet pig to come running for a food reward when you blow a whistle. In the process of this conditioning effort, the main idea is to

A. teach the pig to pay attention to the sound of a whistle.

B. teach the pig to expect food when it’s hungry.

C. pair a conditioned stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus.

D. pair a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus.


3. Which of the following statements regarding latent learning is most accurate?

A. Latent learning occurs without reinforcement.

B. Latent learning occurs in spite of negative reinforcement.

C. Latent learning doesn’t require cognitive processes.

D. Latent learning suggests that environmental knowledge is genetically predetermined.


4. According to information provided in your text, circadian rhythms are associated with

A. attacks of sleep apnea.

B. the occurrence of anxiety attacks.

C. the time of month that pregnant women are likely to go into labor.

D. cycles of waking and sleeping.


5. A casino slot machine has a random chance of paying out a prize each time a wager is made. This would be an example of

A. variable-ratio schedule.

B. fixed-ratio schedule .

C. non-variable-ratio schedule.

D. random-variable ratio schedule.


6. An important reason why people forget something is that they didn’t pay much attention to it in the first place. Psychologists refer to this kind of forgetting as

A. encoding failure.

B. cue-dependent.

C. decay.

D. interference related.


7. The most frequently abused nervous system depressant is

A. cocaine.

B. caffeine.

C. alcohol.

D. marijuana.


8. After taking the drug, Rupert reported vivid hallucinations, altered perception of sounds and colors, and distorted time perception. It’s most likely that the drug Rupert took was



C. cocaine.

D. marijuana.


9. Prescott is an old hand in the print shop. He insists that there’s only one dependable kind of process for printing a three-color brochure. By contrast, Baldwin recognizes several different approaches to three-color printing through the use of new digital technologies. Psychologists would say Prescott’s point of view is limited by his

A. obsessive perfectionism.

B. mental set.

C. mental laziness.

D. fundamental fixation.


10. A particular kind of neuron, called a _______ neuron, fires when we observe someone else’s behavior.

A. cognitive

B. mirror

C. reflective

D. modeling


11. During the _______ phase of problem solving, a means-ends analysis is a very common heuristic.

A. preparation

B. algorithm

C. production

D. judgment


12. While talking to Jim, Mary recalled that his birthday tomorrow. Mary wished him a happy birthday. What type of memory did Mary exhibit?

A. Implicit

B. Event

C. Explicit

D. Numerical


13. A common repetitive technique for moving new information from short-term memory to long-term memory is called

A. reduction.

B. selective reduction.

C. elaboration.

D. rehearsal.


14. A _______ reinforcement is one that satisfies a biological need.

A. conditional

B. positive

C. primary

D. neutral


15. In a lab devoted to sleep disorders, Julio points to the brain wave monitor, turns to Laura and says, “Subject is going into non-REM stage 2.” Laura looking at the monitor, says, “Got it; I’m recording the time.” What would Laura and Julio see on the monitor to assure them that the subject has entered stage 2 sleep?

A. Brain waves are irregular and episodic.

B. Brain waves are getting slower and more regular.

C. Sleep disturbance is indicated by sharp wave spikes.

D. Sleep spindles appear.


16. Which of the following would be considered an unconditioned response?

A. A monkey hits a red button when exposed to a bright light in order to receive a bit of food.

B. A dog barking when asked if it wants to go for a walk.

C. Pulling back your hand when touching a hot stove.

D. Getting excited when hearing a ring that sounds similar to the ringing of a winning casino game.


17. Which of the following statements regarding REM sleep is true?

A. REM sleep occurs during stage 3 sleep.

B. Dreaming causes major muscle contractions and tossing and turning.

C. REM sleep occurs only during stage 4 sleep.

D. Roughly 20 percent of adult sleep time is accompanied by REM.


18. You deprive your six-year-old of dessert each time he fails to eat his spinach. In this sort of _______, you weaken a response through taking away something pleasant or desired.

A. positive punishment

B. negative punishment

C. positive reinforcement

D. negative reinforcement


19. Trying to make sense of an article in the world events section of the Daily Mirror, Matlock turns to Thomas and asks, “Where’s Khartoum?” Thomas, looking up from his coffee, says, “Africa. It’s the capital of Sudan.” If you hold with the idea that long-term memory includes distinct modules, what sort of memory does Thomas’s reply indicate?

A. Declarative¡ªepisodic

B. Declarative¡ªsemantic

C. Procedural¡ªepisodic

D. Procedural¡ªsemantic


20. Natasha has been living Philadelphia for several months and is rapidly mastering the English language. However, she often turns to her American friend, Emily, when she is uncertain about a concept. One day, Natasha turns to Emily and asks, “What are you meaning when you say this word ‘vehicle’?” If you were Emily, which of these prototypes would be most likely to point to feel fairly certain that Natasha “gets it”?

A. An elevator

B. An automobile

C. A jet liner passing overhead.

D. An escalator

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I need only 4 simple pages without any out resources USE JUST THE FILE ATTACHED AND THE LINK AT THE BOTTOM. **With the verb (I). I will attach  Pamela Hays’ Addressing Model and the first part that I did about myself.

The name of this class is Culture and Gender in Counseling and Psychotherapy

The paper has to be divided into two parts. The first part I did in the first half of the semester, and the second part is due now.

It is a self-assessment. The first part was about my self-identity. The second part is:

The second section is due in Week 11 and should be 4-6 pages in APA style. This section is to include a self-assessment using Pamela Hays’ Addressing Model discussed in class, along with reflections on changes or new awareness that have emerged as a result of the course. In other words, reflect on Part 1. You are to turn in the graded copy of Part 1 along with Part 2.


Here, the professor said:

C) Self-Assessment.  This paper has two parts. The first section will be a follow-up to in-class activities presented in Weeks 1 and 2.  For this assignment, you will reflect on your cultural identity.  Honesty is expected and will not be penalized; however, a respectful tone is required.  The first section should be 2-3 pages in APA style and be an honest assessment of your cultural identity and how you see yourself at the start of this class. We will do a few in-class exercises during the first two weeks to support this process. The second section is due in Week 11 and should be 4-6 pages in APA style. This section is to include a self-assessment using Pamela Hays’ Addressing Model discussed in class, along with reflections on changes or new awareness that have emerged as a result of the course. In other words, reflect on Part 1.

The following are questions to consider in the completion of this assignment:

a) Which one of these identities (from the ADDRESSING model) do you find to be most salient? Why? Which is least salient? Why?

b) What does it mean to you (and to American society as a whole) to be part of this group?

c) What are some of your recollections about interactions and experiences that have significantly impacted your cultural identity development as part of this group?  Have your feelings changed or stayed the same about being part of this group?

d) Have you contributed to discrimination or oppression as part of this group?  Have you been a victim of discrimination or oppression as part of this group?

e) What messages have you received (directly or indirectly) about people who share your identity and people who do not share your identity?

f) What are some skills you have learned in this class that you can use when working with individuals from diverse groups?

g) Have your views changed since taking this class?  If so, how?  What are some areas you still need to work on?

The link for Pamela Hay’s



Running head: SELF-ASSESSMENT 1



Self-Assessment Part1


Self-Assessment Part1

Everyone has different cultural identity. Each of them has their owns’ cultures, behavior, ethics, religions, languages, education, social..etc. People are different in the whole world. They cannot be similar, but they can respect each other. In this essay, I will reflect my cultural identity.

I am from Saudi Arabia, and we have our behavior that connect with our religion and habits. For example, all of my family members live together at the same house. The daughter or the son cannot live in separate home until they get married. That means, they can move to another house when they want to get married. That because of my religion, which prevents intimacy between any couple without marriage.

Furthermore, in my culture, women cannot drive a car. This related to our habits cultures. Men think that is dangers for woman to drive by herself. They believe that is a part from their responsibility. I do not agree with them, however, I respect their opinions. Thus, women having hard time moving inside the city especially we do not have good transportation.

As a Muslims woman, I grow up in a conservative family. For example, I and other females in my family wear hijab, which is a scarf on our head with long and wide dress. In addition, we do not shake hand with other gender. Sometimes this put me in embarrassing situation with people who are from different cultures. We like our religion and respect other religions and beliefs.

I grow up in a big lovely family, which I have seven siblings. They are five sweet sisters, and two great brothers. I really appreciate my parents’ fatigue. They support all of us and they did their best to make us good people. Therefore, we have strong communication between each other and all of us complete our education until Bachelor’s degree or higher.

My parents give me the power to have a family too. I marry in early age, which I was only 18 years old. In my culture, this is normal age to get married for girls, but it is very young and up normal for other cultures. Men in my culture can get married as soon as they have a job. I got my decision to be marry for my husband when I was in high school. Now, I am so happy and proud to be a mother for two beautiful children, and a wife for an awesome husband.

Schools and universities in Saudi Arabia are very different form the United States. For example, form first grade to university students study in separate schools for each grander. That means males and females study in divided building, and that do not happened in the United States, which student with different gender study together. This difference come by cultures behaviors.

My language is Arabic, and it is a basic language in the Middle East. Recently, I learned English language as a second language after I decided to study my master degree in the United States. I got intensified English classes for one year and half. That because the fact that my county gives me the opportunity to study here after I took a high grade in my under gradate.

Therefore, I am a graduate student in Chestnut Hill College. I am proud that I achieve part of my dreams, which was to study Psychology in under graduate, and Clinical and Counseling in my graduate; however, many people around me tried to change my mind in choosing this major. Unfortunately, they think is a major that take for madness. I did not hear for them because of my desire to help people getting better life.

In spite the fact that I am shy in making friendship, I am a social person and I like to have many friends. I am always interesting for having friends, but it is difficult for me to have a friend from different gender. In my culture, it is fine for females to work with males, but it should not be friendship.

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MILT 375


APA Format Paper Instructions


This assignment will prepare you for developing well-written and formatted papers for this course, and others in which you use APA formatting. The paper is to be 4 pages that demonstrate your ability and understanding of APA format and writing style.


The paper will consist of:


1. A Title/Cover Page: This page of the assignment will have your running head and page number, your title of the assignment, your name, and specific information necessary for any APA research paper. Make sure this page and every page is formatted with correct spacing, content positioning, type font, size of font, etc.


2. Abstract Page: Write this abstract as the one you would write for your Needs Assessment paper. It is very important that you read the APA manual to understand what an abstract is supposed to be. Make sure it is in the correct tense and correct format. You will not be able to give your reader your final findings as indicated in number 3 in the instructions for the Needs Assessment paper, yet you can write the rest of the abstract with a fair amount of accuracy. Remember, this paper is an “exercise” to get a head start, demonstrate your ability to develop a good APA formatted paper, and receive feedback on this before you submit the other 2 writing assignments for the course.


3. Paper Body Page: This page will consist of 2 basic components. The first will be a brief introduction paragraph. Introduce the Needs Assessment Paper. Even though you have not done a lot of reading or research yet, this should be fairly easy to do. The second component is a correctly formatted demonstration of all 5 APA level headings. You will need to use each heading with a single sentence telling your instructor which level it is. See the example of the first heading below.


Level 1 heading


A level 1 heading is bold face font, centered and uses upper and lower case font.


4. Reference Page: Use your page 4 to demonstrate your ability to cite references correctly. You will need to format the page while citing a website/internet article, a research article, book, the Bible, and an eBook. Use care to make sure all spacing, capitals, abbreviations, etc. are done according to APA.


Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 3.

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Question 1    1.    Which of the following is NOT a tip for choosing a co-leader?

a.  Share all aspects of planning and running the group.

b.  Work with leaders with whom you can have a cooperative and honest relationship.

c.  Find people who are the same age as you.

d.  Interview all prospective co-leaders.      5 points

Question 2    1.    The curative factor that helps people feel that they are not alone or isolated with the “uniqueness” of their problems is _____

a.  linking.

b.  altruism.

c.  universality.

d.  congruence.      5 points

Question 3    1.    “Tandeming” is _____

a.  a group skill.

b.  a form of member resistance.

c.  a problematic co-leader communication pattern.

d.  a curative factor only available in co-facilitated groups.      5 points

Question 4    1.    Adlerian theory focuses on human beings in _____

a.  a vocational context.

b.  a social context.

c.  a psychosexual context.

d.  an academic context.      5 points

Question 5    1.    Gestalt groups focus on _____

a.  historical exploration.

b.  family systems.

c.  here-and-now interactions.

d.  listening skills.      5 points

Question 6    1.    “Empowerment” primarily deals with the issue of _____

a.  primacy.

b.  linkage.

c.  self-advocacy.

d.  justice modeling.      5 points

Question 7    1.    The “curative factors” were established by _____

a.  Homeyer.

b.  Siepmann.

c.  Morrison.

d.  Yalom.      5 points

Question 8    1.    One distinct advantage of group over individual counseling is the ability to _____

a.  work on goals.

b.  terminate effectively.

c.  choose a theory.

d.  discover others.      5 points

Question 9    1.    If the group leader moves out of an ethnocentric lens and more fully recognizes the richness of the cultural elements of each member, which dimension is being experienced?

a.  Justice potential.

b.  Creativity.

c.  Multi-leveled linking.

d.  Multicultural integration.      5 points

Question 10    1.    In developing your own theory, you should find a congruence between _____

a.  your beliefs and the group’s beliefs.

b.  your beliefs and your professor’s beliefs.

c.  the philosophy of the theory and the rules of your site.

d.  the philosophy of the theory and your beliefs.      5 points

Question 11    1.    The group providing an immediate, first-hand opportunity for the group members to change their perceptions and to practice more mature social living is an example of _____

a.  cohesion.

b.  reality testing lab.

c.  linking.

d.  extrapolation.      5 points

Question 12    1.    Pregroup interviews can be used to _____

a.  orient the member to the group.

b.  go over group rules.

c.  assess if the member is a good fit for the group.

d.  all of the above.      5 points

Question 13    1.      Which of the following is a possible disadvantage of group counseling?

a.  Higher cost.

b.  More one-on-one focus.

c.    Some people do not feel safe in a group.

d.  Lack of real learning.      5 points       Q

uestion 14    1.    The primary problematic elements of dual relationships involve _____

a.  trust and mistrust.

b.  social justice and oppression.

c.  power differential and exploitation.

d.  role shift and role combining.      5 points

Question 15    1.     Confidentiality in group work _____

a.   cannot be guaranteed.

b.   can be guaranteed.

c.   applies only to counseling groups.

d.   is protected by law.      5 points

Question 16    1.    Two common types of co-leader incompatibility include _____

a.  political and financial.

b.  theoretical and personality.

c.  religious and spiritual.

d.  racial and family of origin.      5 points

Question 17    1.    This leadership style is egalitarian in orientation and participation by all group members in establishing goals is encouraged.

a.  Democratic.

b.  Assertive.

c.  Process Observer.

d.  Explorer.      5 points

Question 18    1.    Advertising and networking are two critical pieces of which step of group creation?

a.  Reaching out.

b.  Forming.

c.  Marketing and recruiting.

d.  Setting up.      5 points

Question 19    1.    One benefit of consulting the literature about your group idea is that it _____

a.  prevents you “reinventing the wheel.”

b.  improves your reading skill.

c.  expands your profit margin.

d.  covers your ethical obligation.      5 points

Question 20    1.    The division of the American Counseling Association that focuses on group work is _____

a.  American Group Work Association.

b.  Association of Group Work.

c.  American Group Society.

d.  Association for the Specialists in Group Work.      5 points

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We recommend that you complete your examination by first circling the correct answer on the Unit Examination in your Study Guide. Once you have completed your Examination, transfer your answers to the actual answer sheet that will be submitted for grading.

Writing Assignments

Each Unit examination includes a written component. This assignment may be in the form of written examination questions, case study problems, or other types of questions that require problem-solving solutions. The written assignment affords the student an opportunity to demonstrate a level of subject mastery beyond the objective Unit Examinations, which reflects his/her ability to analyze, synthesize, evaluate and apply his/her knowledge. The comprehensive Written Examination materials are found immediately following each Unit Examination.

Written Examination Instructions

• Always include your name, student number and course number and title on each page of your Written Examination (this is for your protection in case your materials become separated).

• Begin each Written Examination by identifying the question number you are answering followed by the actual question itself (in bold type).


• Use a standard essay format for response to all questions (i.e. four to five paragraphs with three to five sentences per paragraph, including an introduction, middle paragraphs, and conclusion).

• All responses must be typed double-spaced, using a standard font and 12 point type size for ease of reading and grading.


• All online responses must be submitted as a MS Word Document file only.




• Responses should be no fewer than 750 words and no mor

than 1, 000 words in length.

• Always read your answers and proof for content, misspellings, and grammar.

• Carefully read and analyze each question. You might consider starting with questions you feel most

comfortable answering. This will help you build confidence as you develop your answers.



• Outline your answer as this will help you organize your thoughts and provide a framework for your essay response.

Key Point

All work must be free of any form of plagiarism. Put writJgJl2Jl$..wers into your own words. Do not simply cut and paste your answers from the Internet or Wikipedia and do not copy your answers from the textbook. Plagiarism consists of taking and using the ideas, writings, or Inventions of anotl-er. without giving credit to that person and presenting It as one’s own. This is an offense that the University takes very seriously (see page 18 of the student handbook). An example

of a correctly prepared essay response may be found by visiting the Student Web Portal via CoastConnection.

Completion of the Written Examinations allows you an opportunity to demonstrate a more thorough and comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Take your time. Be as thorough and complete as possible. It IS our hope you find these examinations to be a stimulating and challenging addition to your learning.

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Question 1

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In the Kohlberg’s pre-conventional stage of individualism and exchange, children recognize that there is only one right view and that is handed down by the authorities.

Select one:



Question 2

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Social risk factors in pregnancy that can have a negative effect on development include

Select one:

a. a large family

b. a lack of maternal education

c. the prenatal environment

d. unemployment

Question 3

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Information processing characterizes thinking as the environment providing input of data, which is then transformed by our senses. The information can be stored, retrieved and transformed using “mental programs”, with the results being behavioral responses.

Select one:



Question 4

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According to Erickson, infancy is the stage of

Select one:

a. rapid growth and development

b. trust vs. mistrust

c. attachment

d. obtaining object permanence

Question 5

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A person who hates mess, is obsessively tidy, punctual and respectful of authority are examples of a person in ____ stage?

Select one:

a. oral

b. phallic

c. genital

d. anal

Question 6

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Use of which of the following substances leads to the most preventable cause of irreversible developmental disabilities in the Western world?


Select one:

a. Herion

b. Alcohol

c. Crack cocaine

d. Cigarettes


Question 7

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​Which of the following statements is FALSE about infant communication?


Select one:

a. Babies need to hear speech from birth or they will not begin to babble at the appropriate age.

b. Babies prefer adult speech to baby talk.

c. Although all babies eventually develop all forms of speech, babies from different racial and cultural backgrounds develop these forms of speech in different sequences.

d. By the end of the first year, a baby’s expressive language is better than its receptive language.

Question 8

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Which of the following factors does NOT contribute as a barrier to father-infant interactions in an unmarried, non-cohabitated situation?

Select one:

a. Maternal depression

b. Negative relationship with the mother’s family

c. Poverty

d. father’s occupation

Question 9

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Views of others matter, avoidance of blame and seek approval are characteristics of what level of Kohlberg’s theory?

Select one:

a. level 2: conventional morality

b. level 3: post-conventional morality

c. level 1: pre-conventional morality

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Question 10

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During the Erickson’s generativity vs stagnation stage, we contemplate our accomplishments and can develop integrity if we see ourselves as leading a successful life.

Select one:



Question 11

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Which of the following is NOT true about childbirth?

Select one:

a. Patterned breathing and relaxation can reduce a woman’s perception of pain.

b. Walking and movement during childbirth can shorten the labor.

c. Use of medication during labor and delivery is always a safe option.

d. The presence of a supportive birth attendant during labor can result in the requirement of less medical intervention

Question 12

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Seth’s mother is playing a game with him. She hides his favorite bear under a couch pillow. Seth pushes the pillow aside and picks up his bear. Seth is displaying

Select one:

a. object permanence

b. memory

c. problem solving

d. primary circular reactions


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Question 13

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Which of the following statements is TRUE about failure to thrive infants?


Select one:

a. Failure to thrive infants start life at a low birth weight.

b. Failure to thrive is often an interaction between biologic and environmental factors.

c. Failure to thrive is usually associated with maternal deprivation.

d. Usually failure to thrive cases can be divided into those with identifiable organic and nonorganic causes.

Question 14

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​It is important for parents of an infant being cared for in the neonatal intensive care unit to

Select one:

a. spend time interacting with their infant

b. avoid touching their infant because of the risk of injury

c. visit with their infant only for brief periods of time.

d. only interact with their infant through a protective plastic barrier

Question 15

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Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning the effects of illegal drugs on prenatal development?


Select one:

a. Illegal drug use can increase the risk of low birth weight

b. Illegal drug use results in developmental disabilities and birth defects

c. Illicit drug use during pregnancy can increase the risk of miscarriage.

d. Infants born to addicted mothers can also be addicte

Question 16

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In the psychosexual  _____ stage in life are oral, or mouth orientated, such as sucking, biting, and breastfeeding.

Select one:

a. phallic

b. genital

c. anal

d. oral

Question 17

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All of the following are results of early intervention programs with families EXCEPT

Select one:

a. reduction in delinquent behavior

b. decrease in sexually transmitted diseases

c. improvement of cognitive development

d. improved social adjustment

Question 18

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Infant mortality rates are highest in states that have

Select one:

a. poor literacy rates

b. poor access to health care

c. higher teen birth rates

d. higher rates of obesity

Question 19

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Infant mental health

Select one:

a. involves therapy

b. has never been studied

c. Focuses on the infant’s feeding behaviors

d. refers to the infant’s emotional, social and cognitive functioning

Question 20

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The Apgar test helps determine

Select one:

a. the general condition of the newborn immediately after birth

b. the maturity of the infant’s lungs.

c. the expected size of the infant at birth

d. the length of time expected for labor.

Question 21

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Which of the following is a result of high maternal depression during pregnancy?

Select one:

a. Spontaneous abortion

b. Lower vagal tone

c. Small head circumference

d. Slowed growth

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Question 22

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Which of the following has NOT been associated with an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome?


Select one:

a. Placing the infant in the caregiver’s bed to sleep

b. Prematurity

c. Exposure to tobacco smoke

d. Placing the infant on his stomach to sleep

Question 23

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In Erickson’s theory, the child begins to assert control and power over their environment by planning activities, accomplishing tasks and facing challenges in which stage?

Select one:

a. Intimacy vs. Isolation

b. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

c. Initiative vs. Guilt

d. Industry vs. Inferiority

Question 24

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Researchers can determine how babies process information by measuring how long it takes a baby to stop paying attention to the same stimulus. This is called

Select one:

a. categorization

b. boredom

c. dishabituation

d. habituation


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Question 25

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Helping the mother identify which of her behaviors has contributed to the infant’s growth and nutrition problem is an appropriate treatment for failure to thrive.

Select one:



Question 26

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Depression can interfere with parenting an infant in all of the following ways EXCEPT


Select one:

a. The depressed parent is less likely to change the infant’s diapers.

b. The depressed parent is less responsive to the infant.

c. The depressed parent is less inclined to play with the infant.

d. The depressed parent makes less eye contact when feeding the infant.

Question 27

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Piaget’s ____ stage is logical reasoning that can only be applied to objects that are real or can be seen.

Select one:

a. pre-operational

b. formal operations

c. concrete operations

d. sensori-motor stage


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Question 28

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All of the following might place a baby at risk for attachment failure EXCEPT

Select one:

a. substance abuse by parents

b. maternal depression

c. prematurity

d. high levels of environmental stress

Question 29

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In the psychosexual ____ stage, the child’s energy is channeled into developing new skills and acquiring new knowledge, and play becomes largely confined to other children of the same gender.

Select one:

a. anal

b. phallic

c. genital

d. latency

Question 30

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In this Erickson’s stage, the child’s peer group will gain greater significance and will become a major source of the child’s self-esteem.

Select one:

a. Industry vs. inferiority

b. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt

c. Intimacy vs. isolation

d. Identity vs. role confusion




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Psychology homework help

Psychology homework help

According to Cohen and Swerdlik (2018), Reliability means to be consistent. In psychometric terms, the meaning of reliability is based on when something is said to be consistent. The book defines “a reliability coefficient is an index of reliability, a proportion that indicates the ratio between the true score variance on a test and the total variance” (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2018, p. 141). Moreover, in testing and assessment there exist three sources of error variance such as test construction, test administration, and test scoring and interpretation. The text state that a measurement error is everything that is associated with the process of the variable being measured instead of the variable being measured (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2018).

Internal consistency reliability coefficient = .92

According to Cohen and Swerdlik (2018), states that internal consistency reliability is when a one can obtain an estimation of a test being reliable without creating a different form of the test nor administering the same test twice to the same individual (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2018). Furthermore, a test that has an Internal consistency reliability coefficient = .92 means that the item on the test must relate to one another and it also means that there exists a strong relationship between the content of the test. As I mentioned at the beginning of the post reliability means to be consistent. The higher the coefficient, the more reliable the test is. A .92 means that the test has excellent reliability and it is acceptable.

Alternate forms reliability coefficient = .82

According to Cohen and Swerdlik (2018), states that alternate forms are different types of test that are built to be parallel. Hence, the reliability of the alternate forms refers to “an estimate of the extent to which these different forms of the same test have been affected by item sampling error, or other error” (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2018, p. 149). An example we can use is when a person is given two different versions of the same test at a different time.

Test-retest reliability coefficient = .50

According to Cohen and Swerdlick (2018), A test-retest reliability is when a test is administered twice at two different points of time. Moreover, one we have to evaluate the reliability of a test-retest that purport to measure is fairly stable over time (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2018).

The higher the coefficient, the more reliable the test is. .92 means that the test has excellent reliability and it is acceptable the higher, the greater. An Alternate forms reliability coefficient = .82 is still high reliability, and it is also acceptable. A test-retest is a correlation of the same test over two administrator which relates to stability that involves scores. The book states that the more extended time has, the higher the chances that the reliability coefficient will be lower. Therefore, the passage of time may be an error of variance (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2018). Thus, depending on what the individual has been through some traumatic event it may also create an error variance which will impact their score variance and which will change, and the reliability will be lower than if that individual did not have any traumatic event. Therefore, if it is below .50 is not considered to be a reliable test nor acceptable. The book also states that “If we are to come to proper conclusions about the reliability of the measuring instrument, evaluation of a test-retest reliability estimate must extend to a consideration of possible intervening factors between test administrations” (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2018, p. 146).


Cohen, R. J., Swerdlik, M. (2018). Psychological Testing and Assessment. [Capella]. Retrieved from


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